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Пінчук Л.М., вчитель англійської мови ЗНЗ №35 м.Чернігова.

Позакласний виховний захід

What do we know about Great Britain? “

Мета : розвиток зв’язного мовлення;

Активізація вивченої лексики;

Розвиток навичок аудіювання;

Навчання роботи в групах;

Виховання поваги до іноземної культури.

Обладнання: карта Великобританії, фотографії видатних

Місць Лондона, картки із запитаннями, плакати-

Презентації команд.

Хід гри

Teacher: Good afternoon, pupils! Today we are having an English party.

It will be a competition between four teams – the representatives

of four parts of Great Britain ( England, Scotland, Wales and

Northern Ireland ) and at the end of the competition will have the

Experts of Great Britain. Let’s start.

  1. Find the odd word is the first task.

Кожній команді пропонується група слів, серед яких треба знайти зайве. За правильну відповідь команда отримує 1 бал.

Cardiff Paris the Dniester Africa

Edinburgh Kyiv the Desna Europe

Belfast New York the Severn Great Britain

Liverpool London the Dnieper Asia

  1. Warming - up

Teacher : Nice work! Now let’s see what you know about the country

which language you study. There are 8 cards with the questions

on the blackboard. Take a turn and choose a question. Each

team will answer two questions and get one point for each

correct answer.

На дошці – 8 карток із запитаннями про Великобританію. Команди по черзі обирають запитання та отримують 1 бал за кожну правильну відповідь.

  1. Who is the head of the state in Britain?

  2. What channel separates Great Britain from the continent?

  3. What is the longest and the deepest river in Britain?

  4. How many people live in Britain?

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5) How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

6) What is the official name of the country?

7) Where is Great Britain situated?

8) What is the name of the British flag?

3. Teams’ presentation

Teacher : Well done! Now it’s the time for the teams to represent them –

selves. Show your posters and give us short information about

the countries you represent.

Учні презентують свої плакати та дають коротку інформацію про

країни, які вони представляють


England is the largest part of Great Britain, more than 46 million people live there. Its symbol is a red rose and its capital is London.

England is the heart of Britain. It is the richest and the most populated part of the country.

England is mostly lowland country. The most important rivers are the Thames, the Severn and the Trent. In the North of the country there is the Lake District with many beautiful lakes.


Scotland is the northern part of Great Britain, more than 5 million people live there. The capital of it is Edinburgh and the symbol of Scot-

Land is a thistle.

There are many mountains in Scotland. The Highlands are among the oldest mountains in the world, their highest point is Ben Nevis. There are many rivers in Scotland but they are not long. The lake are called lochs. The most famous is Loch Ness which is known for its monster.

Scotland was an independent state but after the war it became the part of UK in 1707.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is situated on the island of Ireland and has a popula-

Tion of about 1,5 million people. Its capital is a large port – Belfast and the symbol of the country is a shamrock.

The Irish weather is very changeable, it often rains there. There is an old Irish saying : “ Ireland is the cleanest place in the world because God washes it every day”.

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Wales is a small country, its population is about 3 million people. The capital of Wales is Cardiff and its symbol is a daffodil.

Wales is a mountainous country with old hard rocks. It has two big busy ports of Liverpool and Bristol.

Over 20% of people in Wales speak Welsh language. They are fond of music, singing, poetry and drama. The Welsh people are very proud of their country and they still wear their national dress on holidays.

Wales has its own flag called the Welsh dragon.