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The Company Organization.doc
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I. Prepare a short advertisement for one of the jobs:

  1. a personnel manager

  2. a sales agent

  3. an accountant

The advertisement must include the age and type of person you want, the job location and description, responsibilities, salary, etc.

II. – Read and translate the letter of application

Beardsley Hotel

Branch Road,

London, W.2

8th July, …

The Personnel Manager

World Computer Company,


Hampshire, 07083


Dear Sir,

Your advertisement for a sales manager in today’s newspaper interests me very much because many years of experience have qualified me to work for a company like yours.

Please, consider me an applicant. You will find additional information about my qualification in the enclosed curriculum vitae. I would appreciate your granting me an interview, at your convenience.

Faithfully yours,



to qualify – давать право на что-либо

to consider – рассматривать

to appreciate – быть признательным

to grant – давать согласие на что-либо, дарить

Translate the letter of application



Название фирмы


Уважаемый сэр!

Я обращаюсь к Вам в связи с Вашим объявлением в «Санди таймс». У меня десятилетний бухгалтерский стаж, поэтому я считаю себя подходящим кандидатом для работы в Вашей фирме.

Рассматривайте меня, пожалуйста, претендентом на объявленную должность.

Прилагаю резюме, которое проинформирует Вас о моем опыте в качестве бухгалтера. Буду Вам очень благодарен за возможность встретиться с Вами в удобное для Вас время.

С уважением,


Документы прилагаются.

III. – Read and translate the job advertisement.

The Renault Car Company is advertising for graduates to join its management programme. The challenge we have could mean rapid progression to a position of real responsibility in our Sales, Marketing, Technical, Finance or Computing Departments. We open career doors for our Graduate Managers and keep them to reach the top. Our key preferences are: energetic, hard-working and ambitious character, prepared to travel, aged under 25, a good standard of French and English.

Successful applicants will have a job offer before the end of May.

Write to Personnel Manager at the address shown. Explain, why we should choose you. Please attach your CV. Please give a contact telephone number where you can be reached.

Renault UK Limited Western Avenue, London W3, RO,England.


challenge – задача (которая стоит перед кем-либо)

rapid progression – быстрое продвижение

career – карьера, профессия, занятие

key preference – основное предпочтение

Reply to the advertisement above. Write your letter of application and

curriculum vitae. You may invent as many details as you wish.

Use the words and expressions from the previous parts.

  1. I am writing to apply for the position of …. which was advertised last

week in the … .

  1. The job you are offering matches both my personal and professional interests.

  2. I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in details at an


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