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The Company Organization.doc
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II. Use the words from the box to complete the text

interview letters of application references short list applicants be appointed experience apply invite advertise candidate qualifications employ

The head of recruitment at a German Telecommunications company talks about the selection process, the methods that the company uses to employ people.

“We usually ______ in local and national newspapers. We look at the background (подготовка) of ______: their ______ of different jobs and their educational _______. We don’t ask for handwritten _______ as people usually ______ by email. We ______ the most interesting _______ to a group discussion. Then we make a ______ of three or four candidates and have individual _______ with them. We also ask the candidates to do written tests to assess (оценивать) their intelligence and personality.

After this, we check their ______ and if the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come for more interviews. Before we ______ people, we like to put them in job situation to see how they do the work. Only the most suitable person can ______ to a position”.

III. Match the verb with the noun.

1. to invite

a. a job vacancy

2. to reply

b. some applicants

3. to employ

c. a letter of application and CV

4. to advertise

d. for a job/work

5. to shortlist

e. an interview

6. to look

f. work

7. to attend

g. to the position

8. to fill in

h. the job description

9. to appoint

i. to an advertisement

10. to send

j. the application form

11. to apply

k. a candidate

12. to select

l. people

13. to match

m. for an interview

IV. Translate the text into English

Я искал новую работу в течение трех месяцев. Мне повезло. Я узнал, что соседняя фирма получила грант за новый проект. Это дало им возможность купить современное оборудование и компьютеры. Поэтому им понадобился новый молодой сотрудник.

Я подал свои документы, и меня пригласили на интервью. Руководитель фирмы задал мне множество вопросов. Он хотел знать, почему я решил поменять работу, заинтересовал ли меня разрабатываемый фирмой проект. Он спросил, есть ли у меня научные статьи в этой области, и имею ли я опыт работы с компьютером. Кроме того, ему интересно было знать, какие у меня отношения с коллегами. Я думаю, он был удовлетворен моими ответами и сказал, что я как раз тот человек, который им нужен, так что у меня есть шанс получить эту работу.

Он предложил мне начать работу в следующем месяце. Он обещал представить меня новым коллегам, познакомить с моими обязанностями и показать оборудование. Я рад, что мой опыт работы и личные качества удовлетворяют их требованиям. Я хотел бы начать работать как можно скорее.

V. – Read the text, discuss the present-day situation in the company’s


Fast-Track Inc., based in Boston, US, sells corporate training videos and management training courses. Fast-Track is looking for a new Sales Manager for its subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland. Fast-Track advertised the vacancy only inside the company as it believes in offering career opportunities to its staff.

The subsidiary’s recent sales results were poor. Sales revenue was 30% below target. The reasons are:

  • Sales representatives are not motivated and staff turnover (текучесть) is high.

  • The previous manager had no clear strategy for developing sales in the area

  • Very few sales contracts were made

Here is an extract from the job description for the position.

Describe the company’s requirements.

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

  • developing sales, achieving results and increasing customer numbers

  • managing the sales team so that it is more motivated, dynamic and effective

He/She will be:

    • a natural leader

    • energetic, confident and outgoing

He/She will have:

  • strong sales ability

  • organizational and interpersonal skills

  • a good academic background and suitable experience

  • skills and the ability to handle administration

The position will involve frequent travel throughout the region.

There are three candidates for the position. Read the essential

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