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Talking about Jobs

I. Answer the questions in writing

  1. Where would you like to work? What kind of organization do you want to work for?

  2. Would you like to work for:

  • a family owned company

  • a multinational company

  • your own company (be self-employed)?

  1. Which of the following areas would you like to work in? Why?

  • Sales and Marketing – Administration and personnel

  • Finance – Production

  • Management – Research and development

  1. Which of these business sectors would you like to work in? Can you name a company in each sector?

  • Telecommunications/Media – Transport

  • Engineering – Vehicle manufacturing

  • Retailing – IT (Information Technology)/Electronics

  • Construction – Food and drink

  • Tourism – Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals

  • Banking and finance – Other

  1. What department would you like to work at?

  2. Which department is the most interesting/ the least interesting to work at

and why?

  1. What position would you like to be appointed to?

  2. What do you want from your future job?

    • a good salary – a good boss

    • a chance to learn something new – a good team of people to work with

    • opportunities for promotion – a chance to develop your own ideas

  3. Do you think you will start your own business some day?

II. Here are some different jobs:

  • research scientist – pilot

  • lawyer – school teacher

  • engineer – dentist

  • banker – economist

  • secretary – sales manager

  • university teacher – computer programmer

  • accountant – doctor

  1. Who earns the most? Who earns the least?

  2. Which is the most interesting job?

  3. Which job has the most responsibility?

  4. Which job would you prefer to do? Why?

III. Match the adjectives to their meaning

1. the work is interesting and gives a. dull, boring, uninteresting,

you positive feelings unstimulating

2. the work is not interesting b. tiring, tough, hard, demanding

3. the work involves doing the c. repetitive, routine

same thing again and again

4. the work is difficult and makes d. satisfying, stimulating, fascinating,

you tired exciting

IV. Discuss whether these jobs are highly skilled, skilled, semi-skilled or


  1. teacher 5. car worker on production line

  2. surgeon 6. bus driver

  3. airline pilot 7. office manager

  4. office cleaner

V. Match the jobs to the professions. Use the table while putting the verbs

In brackets into the appropriate form.

My work involves …

I like/enjoy …

human contact

long hours

team work

solving problems

travelling a lot

dealing with customers

  1. accountant

  2. postman

  3. flight attendant

  4. software developer

  5. teacher

    1. Obviously, my work involves ________ (travel) a lot. It can be quite physically _______ (tire), but I enjoy _______ (deal) with customers, except when they become violent. Luckily this doesn’t happen often.

    2. I like ______ (work) with figures, but my job is much less ______ (bore) and routine than people think. The work _______ (involve) a lot of human contact and teamwork, working with other managers.

    3. Of course, it involves getting up quite early in the morning. But I like ______ (be) out in the open air. And I get a lot of exercise!

    4. You’ve got to think in a very logical way. The work can be mentally _____ (tire), but it’s very satisfying to write a program that works.

    5. I love my job. It’s very ______ (stimulate) and not at all ______ (repeat): no two days are the same. It’s good to see the children learn and develop.

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