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Modern Construction пособие.doc
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13. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

собирать, собираться; oпределять, обусловливать; добывать; доказательство, подтверждение, свидетельство; доставлять большое удовольствие, восхищать; жароустойчивый; многообразие, разнообразие, множество; несгораемый; огнеупорный; подвергаться необычному воздействию во время своего образования; получать, приобретать; прокладка; уплотнение, упаковка; пряжа, нить; прясть, ткать, сплетать; встречающиеся в природе волокна; вещество; мягкие нити; добавлять; изделия, вещи; коммерческая разработка; для военных целей; основное применение.

14. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases.

  1. (Из асбеста можно ткать) attractive textiles, which (не горят) even (в открытом огне).

  2. Asbestos is one of the strangest of all (встречающихся в природе волокон).

  3. It is a (порода), which (подвергся необычному воздействию во время своего образования).

  4. There are many varieties of asbestos rocks but only (хризолит, который добывают во многих странах) is widely used (для производства текстильных изделий).

  5. (Мягкие) long, white (волокна) of this mineral (прясть в нити) by the usual processes.

  6. (Так как чистый асбест очень трудно прясть), a proportion of cotton fiber usually (добавляют для того, чтобы соединять) the asbestos fibers together.

  7. The strangest characteristic of asbestos fi­bers is (жаропрочность) and (горение).

  8. (Известно, что) commercial (разработка) of the fiber to have started in the 19th century.

  9. Today the main applications are those in which (невоспламеняемость) is essential such as (конвейерная лента для горячих материалов), industrial packings, (огнеупорная одежда), etc.

  10. Asbestos is sometimes used with (стекловолокном) in making decorative fabrics for curtains (используемых там, где собирается много людей).

  11. Some grades of asbestos are used for (электрической обмотки) and (в качестве изоляционного материала).

15. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

 many varieties  asbestos  written evidence  to spin  commercial development  substance  unusual treatment  flameproof clothing  their resistance to heat  determines

  1. A mass of threads used to make rope and cloth has been known and used as a textile since the earliest times.

  2. The first written facts that show clearly that asbestos exists were recorded by Pliny in the first century A.D.

  3. A few centuries later Marco Polo told his friends in Italy about a particular type of solid he observed in Siberia.

  4. It is a rock, which has been subjected to different from what is usual or normal treatment during its formation.

  5. There are many things of the same type that are different from each other in some way of asbestos rocks but only chrysolite is widely used for textile products.

  6. Pure asbestos being very difficult to make it into thread by twisting it, fiber is usually added to help to bind the asbestos fibers together.

  7. The strangest characteristic of asbestos fi­bers is the ability of a substance to stop the flow of heat through it and burning.

  8. This property directly influences or decides the ways in which they are used.

  9. We know devel­opment related to the buying and selling of the fiber have started in the 19th century.

  10. Asbestos was used in clothes made of or covered with substances that will not burn easily for laboratory, industri­al and military purposes.