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Modern Construction пособие.doc
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13. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

железные дороги; затраты на перевозку и производство; уменьшать, сокращать; бетон; скудный, недостаточный; достижение, успех, открытие; получать, добывать; порошок, пыль; смешивать с водой; твёрдое вещество; тоннель; сетка из железных прутьев; вставлять, врезать, вделывать; дюйм; укреплять, армировать (бетон); патент; железобетон; изобретение; плиты для пола; огнестойкость; напряжение; возводить, сооружать; листы из металла; преднапряжённый бетон; улучшенные материалы; доступный; понимать; архитектор; делать открытие; дешёвый; балка, брус; устранять; увеличивать; ободрять, способствовать; огнестойкие качества.

14. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases.

  1. With the introduction of the railways and (парового оборудования), trans­portation and manufacturing costs (были значительно снижены) and concrete was more widely used, but it was still very much a (игнорируемый) material.

  2. (Поэтому), good concrete (было недостаточно) and a great deal of poor concrete (использовалось).

  3. In 1824 Joseph Aspdin, an English worker, (создал, изобрёл) hard substance (которое) was so much like the building stone from Portland that the (порошок) was named Port­land cement.

  4. Portland cement was first used (в большом масштабе) in the construction of the Thames (тоннеля) in 1828.

  5. The first idea of (железобетона) was men­tioned in 1830 in a publication, which suggested that a (решётка из железных прутьев) could be embedded in concrete to form a (крышу).

  6. W. Wilkinson, who patented a method of constructing a (бетонного пола) in 1854, (считается) to be the (изобретателем) of reinforced concrete as well.

  7. His patent covered for concrete (плиты для полов) reinforced with a (сеткой из плоских железных прутьев) placed on edge.

  8. A number of buildings (были возведены), using Wilkinson's system.

  9. Freyssinet is known for his work in (предварительно напряжённом бетоне) for which he had his first ideas before First World War.

  10. The post-war era has given the biggest (подъём) to concrete, both (железобетона и преднапряжённого) as after the war steel was short in Europe and many (архитекторы) had to use either reinforced or prestressed con­crete in their structures (для того чтобы) economize in steel.

  11. Another big factor, which (способствовал) the use of concrete, was the introduction of fire regulations, which (признали) the superiority of concrete over other structural materials in its (огнеупорным качествам).

15. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase.

 erected  encouraged  qualities  roof  strength  consists of  was invented  universal  facilities  the inside part of the building  building  distribution

  1. In offices with computer equipment floors are frequently used for the delivering of electrical and communication wiring.

  2. Portland cement was created by J. Aspdin in 1824.

  3. The main good properties of prestressed concrete are its high toughness and durability.

  4. Many buildings were constructed using Wilkinson's system.

  5. Generally, the load on roof is composed of two components: the snow load and the wind pressure.

  6. The introduction of fire regulations stimulated the use of concrete.

  7. The covering on top of building serves to protect the interior of the building from rain, snow, wind and cold.

  8. Concrete is said to be a widespread material for construction.