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IV. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the passive constructions. Remember the underlined verbs.

1. The discovery of this scientist was followed by great experimental activity. 2. The works of the well-known Russian engineer Shukhov who designed the first oil tank for the storage of oil are often referred to by engineers and specialists in oil transportation. 3. This problem will be dealt with in more detail later. 4. The extension of the oil pipe line net is paid much attention to in our country. 5. The builders of the pipe line were supplied with machinery of the newest design. 6. The soil into which the pipe is laid may be wet and the pipe may be acted upon by the salts or acids present in the soil, so the pipe should be protected with a special insulating material. 7. Plastic materials are spoken of as the materials of future. 8. The capacity of the line is affected by many factors. 9. Pipe lines are generally subdivided by the manner in which the joints are connected. 10. A distribution system consisting of piping and equipment necessary to serve a community with gas is commonly referred to as a town plant. 11. The report of this engineer on the new methods of pipe laying was listened to with great attention. His report was followed by a discussion. 12. These data are referred to in all the articles. 13. The movement of oil through pipe lines is influenced by a variety of factors.

  1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations.

    1. распределение газа

    2. транспортировка нефти по трубопроводу

    3. нефтепровод диаметром в два дюйма и длиной в 5 миль

    4. нефтеперерабатывающие заводы

    1. осуществлять посредством

    2. магистральный трубопровод

    3. расширять сеть трубопроводов

    4. но это не так

    5. включая

XI. Translate into Russian.

1. За строительством трубопровода Баку-Батуми последовало строительство трубопровода Грозный – Баку. 2. На пластмассовые трубы влага не влияет. 3.О сибирскoм нефтепроводе говорили как о самом большом трубопроводе в Советском Союзе. 4. Многие виды транспорта используются для доставки нефтепродуктов на рынки сбыта. 5. На книгу Шухова «Строительство трубопроводов» ссылаются многие учёные. 6. За открытием новых нефтяных месторождений обычно следует строительство системы трубопроводов.

XII. Read the text and answer the questions.

Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov was born in 1853 into a petty noble family. In 1871 he graduated from Saint Petersburg gymnasium with distinction. During his high school years he showed mathematical talents, once demonstrating to his classmates and teacher an original proof of Pythagorean theorem. The teacher praised his skills but he failed the grade for violating the textbook’s guidelines.

After graduating from the Imperial Moscow Technical School with distinction and a Gold Medal he went to Philadelphia to work on the Russian pavilion at the World’s Fair and to study the inner workings of the American industry. During his stay in the US Shukhov came to know a Russian-American entrepreneur Alexander Bari.

Back in Russia Shukhov assumed the office of Chief Engineer in a new company specializing in innovative engineering, where they worked with Barri until the October Revolution. Their works revolutionized many areas of civil engineering, ship engineering, and oil industry. After the Revolution Shukhov decided to stay in the Soviet Union despite having received alluring job offers from around the world.

V.Shukhov was a great Russian engineer renowned for his pioneering works on new methods of analysis for civil engineering that led to breakthroughs in industrial design of oil reservoirs, pipelines, boilers, ships and barges. Shukhov is particularly reputed for his original design of hyperboloid towers such as Shabolovka Tower, the 160-metre high freestanding steel structure built in 1919-1922 during the Civil War.

He is often referred to as the Russian Edisson for the sheer quantity and quality of his pioneering works. He was one of the first to develop practical calculations of stresses and deformations of beams, shells and membranes on elastic foundation. These theoretical results allowed him to design the first Russian oil tanker, new types of oil tanker barges, and a new type of oil reservoirs. The same principle of the shell on an elastic foundation allowed to theoretically calculate the optimal diameter, wall thickness and fluid speed for the fluid pipelines. Shukhov’s projects were instrumental in constructing.

1. How did Shukhov distinguish at school?

2. Why did he decide to go to Philadelphia?

3. In what way was V.Shukvov connected with A.Barri?

4. How did Shukhov’s career develop?

5. What is V.G.Shukhov renowned for?

6. Why is he referred to as the Russian Edisson?

7. What did he design thanks to his theoretical results?