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The compound sentence

The CdS is a sentence which consists of 2 or more clauses coordinated with each other. A clause is part of a sentence which has a subject and a predicate of its own. In a CdS the clauses may be connected syndetically – by means of coordinating conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs, or asyndetically.

Types of coordination: 1) Copulative coordination (соединительная связь) – with the help of the conjunctions "and, nor, neither… nor, not only… but (also)" the statement expressed in one clause is simply added to that expressed in another. 2) Disjunctive coordination (разделительная связь) – with the help of the conjunctions "or, else, either… or" and the conjunctive adverb "otherwise" a choice is offered between the statements expressed in 2 clauses. 3) Adversative coordination (противительная связь) – the conjunctions "but, while, whereas" and the CA "nevertheless, still, yet" are connecting 2 clauses contrasting in meaning. 4) Causative-consecutive coordination (причинно-следственная связь) – the conjunction "for" introduces coordinate clauses explaining the preceding statement, the conjunction "so" and the CA "therefore, consequently, hence, accordingly" introduce coordinate clauses denoting cause, consequence and result.

The complex sentence

The CxS consists of a principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Clauses may be linked syndetically – by means of subordinating conjunctions or connectives (has a syntactic function), or asyndetically. A SC may follow precede, follow or interrupt the PC. A CxS may contain 2 or more homogeneous clauses coordinated with each other. A SC may be subordinated to the PC or to another SC (the first, second, etc. degree of subordination).

Subject clauses perform the function of subject to the predicate of the PC (What I want to do is…). If the SC follows the PC the introductory "it" is used in the PC (It was possible that they have done so). SC are connected with the PC: 1) By the conjunctions "that, if, whether"; 2) By the connectives "who, which, what, whoever, whatever; where when, how, why"; 3) Asyndetically (It's a pity…).

Predicative clauses perform the function of a predicative. In the PC only a part of the predicate is found – a link verb, which together with the PrC forms a compound nominal predicate. PrC are connected with the PC: 1) By the conjunctions "that, if, whether, as if" (My attitude is that…); 2) By connectives "who, which, what; where, when, how, why" (The question was…); 3) Asyndetically (The thing was they had to…).

Object clauses perform the function of an object to the predicate verb of the PC (I don't know what you are talking about). An OC may also refer to a non-finite form of the verb (I wanted to ask…), to an adjective (He was conscious…), or to a word belonging to the part of speech expressing state (She was aware…). OC are connected with the PC: 1) By the conjunctions "that, if, whether"; 2) By the connectives "who, which, what, whatever, whoever, whichever; where, when, how, why"; 3) Asyndetically (She said…). An OC is sometimes preceded by the intro. "it" (I insist upon it that…).

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