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Marlins II.doc
50.01 Mб
    1. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.

  1. The ship entering the port is a tanker.

  2. The man steering the ship is experienced AB.

  3. Working on deck the cadets learn how to use the tackle.

  4. They maintain the machinery properly cleaning and lubricating it when it is necessary.

  5. He wants to be a good specialist that is why he spends much time reading a lot of technical literature.

  6. Repairing the pump he always consults the manual.

  7. The smiling girl is my sister.

  8. Being an experienced seaman he always helps to navigate the ship.

  9. The man overhauling the engine is the ship’s second engineer.

  10. Wishing to take the exam in mathematics he works hard solving difficult tasks.

    1. Make up Participle I adding –ing to the given verbs.

Check, go, board, clean, load, carry, test, know, enjoy, walk, smoke, buy, visit, lubricate, replace, plot, hold, take, stay, explore, fit, place, paint, sweep, prepare.

Настоящее длительное время (The Present Continuous Tense)

Present Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем лице и числе и Participle I смыслового глагола:

to be + Participle I

утвердительная форма

отрицательная форма

I am working

you are working

he (she, it) is working

we are working

you are working

they are working

I am not working

you are not working

he (she, it) is not working

we are not working

you are not working

they are not working

вопросительная форма

краткие ответы

am I working

are you working

is he (she, it) working

are we working

are you working

are they working

Yes, I am. (No, I am not)

Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.)

Yes, he (she, it) is. (No, he (she, it) isn’t.)

Yes, we are. (No, we aren’t.)

Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.)

Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.)

The Present Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения:

  1. действия, совершающегося в момент речи:

He is translating the text now (at the moment)

Он переводит сейчас текст.

- What are you doing, Mark?

- I’m repairing my bike.

- Что ты делаешь, Марк?

- Я ремонтирую свой велосипед.

  1. действия, совершающегося в настоящий период времени:

Now they are resting somewhere in the south.

Сейчас они отдыхают где-то на юге.

  1. запланированного будущего действия:

We are taking the English exam on Friday.

Мы сдаем экзамен по английскому языку в пятницу.

Present Continuous не употребляется со следующими глаголами:

Be, have, like, love, hate, want, know, understand, forget, agree, prefer

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