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1. Перевод

Shopping покупки, хождение за покупками. Видно, что эта фор­ма образовалась от глагола to shop, а тот, в свою очередь, от суще­ствительного shop (магазин).

Sales tax — налог на продажу всего, кроме основных продуктов питания, взимаемый в большинстве штатов

Ad (разговорное сокращение от advertisement) объявление, реклама

Good buys удачные покупки. Здесь мы видим, как из глагола to buy образовалось существительное buy (покупка)

Real bargains очень удачные покупки. Основное значение слова bargain сделка.

Sale продажа, распродажа

Interest интерес, про­центы

Cash наличные деньги

Charge кредит.

Nо object не имеет значения

Речевые формулы





I prefer ...

Я предпочитаю ...

I like ... better.

Мне больше нравится…

I'd rather ...

Лучше бы я ...

I'd rather not …

Лучше бы я не ...




No, thank you/thanks

No, thank you, I don't want to.

No, certainly not.

I refuse to.

Why should I?

Oh no!


Нет, спасибо.

Спасибо, (я) не хочу.

Конечно, нет.

(Я) Отказываюсь.

Зачем мне это?

О, нет.

Ни за что!

Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. How do you shop in a supermarket?

2. What did Vic plan to buy?

3. What kind of sales are there?

4. What question does a cashier ask when you want to pay?

Упражнение 2. Употребите нужную форму глагола. После «after» можно употребить «ing»-форму.

Vic ... (to come) to the supermarket. He ... (to want) to buy some things. He chose some goods after ... (to look around). He ... (to put) the goods into the basket. Then he ... (to study) the price tags. He counted the total after ... (to study) the price tags.

Не ... (to prepare) the necessary sum and ... (to come up) to the cash desk. He put the basket on the desk after ... (to say) „hello" to the cashier.

The cashier ... (to ring up) the total for Vic. It was larger than he ... (to expect). He ... (to be) embarrassed. He ... (to ask) the cashier why the total was so large. The cashier explained it to him. He ... (to tell) about sales taxes. Vic paid and ... (to leave) the place.

Упражнение 3. Спросите, как Виктор делал покупки. Для этого закройте правый столбик с полными вопросами необходимый Вам для контроля.

1. Where...? 1. Where did Vic go to do his shopping?

2. What...? 2. What did he want to buy?

3. Where...? 3. Where did he put the goods?

4. What...? 4. What did he study and count?

5. Who...? 5. To who (m) did he pay?

6. What...? 6. What did the cashier tell him about?

7. Why...? 7. Why was Vic embarrassed?

Упражнение 4. Внимательно прочтите возвратные местои-мения и запомните их.

I — myself

You — yourself

He — himself

She — herself

It — itself

You — yourselves

We — ourselves

They — themselves

Упражнение 5. Используйте возвратные местоимения в следующих высказы­ваниях:


1. Vic did his shopping himself. And you? —......

I always do shopping myself.

2. He counted the sum himself. And she? — ______.

3. He drove himself. And his chief? — ______.

4. They cooked the meal themseves. And she? — ______.

5. I signed the document myself. And he? — ______.

6. We translated the papers ourselves. And they? — ______.

7. I did the repairs myself. And you? — ______.

Упражнение 6. Употребите self, selves.


1. I always go shopping ____self.

I always go shopping myself.

2. She can't go shopping _______ self.

3. He doesn't drive the car _______ self.

4. They always translate the documents _______ selves.

5. He signs the documents _______ self.

6. We never do repairs _______ selves.

7. You don’t cook meals _______ self, do you?

Упражнение 7. Делая покупки, вам придется высказать свое мнение о вещах. Стоит ли их покупать? Стоит ли вообще тратить деньги?

It's worth = стоит.

It isn't worth = не стоит.

Прочтите и выучите эти выражения.

It's worth 40 dollars.

It isn't worth 40 dollars.

a visit

a visit





Упражнение 8. Вставьте (not) worth в пропуски.

1. This bag is very good. It... buying.

2. This pair of jeans costs 30 dollars! It's... 30 dollars.

3. This museum is really fascinating. It... a visit.

4. This problem is very important. It is... discussing.

5. This jacket is very fashionable. It... trying on. Put it on.

6. Credit card is very practical. It... having.

Упражнение 9. Определите, что стоит покупать, а что не стоит. По­ставьте знак + или —

Образец: Is it worth buying?

It's high quality. + It's worth buying.

It's low quality. — It isn't worth buying.

— It's very expensive.

— It's very cheap.

— It's economical.

— It has no guarantee.

— It has six months guarantee.

— You can bring it back.

— You can't give it back to us.

— It's easy to use.

— It's difficult to operate.

— It's an old model.

— It's the latest fashion.

— It's the best we have.

— It's one of those we got last year.

Упражнение 10. Вы не можете сейчас пойти за покупками. Зато завтра сможете. Как это сказать? Для этого вам понадобится глагол can (can't) и выражение will be able to.


I can't go shopping today.

But I'll be able to go tomorrow.

1. I can't go shopping today. — ... tomorrow.

2. I can't choose anything now. — ... next weekend.

3. I can't pay the total today. — ... next time.

4. He can't buy this PC now. — ... next week.

5. She can't pay for this video recorder. — ... next month.

6. They can't buy this house now. —... next year.

Упражнение 11. Обратитесь к продавцу c просьбами.

Используйте для этого в начале каждого предложения глагол „сап".

Образец: Ask them to hold the camera for you. (Can you hold this camera for me?)

1. Ask them to hold the camera for you.

2. Ask them to hold this video for you.

3. Ask them if you can pay cash.

4. Ask them to help you.

5. Ask them if they can count the total for you.

6. Ask them to choose a PC for you.

Упражнение 12. Часто, делая покупки, мы обнаруживаем, что могли бы купить эту вещь, если бы она была несколько иной. Но... Внимательно прочтите предложения такого типа и запомните их.

Образец: This bag is not big enough. I can't buy it. (If this bag were big, I would buy it.)

1. This bag is not big enough. I can't buy it.

2. This radio is too heavy. I can't buy it.

3. This watch is too small. I can't buy it.

4. This video is too expensive. I can't buy it.

5. This camera is not new. I can't buy it.

— If this bag were big, I would buy it.

— If this radio were less heavy, I would buy it.

— If this watch were bigger, I would buy it.

— If this video were cheaper, I would buy it.

— If this camera were new, I would buy it.

Используя те же предложения, выскажите свое желание с помощью оборота «I wish».

Образец:This bag is not big enough. (I wish this bag were bigger.)

1. This bag is not big enough.

2. This radio is too heavy.

3. This watch is too small.

4. This video is too expensive.

5. This camera is not modern.

Упражнение 13. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

2. Which color do you like better, green or grey?

3. Which do you like better, a drive in the country or a visit to the art gallery?

4. Which do you prefer, a video or a personal computer?

5. Which do you like better, the cinema or the theater?

6. Which do you like better, fish or meat?

Упражнение 14. Скажите, что бы вы предпочли:

Stay at home or dine out tonight

Attend a lecture on medicine or visit a hospital

Go shopping or visit another museum

Go to bed early or watch the night show on TV

Go to Chicago or stay longer in Washington

Listen to music or read a book

Упражнение 15. Ответьте на вопросы вашего собеседника, сказав чего бы вы, пожалуй, не сделали (I'd rather not).

Would you like to dine out tonight?

Would you like to try on those green shoes?

Would you like a cup of strong black coffee?

Shall we invite Robert to the party?

Shall we go swimming this afternoon?

Would you like to talk to the boss about the project?

Упражнение 16. Вот рассказ о том, как Виктор делал покупки в супер­маркете. Попробуйте прочитать, как это происходило. Раскройте скобки и впишите нужную форму глагола. После «after» можно употребить «ing»'-форму.

Vic ... (to come) to the supermarket. He ... (to want) to buy some things. He chose some goods after ... (to look around). He ... (to put) the goods into the basket. Then he ... (to study) the price tags. He counted the total after ... (to study) the price tags.


Eating out

As you know I had a nice kitchen in my apartment but I had neither time nor desire to cook. I often bought groceries either from a grocery store or a supermarket on my way home. I would buy a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a dozen eggs or a pound of butter. Sometimes I bought a submarine sandwich from a local deli, or maybe a couple of hamburgers or cheeseburgers from a take-out place for my supper. But I had to eat out for most of my meals.

I tried to go to a different place each time I went out to lunch during the lunch break, or to dinner after work. At first I always asked Rich or some friends from the office to come along. Some of them insisted on treating me to a meal. Then I would insist on treating them. After an argument we would, as a rule, go Dutch.

Eating out in New York is no problem at all. There are so many places to eat. Their names are also different — restaurant or cafe, cafeteria or coffee shop, pancake house or steakhouse, pizza place or sandwich shop, eatery or simply grill. Some of them have proper names like "The Pines". Others are named after their owners like "Maria's", or former owners if the place has earned a good reputation. You can even eat at a deli. When you buy something they ask you: "here or to go?"

The competition is so strong that you can always find a good meal you can afford. From time to time almost all restaurants make "special offers" of cheaper meals. On Sundays, when I liked to sleep late, I always looked in the papers for a "Sunday brunch special".

A farewell party

The time had come for me to say goodbye to my American friends. The company was throwing a big party in my honor. They gave me a choice of any New York restaurant. People in the office were of different ethnic backgrounds and everybody suggested his or her favorite place. But I preferred something typically American. No French wine for me either. California wine would do fine.


Victor is talking to Richard about food and eating places.

— I wonder what «fast food» is.

— Do you know what «fast» is and what «food» is?

— I guess I do. Does it mean food that is served quickly?

— Yes. There are many fast food restaurants here.

— Oh. I've been to one already.

— You were in and out in ten minutes?

— That's right. There wasn't much on the menu either.

— Usually there isn't. Did you have a hamburger?

— Exactly. A hamburger and French fries.

— I personally can never tell the difference between Super burger, MacDonald’s or Burger King.

— It not a big eater either. And sandwich was pretty big.

— Anyway it's very convenient when you are downtown and have only ten minutes for lunch.

— And what's your favorite place in New York?

— Oh, we don't often go out. But when we do, it's either a French or Italian restaurant.

— Are they downtown?

— Yes, they are. The service is good there.

— What does the French place look like?

— It's a real good place.

— And the food?

— The food is delicious. First rate. If you like, we can have your farewell party there.

— Oh, I'd love to. But I want something typically American. No French wine for me this time. California wine would be fine

— Okay. Then American food it is!

At Lunch

Although the correct name for the midday meal is lunch, many English families call it 'dinner'. English people do not wish each other 'Good Appetite'.

A. You must have some more chicken.

В. No, thanks. I'm supposed to be slimming.

A. Can't I tempt you?

В. Well, maybe I could man­age a very small piece.


-Wouldn't you like to finish up the omelet?

-No, really, thank you. I just couldn't eat any more.

-Come on now. Surely you can manage it.

-No, thank you, really. I must have put on pounds as it is.


-Another piece of meat pie?

-No, thank you. I'm on a diet.

-Please do. You've hardly eating anything.

-It's delicious, but I don't think I ought to.


-Do have the rest of the mashed potato.

-No, thank you. I've had too much already.

-Just take it to please me.

-OK, but only a small piece or I shan't have room for any pudding.


Tea is the number one drink in Britain and the average person has about four cups of tea a day. In times of disaster or tragedy 'a nice cup of tea' is offered as a kind of universal cure.

A. Would you care for a cup of tea?

В. Only if you're having one.

A. Do you take milk and sugar?

B. A dash of milk1 and two lumps,2 please.

1a dash of milk: a very little milk.

2two lumps: two sugar cubes.


-I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldn't you?

-I'd rather have a cup of coffee, if you don't mind.

-Milk and sugar?

-A milky one without sugar, please.


-How about a nice cup of tea before you go?

-Yes, I'd love one.

-How do you like it?

-A strong one with three spoons for me, please.


-Would you like a cup of tea?

-Only if it's not too much trouble.

-Do you like it with milk and sugar?

-Not too much milk and just half a spoonful, please.

In a Restaurant

A. Can I take your order, sir?

В. Yes. I'd like to try the steak, please.

A. And to follow?

В. Ice-cream, please.


-Have you decided on something, sir?

-Yes. Haddock1 and chips for me, please.

-How about the sweet?

-No sweet, thanks. Just coffee.

1haddock: a kind of fish.


-Have you chosen something, sir?

-Yes, I think I'll have the curry, please.

-What would you like afterwards?

-I'd like some fruit if you have any.


-May I take your order, sir?

-I'll just take a small salad, please.

-Do you want any sweet?

-Apple pie and custard would be nice.

In a Pub

The hours during which English pubs are allowed to open are strictly controlled by the law. Times vary in different parts of the country, but are approximately from n a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 10.30 or n p.m. on weekdays, and from 12 noon to 2 p.m, and from 7.00 to 10.30 p.m. on Sundays. It is normal to buy one's own drinks at the bar, and the barman is not tipped unless he brings drinks to the table. Each order is paid for separately, and not at the end of the evening.

A. What are you going to have?

В. A half of bitter, 1 please.

A. Are you sure you won't have a scotch?

В. Thanks very much, but I'm driving.

1a bitter: a light draught beer.


-What's it to be?

-The same again, please.

-Won't you make it a pint this time?

-I'd better not, thank you all the same.


-What would you like to drink?

-Just a light ale for me, please.

-Won't you have a gin and tonic?

-That's very kind of you, but I don't think I will.


-What can I get you?

-I'd like a lager, please.

-Wouldn't you care for something a little stronger?

-No, I think I'd better stick to halves,1 thanks.

1stick to halves: continue to drink half pints of beer