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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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V. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. У него не болело бы так часто горло, если бы он не курил сейчас так много.

  2. Если бы я не потеряла адрес врача, я бы проконсультировалась у него, когда он приезжал в наш город.

  3. Успей я заказать лекарство в прошлую субботу, я бы принимала его уже целую неделю, и думаю, что сейчас не нуждалась бы во врачебной помощи.

  4. Вам бы лучше измерить температуру и лечь в постель.

  5. Я, пожалуй, сделаю анализ крови сегодня. Вечером я буду знать результат.

  6. Вы будете чувствовать себя лучше, если будете регулярно питаться и придерживаться овощной диеты.

  7. Если у меня будет свободное время завтра, я запишусь на прием к врачу, т.к. плохо себя чувствую.

  8. Жаль, что он отказался помочь нам. Если бы он помог нам, мы бы уже закончили работу.

  9. Если бы не это лекарство, я бы и сейчас страдала от бессонницы.

10. Жаль, что сейчас идет дождь. Если бы не дождь, мы бы пошли осматривать достопримечательности этого чудесного города.

  1. Жаль, что я не могу изменить это.

  2. Хотелось бы, чтобы он, наконец, бросил курить!


Part 1 Test on the Conditional Mood and Subjunctive II.

  1. 1. Had taken notes, would answer. 2. Had gone, would have bought. 3. would answer, were.

  2. 1. If she had thought more of her heart, she would have taken the doctor's advice. 2. If you kept to the

diet, the medicine would do you good.

III. 1. He didn't know I was seriously ill, that is why he didn't come to see me. 2. As you don't take any

pills for your headache now, you will not feel any better in the evening.

IV. 1. I would rather join you in the trip. 2. She had better consult a doctor.

V. 1. He wouldn't have a sore throat so often if he didn't smoke so much now. (if he were not a chain -smoker). 2. If I hadn't lost the doctor's address, I would have consulted him when he visited our town. 3. Had I had the medicine made up last Saturday, I would have been taking it for a whole week already and I think I wouldn't need medical help now. 4. You had better take your temperature and go to bed. 5. I would rather have my blood test taken today. I will know the result in the evening. 6. You will feel better, if you take regular meals and keep to a vegetable diet. 7. If I have some spare time tomorrow, I will make an appointment with a doctor as I feel bad. 8. I wish he hadn't refused to help us. If he had helped us, we would have finished the work. 9. But for this medicine I would still be suffering from insomnia. 10. I wish it were not raining now. But for the rain we would go to do the sights of this city.11. I wish I could change this.12. I wish he would give up smoking!

SELF-CHECK TEST 2 1. Replace the infinitive in brackets by the correct form of the conditional mood and Subjunctive


  1. If he not (to be) a film star, he (not to become) so popular.

  2. If he (no to spend) so much on his holiday, he (to have) enough to pay for the house repairs.

  3. The burglars (not to get) if you (to remember) to lock the door.

  4. I'd sooner you (to do) something with your time rather than sit around all day.

  5. Tim's mother would rather (to work) closer to home than she does.

  6. I wish Jim (not to move) to London last year as I hardly see him now.

  7. If it (not to be) for the announcement on the radio she (to buy) that tour.

  8. What (to happen) if you (not to do) so well yesterday?

  9. If she (not to discover) that her opponent disliked losing she (to enjoy) the game.

  10. If only the telephone (not to keep) ringing.