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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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IV. Respond to the following sentences expressing the meanings of the modal verbs given in brackets.

  1. When the telephone rang, it reminded me that I had promised to contact Sam that day. (A planned action wasn't carried out).

  2. I thought I had bought some biscuits, but I can't find them in the cupboard. (Supposition implying probability).

  3. The teacher explained to us that the exam would be difficult this year. (Obligation, arising out of circumstances).

  4. I gave Sandra a very interesting book to read, but she didn't even open it. (An action was performed though it was not necessary).

  1. I phoned the booking office but they said they had no seats left for the concert. (Reproach).

  2. There is no date on the jar to say when the jam should be eaten by. (Volition)

  3. I thought you were my friend but you turned out to be a liar. (Threat, warning).

  4. The person who we selected to represent us on the committee has had to resign due to illness. (An undesirable action was carried out).

  5. The window-cleaner came very early, but there was nobody at home. (Absence of necessity).

  6. This letter contains a few mistakes. (An order, instruction).

V. Translate into English.

  1. Ты зря заказал номер в гостинице. У нас есть свободная спальня.

  2. Он должен был все закончить вчера, но его неожиданно вызвали в Лондон.

  3. Я предложил ей сходить к врачу, но она и слышать об этом не хотела.

  4. Мне сейчас позвонить ему?

  5. Мне не надо было ничего покупать, так как мой муж не обедал дома в тот день.

  6. Тебе не надо было звонить ей так поздно. Она уже спала.

  7. Мне придется поехать туда на такси. Так, наверное, будет быстрее.

  8. Он бывало засыпал с книжкой в руках и очками на носу.

  9. Эту книгу можно купить в любом книжном магазине.

  10. Я никуда не выходил в тот вечер, так как после работы ко мне должен был зайти Джордж.

REVISON GRAMMAR TEST № 2 ON OBLIQUE MOODS AND MODAL VERBS I. Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate oblique mood forms.

  1. But for the promise, she never (to come). 2. If only he (to be) free this week! He (to be) your untiring guide around the city. 3. If you (to warn) me before, I (can avoid) the mistake! 4. He is a sound sleeper and you (not to wake) him up even if your voice (to be) as loud as a train whistle. 5. They talked as if they (to know) each other for so many years and this (not to be) the first time they met. 6. I wish I (can be) at the committee yesterday. What decision did you finally arrive at? 7. They spoke about the book as though they themselves (to be) the authors of it or (to write) many others. 8. Do you wish he (to take) care of by an experienced doctor? 9. He felt awkward as if everyone (to look) at him. 10. Isn't it time you (to change) your opinion of him? 11. We (to come) back by all means even if it (to be) as late as midnight.

  2. Paraphrase the following sentences:

A. using the modal verbs:

1. It was not necessary for him to go to the doctor as he was feeling much better that day. 2. Johnny! I forbid you to play with sharp knives. 3. I don't advise you to stay up late tonight because you have a test tomorrow. 4. Nobody knows for sure but perhaps Nick has been going in for boxing for many years. 5. Alf is a very good tennis player and not many players beat him. So I don't believe he was beaten by Bill yesterday. 6. I am sure she forgot about our agreement. We agreed that she would come at 6. It is 6.30 already. 7. He will certainly put up at our hotel when he comes on holiday here. 8. They say, if a visitor drops a coin into the water, he is destined to return to the place one day. 9. It was unnecessary for me to look for the medicine everywhere. I could have bought it in the nearest chemist's. lO.You've missed a lot of classes without a good reason. I'll make you explain your behaviour to the Dean.

B. using if-clauses of unreal condition, wish-clauses, but for, had better, would rather:

1. You got into so much trouble because you didn't listen to me. 2. The competition didn't take place because of cold weather. 3. Helen is sick because she didn't follow the doctor's instructions. 4. John prefers to see the sights with his own eyes than being shown on TV. 5. The river was not frozen. We could not go skating. 6. 'What's wrong with his arm?" he asked as if not knowing the reason. 7. It's a pity you are so busy these days. 8. The woman didn't die because she received immediate medical attention. 9. I forgot to wind up my watch. It stopped. 10. I don't advise you to buy this apartment. It's awful.