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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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Часть 4. Повторение и закрепление.

1. Выполните письменно:

-Translation Practice 5

-Revision Test on Oblique Moods and Modal Verbs (But for the promise.)

2. !!! В аудиториях В-207 и Д-401 выполните компьютерные тесты Self-check computer tests on the Conditional Mood and Modal Verbs. При выполнении компьютерных тестов в течение семестра не забывайте при регистрации вписывать свою фамилию, имя и номер группы.

!!! Если у Вас возникли трудности или вопросы при изучении теории, выполнении упражнений и тестов, Вы можете обсудить их на консультациях в Дни заочника 15.10; 19.11 и 10.12.2011. Обратите внимание, что консультации предназначены не только для сдачи задолженностей, но и для лекций по практической грамматике и практике устной и письменной речи. Литература:

  1. Харитонова Т.С., Подгорная Н.В. Conditionals, wishes. English Grammar Practice 2nd year.

  2. Подгорная Н.В. Modal Verbs. English Grammar Practice 2nd year.

  3. Богуславская Г.П. Практическая грамматика английского языка. (2 курс)

  4. Каушанская В.Л. Грамматика английского языка.

  5. Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс.

  6. Крутиков Ю.А. Упражнения по грамматике современного английского языка.

  7. Блох М.Я. Практикум по английскому языку: Грамматика. Сборник упражнений.

Примечание: Книги "Conditionals.Wishes" и "Modal Verbs" вы можете приобрести в аудитории В-201. Остальные учебники имеются в наличии в центре английского языка, аудитория В-203. Книга Каушанской "Грамматика английского языка" есть в электронном варианте в университетской сети intranet.

Ссылка: http://library.mslu/modules/cmsfulltext/content/content886/100507152514.pdf

Внимание! Доступ на сайт библиотеки возможен только из университета

Student's Guide Unit 1 complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition

(SeeM.A. Ganshina "English Grammar", p.220-223)

1. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition may be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Those which express real condition referring to some actual state of things

  2. Those which express unreal condition and represent an event or state of things as a mere conception of mind.

2. In a complex sentences with a subordinate clauses of real condition the indicative mood is used:

e.g.: If you don't hurry, you'll miss your train.

If this time is convenient to you, I shall be waiting for you at the entrance to the Institute.

  1. In complex sentences with a subordinate clause of unreal condition Subjunctive II is used in the subordinate clause (if-clause), the Conditional Mood is used in the principal clause.

  2. Subjunctive II denotes an action contradicting reality, it has two tenses:

  1. The Present Subjunctive II (e.g.: I spoke; he spoke, were speaking)

  2. The Past Subjunctive II (e.g.: I had spoken, he had spoken)

The forms of the Present Subjunctive II coincide with those of the Past Indefinite in the Indicative Mood.

The only exception is the verb "to be". The Present Subjunctive II of the verb "to be" is "were" for all the persons.

e.g.: I were, he were, they were. The forms of the Past Subjunctive II coincide with those of the Past Perfect in the Indicative Mood.

e.g.: I had been, he had done. Subjunctive II is used in a subordinate clause of a complex sentence to express an unreal condition.

e.g.: If I were there now, I should help them.

5. The Conditional Mood represents an action as an unreal consequence depending on the unreal condition in an if-clause.

The Conditional Mood has two tenses: a) The Present Conditional -

e.g.: .I should do it.

.I would do it. b) The Past Conditional -e.g.: .I should have done. You would have done.

The Conditional Mood is used in the principal clause of a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of unreal condition where the verb is in Subjunctive II. e.g.: If I were there now, I should help them. Present Subj.II Present Conditional

If he had been there, he would have helped them. Past Subj. II Past Conditional

6. When reference is made to the present or future, the Present Subjunctive II is used in the subordinate clause (if-clause), the Present Conditional is used in the principal clause.

Материалы по грамматике, 3 семестр 2 курс з.о.

e.g.: I should call on him today, if he were in town. You wouldn't recognize him, if you saw him now.

7. When reference is made to the past, the Past Subjunctive II is used in the subordinate clause (if-clause), the Past Conditional is used in the principal clause:

e.g.: You would have answered these questions, if you had read this article yesterday.