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English for students of Chemistry (1).docx
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V. Read the following English word combinations taken from the text The Faculty of Chemistry. Choose their Russian equivalents.

to make an important contribution to the development of science

прикрепляться к соответствующей кафедре

to cause considerable development and expansion

сделать важный вклад в развитие науки

according to the variety of scientific fields and aspects investigated

самостоятельная научно-исследовательская деятельность

to be engaged in various scientific projects


quality certification of goods

заниматься различными научными проектами

under the direction of a supervisor

продолжить обучение в аспирантуре

close scientific cooperation

под руководством научного руководителя

to continue studies at postgraduate level

тесное научное сотрудничество

independent research activity

присуждать ученую степень

manufacturing enterprise

сертификация товаров

to award a scientific degree

в соответствии с множеством научных отраслей и исследуемых аспектов

to be attached to the respective chair

обусловливать значительное развитие и расширение

VI. Read the sentences, substitute the underlined words by the synonymous ones.

    1. A separate Faculty of Chemistry was established in 1975.

    2. The number of teaching staff and students at the Faculty raised.

    3. The Faculty of Chemistry gives firm basis for independent research activity in the sphere of professional interest.

    4. In the third year, students are connected to the respective chair to work on an individual subject under the direction of a supervisor.

    5. Highly qualified staff of the Faculty works in the close scientific collaboration with the students.

    6. The academic staff, postgraduates and students participate in different scientific conferences.

    7. Graduates work with quality certification of products at manufacturing enterprises and stores.

    8. They may find satisfactory position at research centres and laboratories.

VII. Read the sentences, insert the proper prepositions into them. Try to memorize some of these expressions.

15: for (2) from (1) in (3) at (1) of (5) on (1) after (1) to (1)

  1. The students can specialize … chemistry.

  2. The number of chairs raised according … the variety … scientific fields.

  3. The Faculty … Chemistry provides broad theoretical and practical training … its students.

  4. The program … each course is based … the modern scientific achievements … chemistry.

  5. Graduates may continue their studies … postgraduate level … the field … higher molecular compounds.

  6. The Faculty … Chemistry gives good opportunities to apply … interesting job … graduation … the University.

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