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English for students of Chemistry (1).docx
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VII. Read the sentences, substitute the underlined words by the synonymous ones.

  1. The birth of biochemistry is due to the close link of chemistry and biology.

  2. Inorganic chemistry is concerned with the combinations of atoms and the causes of their combination.

  3. Chemical analysis – qualitative and quantitative – has helped chemists to discover many elements existing on Earth.

  4. Physical chemistry deals with those data of chemistry which are closely linked with physics.

  5. Physical chemistry covers many principles of both chemistry and physics.

  6. Chemistry helps to create artificial substances that are not found in nature.

  7. Artificial substances have properties of great utility and important for the wellbeing of mankind.

VIII. Translate the words and word combinations given in brackets into English.

  1. Chemists (изучают) substances (чтобы узнать) as much as they can about their properties and reactions.

  2. The knowledge of chemistry is growing fast and becoming (шире) and (детальнее).

  3. (Существует) more than thirty branches of chemistry.

  4. Inorganic chemistry (рассматривает) the relationship of the properties of substances and their (атомной) and (молекулярной) structure.

  5. Organic chemistry (занимается) substances which (состоят) in part (из) carbon.

  6. Practicing analytical chemistry (означает) dealing with different analytical methodologies (применяемыми для) solving scientific problems.

  7. The knowledge of physical chemistry is (особенно) important to all (разделов химии), (так как) its fundamental laws are the (основа) all these branches are established upon.

  8. Electrochemistry develops the (научные основы) of electrolysis, electrosynthesis, (защиты металлов от коррозии) etc.

IX. Read the sentences, insert the proper prepositions into them. Translate the sentences into Russian.

15: about (1) by (1) on (1) from (1) in (1) of (5) with (3) into (2)

  1. Chemists study substances in order to learn … their properties and reactions that change them … other substances.

  2. Physical chemistry deals … those data … chemistry which are closely linked … physics.

  3. Chemical analysis has helped chemists to discover many elements … Earth, to account its reserves … chemical elements.

  4. Electrolysis is generally used as a method … deposition of metals … a solution.

  5. Later, the new laws … photochemistry were developed … A. Einstein.

  6. The division … chemistry … some branches or, in other words, the integration … chemistry … other fields of science causes the technological progress.

X. Look through the table. Make up the definition of each branch of chemistry matching the numbers and the letters.

Branch of Chemistry

Subject matter

1. Organic chemistry

deals with

a) the magnetic properties of compounds.

2. Inorganic


b) complex substances produced by living cells.

3. Analytical


c) radioactive elements.

  1. Physical


d) chemical properties and reactions involving ions in solutions.

5. Biochemistry

e) elements other than carbon.

6. Radiochemistry

f) special properties of substances in a finely dispersed condition.

7. Electrochemistry

g) substances contained in living organisms.

8. Magnetochemistry

h) spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules.

9. Stereochemistry

i) methods of separating pure substances from mixtures.

10. Enzymology

j) effects of chemical structure on physical properties of matter.

  1. Colloidal


k) compounds of carbon.

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