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English for students of Chemistry (1).docx
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The faculty of chemistry

    1. Study the list of topical vocabulary to avoid the difficulties in understanding the texts in unit 5. Consult the dictionary to pronounce the words correctly.

advance – прогресс

to apply for a job – устраиваться на работу

chair – кафедра

concern – касаться чего-либо

contribution – вклад

cover – охватывать

development – развитие; разработка

diverse – различный

effect – воздействие

expansion – расширение

extensive – обширный

firm – прочный

independent – независимый, самостоятельный

investigate – исследовать

point of view – точка зрения

specialize (in) – специализироваться (по, в области)

subject – тема, предмет (исследования)

variety – разнообразие, множество

  1. Consult the dictionary and find all the possible meanings of the verb to apply.

  1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the pronouns that (those), these. That (those), these may substitute the noun already mentioned in the sentence.

Example: The properties of a mixture differ from those of its constituents. – Свойства смеси отличаются от свойств ее компонентов.

  1. The diameter of the atom is 10־21, while that of the nucleus is much smaller.

  2. The amount of heat liberated by very slow oxidation (such as rusting of metals, decay of wood) is the same as that liberated by rapid combustion.

  3. Molecules of solids are more concentrated than those of gases.

  4. Molecules of light gases move quicker than those of denser gases.

  5. All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms.

  6. Crystalline silicon has a structure similar to that of diamond, these are alike in being very hard.

  7. Nuclei are held together by enormous forces and when these are released the liberated energy is tremendous in comparison with that of chemical processes.

IV. Read and translate the text below, say what its main points are. Study the vocabulary notes after the text.


The history of the Faculty of Chemistry is directly connected with that of University. In 1953 the Chemistry Department was set up within the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology at Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute. The students could specialize in chemistry. A separate Faculty of Chemistry was established in 1975 because the number of teaching staff and students increased.

Numerous researches, serious scientific achievements and advances in experimental work at the Faculty of Chemistry caused its considerable development and expansion. The number of chairs raised according to the variety of scientific fields and aspects investigated.

The Faculty of Chemistry is famous for its distinguished staff. Academician Yu. A. Zakharov, professor V. Ya. Denisov, B. A. Sechkaryov and E. P. Surovoi are among them. The staff is engaged in various scientific projects. Almost all teachers at the Faculty of Chemistry have made important contribution to the development of different branches of science.

Now the Faculty of Chemistry provides broad theoretical and practical training for the students, gives firm basis for their independent research activity in the area of professional interest. The Faculty of Chemistry organizes a wide range1 of lectures, seminars, laboratory classes and optional specialized courses. The program of each course is based on the modern scientific achievements in chemistry.

The third year students are to choose a particular scientific field to specialize in. They are attached to the respective chair where they work on an individual subject under the direction of a supervisor.

Highly qualified staff of the Faculty works in the close scientific cooperation with the students who demonstrate significant progress in studying chemistry and experimental work. The academic staff, postgraduates and students take part in different conferences and congresses, publish their articles in journals.

Graduates of the Faculty may continue their studies at postgraduate level in the fields of higher molecular compounds, photographic chemistry, radiation chemistry, solid state chemistry. In this case they must carry out an extensive research, invent or discover something new in science, describe their experiments in thesis. After defending thesis the postgraduate is awarded a scientific degree.

A number of graduates work with quality certification of goods at manufacturing enterprises and shops.

Some graduates teach chemistry at schools or colleges. They may also begin their teaching career at some higher educational institutions such as Medical Academy, Academy of Agriculture, Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry and others.

Graduates of the Faculty may find satisfactory post at research centres and laboratories of hospitals, industrial enterprises or forensic medical examination2.

So, the Faculty of Chemistry gives good opportunities to apply for interesting job after graduation from the University.

Vocabulary notes:

1 a wide range – широкий спектр

2 forensic medical examination – судебная медицинская экспертиза

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