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English for students of Chemistry (1).docx
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VI. Find all the international words in the text. Say what Russian words help to guess the meaning of these words.

VII. Read the following English word combinations taken from the text d. I. Mendeleyev. Choose their Russian equivalents.

to enter the Institute

окончить институт

practical significance

огромное количество

supervision of the laboratory

свойства элементов

to graduate from the Institute

работая над темой

to suggest a system of classification

полностью сохранить значимость

enormous amount

практическая значимость

coal, petroleum, iron and steel industries

руководство лабораторией

the properties of elements

поступить в институт

working on the subject

предложить систему классификации

to preserve the value completely

угольная, нефтяная, металлургическая и сталелитейная отрасли промышленности

VIII. Read the sentences, substitute the underlined words by the synonymous ones.

1. While living in Germany, Mendeleyev made many important investigations.

2. The work of Mendeleyev was both of great theoretical and practical value.

3. Apart from lectures and supervision of the laboratory Mendeleyev carried out immense research work.

4. Great number of elements were unknown at the time when Mendeleyev created his Periodic Table.

5. D. I. Mendeleyev carried out enormous investigations into coal, petroleum, iron and steel industries in Russia.

6. The progress in chemistry caused the discovery of the inert gases and the study of 14 rare earth elements.

IX. Read the sentences, insert the proper prepositions into them. Translate the sentences into Russian.

17: at (2) on (3) from (1) in (3) of (4) for (1) with (3)

1. … 1850 … the age of 16 Mendeleyev entered the Pedagogical Institute … Petersburg to study chemistry.

2. Five years later Mendeleyev graduated … the Institute … a gold medal.

3. Mendeleyev was invited to lecture … theoretical and organic chemistry … Petersburg University.

4. … 1965 Mendeleyev was awarded the Doctor of Science degree … the thesis … the combination … alcohol … water.

5. The Periodic Table of Elements consists … vertical groups and horizontal periods.

6. The main idea of the Periodic System is a periodic repetition … the properties of elements … the increase of their atomic weights.

7. When working … the subject, Mendeleyev analyzed an enormous amount … literature

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