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Пособие ФИБ 2010 3 курс.doc
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V. Give definitions of the following terms.

Availability, hill climbing algorithm, plaintext, optional authentication of the client, reduce risk, semagram, ciphertext-only solution, be a bit off, integrity, access point.

  1. Translate into Russian.

  1. Part 2 of the CC, security functional requirements, establishes a set of functional components as a standard way of expressing the functional requirements for TOEs.

  2. Unauthorised access to the database can be carried out in a form of passive attacks (e.g. monitoring of network).

  3. To keep your PC protected from new viruses, Trojan horses and other malicious software flying around the Internet, the anti-virus program needs to download regular updates from the manufacturer.

  4. The process begins with a characterization of the facility including identification of the undesired events and the respective critical assets.

  5. In the last few decades cryptographic algorithms, being mathematical by nature, have become sufficiently advanced that they can only be handled by computers.

  6. A well-designed cipher will not offer a simple opportunity to try different possibilities to find partial information about the key.

  7. Although the term steganography was only coined at the end of the 15th century, the use of steganography dates back several millennia.

8. According to quantum mechanics, particles don't actually exist in any single place.

  1. The evaluation results may help consumers to determine whether the IT product or system is secure enough for their intended application.

  2. The converted unit record equipment (punched card machines) compared Japanese code messages to one another at various displacements to find messages with overlapping superencipherment groups.

VII. Translate into English.

  1. Термин «угроза» обозначает события, которые могут иметь неблагоприятные последствия.

  2. Управление информационными рисками – сложный процесс, требующий постоянного анализа рисков.

  3. Вопросы безопасности должны быть неотъемлемой частью разработки компьютерных приложений.

  4. Хорошо спланированная и выполненная оценка риска должна эффективно определять и измерять последствия широкого спектра угроз.

  5. Количественная и качественная метрические схемы, применяемые для измерения элементов риска, были впервые разработаны Национальным бюро стандартов.

  6. В традиционной криптографии отправитель и получатель сообщения используют один и тот же секретный ключ для зашифрования и расшифрования.

  7. Было предпринято несколько попыток определить наличие стеганографических объектов в Интернете.

  8. Этот поточный шифр используется для защиты телефонных разговоров в большинстве европейских стран и США.

  9. DES широко используется уже 20 лет.

  10. К анализу риска продолжают относиться скептически.

VIII. Communication

Role play. Work over the role you’ve chosen. Be ready to take part in the conference.

International Conference on Computer Security and Privacy.

Chairman. Study the topics and summaries of the reports. Think of the agenda, your comments and possible questions.

Secretary. Be ready to make notes of the reports, questions and answers.

Members of the conference. Be ready to present your report using diagrams and hand-out. Take part in the discussion of the reports.

Journalists. Study the topics and summaries of the reports. Listen to the presentation of the reports. Be ready to ask questions.