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37. Relate the features of bookwork as a source of scientific information. Расскажите об особенностях работы с книгой как источником научной информации.

Scientific literature is an important means of maintaining of the existence and development of science, firstly, the means of distributing and storing of the achieved scientific knowledge, secondly, the means of communication, scientific intercommunication between scientists. Books: monographs, brochures, textbooks, scientific and methodological publications, training manuals. Scientific book - the most important means of generalization of scientific information. The books are published theoretical studies on experiences made in various practice areas, developed strategic issues of science, economy and culture. Planning for reading is one of the most important conditions for highly productive and fast reading is a clear plan of work. First of all it is planned content of reading. Getting to the study of a specific problem or area of expertise, you must first make a list of the basic literature. In the first, you will work with books which in this field of knowledge are fundamental. Then you can read the books and articles that complement the already acquired knowledge.

1. Library catalogs.

2. Recent issues of journals during each year, where the lists of all articles published in the current year are placed.

3. Bibliographies which are given at the end of monographs and lists of references in dissertations.

4. Electronic databases.

38. Рассмотрите особенности ведения записей при работе с источниками научной информации.

Start search necessary information, you should be clear about where to find them and what possibilities in this respect are those organizations that exist for this purpose - the library and bodies of scientific information.

Organs of the scientific and technical information. From the perspective of the development of science and practice, in accordance with the socio-economic structure of our society has created a unified state system of scientific and technical information (GSNTI), which includes a network of special institutions for its collection, compilation and dissemination.

It is intended to serve as a collective consumer information - enterprises, research and design organizations - and individual.

Familiarity with the book.

The value of each scientific work varies within very wide limits. Far from any book should be read in full, in some cases may be needed only parts of it.

Therefore, to save time, and in order to define the objectives and approaches to reading the book, it is recommended to start with a preliminary acquaintance with it for the purpose of the overall presentation of the product and its structure, organization bibliographic apparatus. It is necessary to take into account all the elements of the book that make it possible to evaluate it properly. It is best to do the following sequence:

• title;

• author;

• publishing (or institution, published a book);

• the time of publication;

• abstract;

• a table of contents;

• copyright or publishing the preface;

• bibliographic apparatus (pointers, applications, list of abbreviations, and so on. N.).

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