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Учебное пособие Вадим Витальевич Сдобников

Редакторы: Л.П.Шахрова, Н.И.Морозова Лицензия ПД № 18-0062 от 20.12.2000

Подписано в печать 1.09.2003. Формат 60x84 х116 Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Тайме. Печать офсетная. Усл. Печ. л. 8,5. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ

Издательство Нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н.А.Добролюбова603155,НижнийНовгород,ул.Минина, 31

I always felt that I had two personalities. I worked honestly and loyally for the United States for many years. But inside I was always thinking about my country I left as a young man and about my people, who were going through struggles and were cut off from the opportunities that were given to me. The question was always raised - where were my first loyalties1? To the society which gave me an opportunity to be educated, to broaden my horizons - or to my homeland? There was always a kind of guilt. But the Lithuanians never had any doubt. Even though I lived in the United States for half a century, they never considered me an American.

2. We are in receipt of your Order No 718/01.

3. The price of the 2ndconsignment is 4 290 rubles.

2. 87 scientists from 14 countries participated in the conference.

3. In 8 districts of the city more than 39 percent of voters came to the polling stations.

4. This summer farmers of the region harvested 1 239 756 tons of grain.

5. The company has paid 32 589 dollars in fines.

6. The tax amounted to 42 569 rubles.

7. 56 784 companies paid taxes this year.

8. The number of new jobs created in the region's enterprises is 8 435.

долларов и за 1997 год возрастет по прогнозу еще на 3,5-4 млрд.


РСПП настойчиво добивается такого изменения правового режима инвестирования, который защищал бы разумные интересы частного западного инвестора.

1Last month Mr.Thompson's salary amounted to 7 352 dollars.

2We have ordered 75 tons of asbestos.

1In July the company shipped 3785 tons of Indian tea to 17 countries.

1don't want to sound naive, and the peak of the marching season is coming up. I was there in 1996 and saw the tremendous physical destruction of property and the rioting that occurred. I'm aware of the potential. But I think it's important not to overplay it or overstate5it.

1Прослушайте текст полностью и выполните его

2последовательный перевод на русский язык:

1hope Madeleine Albright will be free to deal primarily with future negotiations between Israel and Syria. If she has to be active on the Syrian and Palestinian fronts, it will be unfortunate. So let's hope that when she comes our preliminary problems with the Palestinians will be

1Законы экономики неумолимы6. И если норма прибыли7 в реальном секторе экономики в 4-5 раз ниже ставки процента за

2кредит8, цены на сырье выше мировых, а зарплата ниже среднего

1Ожидаемый накопленный объем иностранных инвестиций в российскую экономику составит на 1 января 1997 года 11-11,5 млрд.

2В этих целях с участием Российского союза разработаны и

3находятся на рассмотрении в Государственной Думе проекты

4основополагающих федеральных законов: «О внесении изменений и дополнений в Закон РСФСР «Об иностранных инвестициях в РСФСР», «О свободных экономических зонах», «О концессионных