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1. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие прецизионные слова:

Friday, March, Panama Canal, June 6, 1799, 40 040 400, Tuesday, August, Philippines, April 30, 1814, 34 304 430, Wednesday, September, Plymouth, July 18, 1623, 704 890 657, Thursday, February, Pearl Harbor, November 7, 1917, 500 005 050 500, Sunday, October, Olympus, April 12, 1961, 200 020 002 002, Monday, January, Orleans, December 12, 1991,202 567 765 657.

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According to V.Shumeiko, in 1992 the differences between the financial resources received by the different regions were quite great. The Komi republic received 114,261 million rubles, while Vologodskaya oblast (another administrative unit of the North economic region) was granted only 5,451 million rubles. Tulskaya oblast, being more economically developed among the administrative units of the Central economic region, received 7,191 million rubles. Smolenskaya oblast received only 2,215 million rubles. The following numbers are the financial resources provided to the region per 1000 inhabitants: the highest figure was registered in the Komi republic and stood at 90,960,000 rubles. Funding amounted to only 2,920,000 in Arkhangelskaya oblast. Financial grants amounted to 2,000,000 rubles in Ryazanskaya and Smolenskaya oblasts, 1,700,000 rubles in Stavropolskii krai and only 320,000 rubles in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

From: The Impact of Transition on the Russian Regions" by Andreas Worgotter and Vsevolod Bulantsev

        1. Выполните последовательный двусторонний перевод интервью:

An interview of Wole Soyinka, Nigerian playwright, a Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 1986, an outspoken critic of the regime of Gen. Sani Abacha. Since 1994 he

has lived in exile

Генерал Сани Абача после своего прихода к власти в 1993 году, обвинил Вас в измене. Как это произошло?

The only way Abacha knows how to deal with political opposition is not to negotiate, discuss or debate but to liquidate its leaders. And so we have been accused of treason. And so I will be tried for a crime I did not commit. But further, the charges are designed to discourage international support for the pro-democracy movement. If he can make us look like violent criminals, foreign governments will be afraid to be allied with us.

Правда ли, что в тот день, когда, как утверждает генерал Абача, Вы организовали встречу руководителей оппозиции в Бенине, на самом деле Вы находились на заседании Всемирного экономического форума в Давосе?

Yes. On that day I met with the secretary-general of the United Nations, and CNN recorded the opening plenary session, which I addressed. Really, O.J.Simpson couldn't have asked for a better alibi. Yet the regime came out with the details of my meeting in Benin on television! It shows how Abacha's regime is incompetent. How could he broadcast a lie so thin without its being checked?

Вы полагаете, что те деятели оппозиции, которые вместе с Вами были обвинены в заговоре и измене и которые до сих пор находятся в Нигерии, будут казнены?

They are in grave danger. Treason is a capital offence, and Abacha's regime has taken the charges in front of a court which is obviously incompetent. It is the same tragic situation that was faced by Ken Saro- Wiwa, with Abacha acting as judge, jury and executioner.

Вы как-то заявили, что генерал Абача - убийца, психопат1 и патологический лжец, который не остановится перед убийствами и истязаниями. Вы сказали, что его режим незаконный. Почему же международное сообщество сделало так мало, чтобы помочь оппозиции?

Неis a killer. But the real politics of the world is something we've had to deal with. In their political and business dealings, other countries ignore the fact that Abacha is an animal. What we need to say to these countries is, look, examine your own long-term interests. If Nigeria turns into another nightmare, you will be compelled to go in anyway. So hadn't you better accept the pro-democracy movement, and allow it to establish a stable, accountable government while there is still time?

Co стороны не так-то просто разобраться, что же на самом деле происходит в Нигерии. Как бы Вы могли объяснить ситуацию в вашей стране тем, кто давно уже потерял надежду понять, что же там происходит?

It's a reign of terror, unleashed by the bloodstained hands of Abacha. And dissent in Nigeria will not go away until Abacha is gone. The world watches, and it does nothing. So it becomes our job. Our commitment remains to the enthronement of genuine democracy. This, we know, is no small task. But we are prepared for a marathon.