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STATEMENT by Mr. NARANJAN THAPA, Minister of State for Home Affairs, Head of Nepalese Delegation

Part 2

Mr. President,

It is the conviction of my delegation that to protect the society from the harmful effects of drug abuse and its illicit trafficking regional and international cooperation should be promoted. Adherence1to international and regional conventions concerning the elimination of the problem of drug abuse and its illicit trafficking by the international community can be one of the best means to fight the problem


collectively. With this objective in mind Nepal has acceded to the single convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended by 1972 Protocol, in the year 1987.


In our view, drug abuse and its illicit trafficking not only jeopardize the health of the population and community life but also weaken the very social fabric4of the society. It demoralizes the young generation on whom to a great extent depends the progress and development of a country. The evil, if left uncontrolled, will probably destroy the whole edifice5of our social system. Since this problem has penetrated almost all the nations of the world, the need for a concerted6world wide effort to


reduce the plight of drug abuse and its illicit trafficking has become all the more important and urgent. Eradication of this problem, in our view, is undoubtedly the responsibility of all members of the international community.

We feel effective international cooperation is the only and the best way for arresting and controlling drug abuse and its illicit trafficking. Experience has shown that national efforts alone are not sufficient to cope with the growing menace. We are happy that the seven countries of South


Asia, forming the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

(SAARC) have identified the problem of drug trafficking and drug abuse as one of the areas for regional cooperation. The Association has formed Technical Committee on Prevention of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse9and so far they have had two meetings of the committee. They have also approved the calendar of activities and drawn out an Action Plan. Various measures and plans have been chalked out10for regional cooperation. We are confident that such efforts on a regional basis will prove beneficial in fighting and eradicating the drug related menace in our region.

Комментарий и словарь

      1. Adherence- строгое соблюдение.

      2. То accede- присоединяться.

      3. То jeopardize - ставить под угрозу, подвергать угрозе, угрожать.

      4. Social fabric - в данном контексте возможен вариант «социальная структура» (общества).

      5. Edifice - данное слово со значением «здание, сооружение» использовано метафорически. Прямое русское соответствие этого слова вряд ли может быть использовано в переводе. Передать смысл предложения можно в следующем варианте: «подорвет основы нашей общественной системы».

      6. Concerted- согласованный.

      7. Plight - состояние, положение (обыкн. трудное).

      8. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation-Южно­азиатскаяассоциациярегиональногосотрудничества.

      9. Technical Committee on Prevention of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse-Техническийкомитетпоборьбеснаркоманиейинезаконнымоборотомнаркотиков.

      10. То chalk out - намечать.