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МУ ПЗ для 1 курса ТФ-МФ, Заболотная, 2013.doc
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XIII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. О ком вы разговариваете? 2. Кому вы дали ваш словарь? 3. Сколько у Вас английских книг? 4. Кто преподаёт Вам английский язык. 5. Сколько студентов в вашей группе? 6. Сколько корпусов в вашем университете? 7. В каком корпусе находится химическая лаборатория? 8. Есть ли в вашем университете студенческий клуб? 9. Каково ваше мнение по этому вопросу? 10. Каковы ваши планы на лето?

XIV. Use the proper prepositions of time:

  1. Usually it is very cold … winter. 2. Let’s meet … 5 o’clock. 3. My birthday is … May. 4. My birthday is … the 14th of May. 5. See you tonight … six. 6. Let’s do something … it is too late. 7. I went to London … a week. 8. I must finish this work … Saturday.

XV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English paying attention to the prepositions of time:

1. День моего рождения 20 июня. 2. Я ездил в Париж на неделю. 3. Он должен закончить эту работу к концу месяца. 4. Давай встретимся после семи. 5. Обычно летом очень жарко. 6. Я видел его в пять часов. 7. Я не работаю по субботам. 8. Вечером я смотрю телевизор. 9. Прошлым летом мы ездили в Европу. 10. Поезд уходит через пять минут. 11. Саша окончил университет в 2012 году. 12. В нашем саду красиво весной. 12. У меня государственный экзамен 22 мая. 13. Мы жили в Англии с 1999 по 2007 годы. 14. Я читала книгу до 3 часов ночи. 15. Юля жила в Канаде 6 лет.

Additional task

I. Read the text and find answers to the following ques­tions:

1) In which country is this city located?

2) What is the population of the city?

3) Who was the founder of the city?


Dublin is the capital of Ireland, known as "the Emerald Isle" for its green meadows and glades. Its population is about 950,000. Dublin is home to outstanding people like Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, and George Bernard Shaw.

Historians say that the name "Dublin" may derive from dif­ferent languages and mean "black pool" or "deep pond". The city was founded as a Viking settlement in the 10th century. Later Dublin became the capital of Ireland. Dublin has been a large trade center from the medieval times. The city ex­panded rapidly in the 17th century, but was ruined during the Anglo-Irish War and the Irish Civil War.

The Liffey River flows through the city dividing it into Northside and Southside. Traditionally Northside is consid­ered the district of the working class, while Southside is the district of the middle class and the rich. Nowadays however this division is rather out-of-date, because the financial situa­tion in the city is favorable, and Dublin is becoming one of the wealthiest European cities. Dublin also serves as a busiest airport and an important seaport.

The climate is mild here. Winters are rather warm with little snow. Summers are cool with lots of rainfall and dense fog.

II. How are citizens of the city called?


How are citizens of the country called?



III. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:

Public utilities

Water supply

Power cuts


Water shortage


Electricity consumption



Emergency numbers (Police, fire, Ambulance)

IV. Learn about sister-cities and write down the country:

Budapest, H……………..

Barcelona, S…………….

Matsue, J………………..

V. Make up your own dialogues using the following questions about Ireland and Dublin:

  1. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

  2. Name some famous Dubliners.

  3. Name some districts of Dublin.

  4. Name some symbols of Dublin.

  5. What is “Phoenix”?

  6. What is the national color of Ireland?

  7. How tall is the Spare?


I. Read and translate the following group of words:

Independent states, on a voluntary basis, member nations, diverse background, poor developed, highly developed, to give an opportunity, to become closer, to share experience, human rights, political power, minister of health, intergovernmental formation.

II. Translate from English into Russian the following words of the same root:

To know – knowing – knowingly – knowledge – knowledgeable; democracy – democrat – democratic – democratically – to democratize; to participate – participant – participation – participative – participator; to hold – holder – holding; to deliver – deliverable – deliverance – delivered – deliverer – delivery.

III. Read and translate the text:

History of the British Commonwealth

The British Commonwealth (also known as the Commonwealth of Nations) is an association of fifty-three independent states. These states became members of the Commonwealth on a voluntary basis. Most member nations are former colonies of Great Britain. However, one member, Mozambique hasn't had direct ties to Great Britain: it used to be a Portuguese colony. Members of the Commonwealth are different and have a diverse background: they are poor or highly developed. But they share many ties in history, culture and language. The Commonwealth gives an opportunity to become closer, to share experience in building democracy, developing their economies, and watching human rights. The member nations also participate in the Commonwealth Games — the world's second largest sport event after the Olympic Games. These games are held every four years.

Queen Elizabeth II, the British Monarch, is the head of the Commonwealth. Sixteen members of the Commonwealth are called Commonwealth Realms. In these countries the Queen of the United Kingdom is the head of state but her role is symbolic. The political power in these countries belongs to the Prime Minister. Other members of the Commonwealth are simply republics or monarchies. The Commonwealth regularly holds meetings and conferences, in which ministers of health, education, finance, law, and other politicians par­ticipate. They discuss different issues: social, economic, and political development of countries, as well as world epidem­ics, access to markets, migration, illiteracy, human rights watch, and others. The main intergovernmental formation within the Commonwealth is the Commonwealth Secretariat, established in 1965. The Secretariat is based in London and is headed by the Secretary-General.

In 1958 all member states started to celebrate Common­wealth Day. Since then the second Monday in March is the official day when Queen Elizabeth II delivers her speech broadcasted in all member nations of the Commonwealth. On this day different events are held in which common people and politicians participate.