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МУ ПЗ для 1 курса ТФ-МФ, Заболотная, 2013.doc
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II. What is the capital of Wales?



How are citizens of the country called?


III. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:


To push away


Local authorities






Official language


To move

IV. Read and translate two paragraphs about language situation in Wales and try to compare it to the situation in the Ukraine:

In the 1960s and 1970s many English people bought cottages and estate houses in villages in Wales. Most of them did not speak Welsh. Also, English comes into every Welsh home through television; both cable and satellite TV, radio, newspapers, books, etc. There are some Welsh-language TVs and radio stations, but it is not enough.

Local authorities try to reanimate the situation. Some posi­tive things have already done: road signs, documentation are in Welsh language in this area. The future of Welsh is uncer­tain. The problem is that Welsh has to survive next door to English but we all know very well, English is a very successful language.

V. Read about the capital city and the main ports of Wales and insert proper prepositions:

Cardiff, the modern national capital … Wales, is the largest city … industrial South Wales. It rose to importance … coal mining and iron industries. Today the cargoes it handles, are mainly imports, to be distributed throughout South Wales. On imported grain flour milling developed as well as other food processing. Cardiff has a modern shopping centre. North … Cardiff lie the valleys. These are the heart … the Welsh coal and steel industries.

The main port … Wales today is Milford Hayen (situated … the very south-west) because of its oil tanker traffic. It is one … the leading oil terminals of Britain. Refineries grew up … opposite shores and Milford Hayen became an important refining centre. A pipeline takes petroleum to a refinery near Swansea.

Swansea is an important container port. Caerphilly has one … the biggest castles … Europe, including a famous leaning tower. It was built … the Normans to defend themselves … the Welsh. Swansea and Newport shared coal exports too. However, later they suffered the same decline like Cardiff.

VI. Make up your own dialogues using the following questions about Wales:

a) Is Wales an independent country?

b) When was Wales invaded by the English?

c) Who is given the title of Prince of Wales nowadays?

d) Has Wales got its own flag, culture and language?

e) Is Welsh a young language?

f) How many people speak Welsh?

g) Why did English push Welsh away?


I. Read and translate the following group of words:

Around the capital, commercial centre, mainly rural, British settlers, strong discrimination, equal civil rights, strong cultural traditions, ballet and opera companies.

II. Translate from English into Russian the following words of the same root:

Commerce – to commerce – commercial – commercialization – to commercialize; modern – modernism – modernist – modernistic – modernity – modernization – modernly; revolution – revolutionary – revolutionist; to divide – divided – divider – dividing – dividual; to settle – settled – settlement – settler – setting; to dominate – dominated – dominating – domination – dominator.

III. Read and translate the text:

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland, also known as Ulster, is still a part of the United Kingdom. It is made up of six countries: Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, and Tyrone. One third of the population lives in and around the capital, Belfast.

Belfast is also the most important port and commercial and industrial centre. Belfast is a modern city, a city of the 19th century and of the industrial revolution. Its expansion was rather later than that of most other British industrial cities and it thus avoided some of their worst features. There are a few trim Georgian buildings and one or two houses dating from the 17th century, but the mass of the city’s buildings are late Victorian or belong to the present century. Some parts of the territory, those that are not close to the capital, have remained mainly rural.

The Irish population is divided into two groups: the Protestants and the Catholic. The Protestants are of British origin. They are descendants of British settlers who came to Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries, during and after the Reformation. The Catholics are mostly natives of Ireland.

The Protestants were the majority and dominated the Catholics with strong discrimination. In 1968 the Catholics began the movement for equal civil rights.

The fightings between the two groups of the population continue to this day.

Northern Ireland has a strong cultural tradition: songs, dances, literature and festivals.

It has its own Art Council and there orchestras, theatres, ballet and opera companies.