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character. But in the novel Masha’s character is shown in an unexpected way.

Her duty and honour are revealed from the very beginning after she was taken prisoner and after that she finds strength to apply to the tsarina in order to save her groom. These traits of her character Masha inherits from her noble parents.

One more example of a noble character is Captain Ivan Kuzmitch Mironov - Maria’s father. He is an honest man who preferred death to betrayal.

He was killed by Pugatchev and did not betray his oath to the tsarina. His wife was also killed because she refused to accept Pugatchev as Imperator Peter the third and ask for his excuse. Vasilisa Egorovna, Masha’s mother and the wife of

Ivan Kuzmitch was the support of her husband and it was typical of her to make the exalted choice she did.

One of the main characters of the novel is Pugatchev – a historical character. Being a criminal and a rebel, he is rather clever, quick-witted and brave. He managed to convince simple people and peasants to follow him. Pushkin shows him as a merciful and even noble despite the executions he made.

In conclusion it is necessary to remark that the problem of honesty and duty are dealt by the author in a broad way. Honesty and duty are one of the main traits of a person’s character, especially if this person is an officer.

Showing different outlooks of people belonging to different generations with different positions in society, the author pointed out that honor and duty in life can be understood in different ways according to the historical time determined by the historical situation, but the main point are honesty and moral ethic in the man himself.


1.Оксман Ю.Г. Пушкин в работе над романом «Капитанская дочка» - М. : Просвещение, 1984.-174 c.

2.Благой Д.Д. Мастерство Пушкина - М. : Советский писатель,

1955. - 265 с.

3.Лотман Ю.М. В школе поэтического слова. Пушкин. Лермонтов. Гоголь - Санкт-Петербург : Азбука, печ. 2015. - 411 с.



Bryzgalova O.A.¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

¹MBOU "School №110", N. Novgorod

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The research work entitled “Nizhegorodsky Kremlin: Construction and Architectural Peculiarities” is devoted to the history of Nizhegorodsky Kremlin. The object of the research is Nizhegorodsky Kremlin. The subject of the research is its history of its construction, its mission and its architectural peculiarities were under research.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the Kremlin is the most ancient architectural construction in our city and the oldest brick one in N. Novgorod area. Still now Kremlin has a lot of mysteries which are revealed every year by scientists – historians, archeologists and architects. All the studied mysteries give us precious information about the past, construction in the past and allow architects to choose the best method to restore the Kremlin to preserve it for future generations.

The goals of the research are to study Nizhegorodsky Kremlin history; the history of its construction and architectural peculiarities.

Some scientists believe that the beginning of the Kremlin’s construction started in the 14th century. But they have no strict evidence. But they know for sure, that in 1500 the construction began. The Architect was Peter Fryazin. A lot of people were involved in the Kremlin’s construction. The total length of the walls built at the beginning of the 16th century was 2045m. The total area is 22,7 hectares.

The Kremlin is a fortress, so it has 13 towers. 4 of them had iron gates. The towers were well armed with guns. Each tower is unique and has its own biography. The names of the towers are presented in the slide. For example, Koromyslova tower is connected with legends. One of them tells that a young girl went to take water from the Pochaina. Tatars attacked the city and she killed a lot of them with her scale-beam trying to save N. Novgorod. The enemy was very surprised with the woman’s bravery and left N. Novgorod thinking that if women are so brave then men are stronger.

During centuries the Kremlin served as the place of Russian army meeting. From it they went to protect our country. In 1608 the Kremlin was attacked for the last time. Then it has only peaceful purposes. In 1612 Kozma Minin gathered his militia in the Kremlin to save Russia from Polish invaders.

The Kremlin has always been the heart of the city. Here it was possible to find wooden houses where people lived, the Governor’s house, princess’s houses, barns and the most ancient church of N. Novgorod Archangelsky


cathedral (1631) – the monument to militia where Nizhegorosky princesses and Kozma Minin are buried. There was one more cathedral Spassky built in the 13th century, but it was ruined. There were also 2 wooden monasteries and some wooden churches in the Kremlin but they did not survive till our time.

Nowadays, due to restoration we can see the Kremlin as it was built. Starting with the 18th century, the Kremlin demanded reconstruction and repair. In 1788 the house of N. Novgorod governor was built in the Kremlin. Barracks for soldiers were also built. The cogged walls became shorter and the roofs were repaired. At the beginning of the 19th century, Успенский military cathedral was built in the Kremlin. In 1828 the first monument to Minin and Pozharsky was unveiled. The authors were Saint Petersburg architect A.I. Melnikov and a famous sculptor I.P. Martos. Some towers were specifically used. For example,

Ivanovskaya was used by N. Novgorod governor’s archive. Dmitrievskaya was reconstructed for the art-historical museum. In the first 30 years of 20th century the Kremlin was in poor condition. In 1941 the first soldiers left for the war from its walls. But in 1949 the great repair and restoration works started. It took 20 years. In 1965 the Eternal Flame was fired in the Kremlin near the obelisk to Minin and Pozarsky.

In conclusion it is necessary to say that Nizhegorodsky Kremlin is one of the most beautiful Kremlins in Russia with its specific architecture. Now it is one of the greatest monuments to Russia’s heroic past.


1.Наш край. – 2-е изд., испр. – Н. Новгород: Изд-во «Нижегородская ярмарка», 1998. – 432 с., ил.

2.Агафонов С.Л. Нижегородский Кремль. Н. Новгород: ВолгоВятское книжное изд-во, 1976. – 136 с.

3.Филатов Н.Ф. Нижегородские мастера. Н. Новгород: ВолгоВятское книжное изд-во, 1988. – 192 с.




Aleshugin M.S.¹, Loshkareva D.A.², Aleshugina E.A.²

¹MBOU "School №55" N. Novgorod,

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Russian construction industry of X-XIII centuries is an important part of the history of ancient Russian culture. Its study is relevant for understanding how ancient Russian architecture developed. The purpose of this work is to analyze the process of building production of ancient Russia.

The goals of the research are to study the organization of construction production in ancient Russia; to consider the basic building materials; to study terms of erection of buildings (on an example of construction of temples).

The object of the research is building materials of ancient Russia.

During the period from the Xth to the XIIIth century, Russian construction industry passed a very significant path of development. At the beginning of the road in Byzantine architecture, Byzantine methods were used, because in Russia there was no own tradition of erecting stone-brick buildings. Gradually there were local variants of construction activity. Own building traditions arose in Kiev, and then gradually in other Russian lands. The influence of local conditions, the presence or absence of certain building materials, cultural ties and traditions led to the creation of architectural schools that differ in construction techniques.

Now let us consider the history of the production of building materials in ancient Russia. One of the most ancient materials for construction is brick and it is known to people for more than 4000 years. Archaeological studies of monuments of ancient Russian architecture allow us to present a picture of the brick production of ancient Russia. Bricks used in Russia had the shape of thin wide tiles. In ancient Russian written sources, bricks were called the Greek word "plinfa". The production of bricks required great knowledge and experience. Analysis of the bricks of ancient Russian monuments showed that in the XI century for their production, kaolin clay was used. Such bricks usually had a pink or light yellow color.

By the end of XI century other types of clay began to be applied in construction process. Sometimes in the masonry of a building you can find two types of bricks, made from two different types of clay. Clay was crashed in pits and stuffed into a wooden frame-shape, and then the excess was cut with a wooden knife (right). Raw materials in Kiev were dried on the ground under the open sky. A sample of such a brick is presented on the slide. It clearly shows traces of rain. In Smolensk, drying was done under a canopy. In Novgorod, on


the bricks are visible prints of grass. Bricks were produced not all year round, but only during the construction season.

An experienced master made up to 1500 pieces of raw material per working day. Many ancient Russian bricks have signs. Classification of them suggested I.M. Hozerov. In his terminology, all the convex images on bricks are called signs, and the imprinted images are branded. All these signs are different in design and technique in different Russian cities. In the summer of 2014 the author managed to be present in St. George's Monastery near Veliky Novgorod. A group of archaeologists led excavations of the 12th century floor, and it was possible to view their work and the found elements of the brick floor slabs with frescoes of the 12th century. Archaeologists through a fine sieve sift the roc each artifact found is numbered and recorded.

In ancient Russian construction, stone was widely used. For foundations, boulders of different shapes were commonly used. In the monuments of the era of Kievan Rus used large rough stones - quartzite, granite. If the stones in the masonry of the walls played only a decorative role, they selected specimens of different colors. Slate was widely used as a decorative material. This stone was used for cornice slabs and floors. It is very handy in processing and has a beautiful color - various shades of purple, purple, less often pink.

Also among the building materials of ancient Russia, ceramic vessels occupied a prominent place: they were used in the laying of the upper parts of buildings. In Russian architecture such vessels are usually called voice. The purpose of using these vessels is to improve the acoustic properties of the rooms, as well as to facilitate the weight of the vaults. Vessels in different centers of Russia differed markedly in the form.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the ancient Russian construction industry is an important part of the history of ancient Russian culture. In ancient Russian construction industry, there is a tendency to create rational designs and techniques - the result of searching for the most economical and less laborious solutions. Building production is a complex of the most diverse phenomena.


1.Бакланов Н.Б. Техника каменного производства на Руси в X- XIIвеках. М., 2005 (повторное издание). 277с.

2.Беляев Л.А. Архитектура Древней Руси. М., 2001. 223с.

3.Воронин Н.Н. Зодчество Северо-Восточной Руси XII-XV

веков. М., 1960. 345с.

4.Раппопорт П.А. Зодчество Древней Руси. Л., 1986. 186с.

5.Раппопорт П.А. Полоцкое зодчество XII века. М., 1980, 183с.

6.Суслов В.В. Очерки по истории древнерусского зодчества.

СПб., 2013 (издание 2-е). 341с.

7.Холостенко Н.В. Памятник XI века - собор Печерского монастыря // строительство и архитектура. Сб. статей. Киев, 2001. С.97-112



Shennikova S.S.¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

¹MBOU "School №48" N. Novgorod,

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The article is devoted the History of Zero. The relevance of the work is that zero has a fundamental meaning in mathematics. One thing is an empty place, another one is a symbol and at last, it is a figure. Zero can be different.

The aim of the research is to trace zero history in science and reveal its fundamental meaning in human world.

At first, zero is a figure, which is used to mark empty notion. Secondly, zero is an unusual figure because it is impossible to divide by zero and if we multiply by zero, all figures will become zero. But, zero is necessary to add and contract. Otherwise, how much will it be if we contract 5 from 5?

Now it is necessary to speak about Zero history in Babylon. Babylon people made the first steps from empty space to a symbol. Their system of counting was positioning like ours. But, in Babylon the next notion was greater by 60 (now in our system it is bigger by ten). The sense of the positioning system was that each new notion was written with the help of the same symbols. But they were places to the left of the previous one.

Speaking about the development of zero, India is the Motherland of zero. India is thought to be the Motherland of zero (6 century B.C.). The genuine invention of Indian Math was the writing of any number with the help of 10 figures: 0,1,2,3 and up to 9. We still use them. We call them Arabic figures though Arabs themselves fairly called them Indian.

Arabs gave further development to Indian system of zero. The positioning system in India went to Arabs. They called figures “Indian symbols”. Their view changed a little bit before the 10th century. We have them now.

Europe got further development of zero. They got zero from Arabs. For a long time zero was thought to be just a symbol, not a figure.

In math zero was formed like this. First of all, it has two variants of its use. Both of them are very important but a bit different. The first way is to show empty notion in our positioning system. So, in number 2106 zero serves for the figures 2 and 1 were right. It is obvious that number 216 is different! The second variant of zero use is number zero. The properties of zero you can see in the slide.

Speaking about symbolism it is necessary to say that zero is a symbol of eternity and endlessness. The name “Zero” comes from Arabic word “empty” and “free”.


There are some monuments to zero. Zero kilometer in Ufa, Zero km in Hungary, Zero km in the Danibu, Zero km in Moscow.

The practical application of the research lies in the fact that the results can be used at math lessons at school and in extra classes, during revising for math Olympiads and exams.

In conclusion it is necessary to remark that zero is a unique symbol. It is one of the greater achievements of science. It does not exist in nature around us.

We can do without it in oral counting but we can’t do it while writing numbers.


1.История и культура Древней Индии: Тексты / Сост. А.

Вигасин. – М., 1990.- 459c.

2.http://www-history.mcs.st- andrews.ac.uk/history/HistTopics/Zero.html


Danyaev A.A.¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

¹MAOU "School №38", N. Novgorod

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The article considers very influential scientific discoveries made in the UK throughout centuries and special attention is paid to their value and meaning in modern life and society.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that great discoveries of the past influenced the development of humanity and helped to achieve technological advancement in various spheres of life. Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without electricity, the telephone, the law of gravity and other inventions.

Thus, the object of the research is British scientific discoveries and their value in modern life. The subject of the research is remarkable British scientists and their scientific work.

At first it is necessary to draw attention to one of the most outstanding British scientists Isaac Newton. He is known for his great discoveries in technical sciences such as physics, astronomy and mathematics. His work focused on the diffraction of light. He became known for universal gravitation, centrifugal force, and the effects and characteristics of bodies in motion. His laws are still used by physics today.


Another remarkable British scientist is Michael Faraday. He is known for his great discoveries in physics, chemistry and electromagnetism. Faraday's work in chemistry was quite important. In 1825 he discovered benzene. This discovery was his greatest contribution to organic chemistry. He made a special study of the gas chlorine; succeeded in changing several gases into liquids; and made the first stainless steel in Europe. Nevertheless, it was his work on electricity and magnetism that made him famous. He had the idea that a magnetic field might produce an electric current, and in 1831 he proved that it could by moving a magnet near a wire. It was a discovery of the greatest importance because it opened the way for electric current production at a large scale.

Alexander Graham Bell is among the most reputable British scientists. He is known for his great inventions – the phonaugraph, multiple telegraph and the telephone. They are the inventions which are highly improved today, but of great application. He tried to perfect a multiple telegraph, and invented a little machine that he used in teaching the deaf. This little machine that he called the phonaugraph gave him a key to the invention of the telephone.

The research is not complete until it tackles scientific discoveries and inventions of another highly acclaimed British scientist Alexander Fleming. He is known for his great inventions and discoveries in the fields of biology and medicine: the lysozyme and the world's first antibiotic substance penicillin. They are the discoveries that saved lives of many people. Fleming took secretions from inside the nose of a patient suffering from cold to grow bacteria. In the secretions, he discovered a new bacterium he called Micrococcus. When Fleming was examining these bacteria he understood that it was killed. So he discovered natural bacteria killers.

The article provides the result of our own research work. The aim of it is to reveal how teenagers nowadays value the importance of the mentioned discoveries. Basing on this purpose we have carried out interviews. 30 students of lyceum №38 N. Novgorod participated. The first questionnaire concerned the awareness of the students about the mentioned discoveries. The following question was asked: What discoveries of British scientists do you know? The second task was to range the discoveries according to their importance from the student’s point of view. The analysis of the answers showed that only 17% of the students know Fleming’s discovery of penicillin. However, we can see high percentage concerning other discoveries.

The results of the second task of the questionnaire are represented in the pie chart [Diagram 1].


Diag.1 The most useful invention of British scientists

The analysis of the answers showed that 50% of students find the telephone the most useful invention for them. Penicillin took the second place because it helps to save lives. The rest took the third place but oral interviews emphasized that it is difficult to range the importance of such great discoveries because all of them are very significant for modern science, production and industry. Modern students realize the importance of all British discoveries which is remarkable.

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that the most important inventions and discoveries of British science provided by I. Newton, M. Faraday, A. G. Bell and A. Fleming as the most remarkable and outstanding researchers not only of their time. Their inventions and discoveries outlived them, helping people to survive, making people lives easier or explaining laws of nature.


1.White M. Isaac Newton: The last sorcerer. Perseus, 1999.

2.Карцев В. Ньютон. М.: Молодая гвардия, 1987.

3.М. Радовский. Фарадэй. М.: ЖЗЛ, 1989.

4.А. Моруа. Жизнь Александра Флеминга. АСТ. 2011.

5.100 человек, которые изменили ход истории. Александр Белл.№98. D’Agostini

6.Arthur R. T. W. Newton’s fluxions and equably flowing time.

Studies in history and philosophy of science, 26, 1995.






Loshkareva T.A., Loshkareva D.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The study of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is especially relevant for identifying the factors that affect the incidence of this common malignant disease. The purpose of this work is to study the causes of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, its spread, diagnostic methods and treatment features. The methodological basis of the work is general scientific research methods: complex analysis of information sources, comparative analysis and quantitative research methods. The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the study of the clinical features of acute lymphoblastic leukemia can raise public and government awareness about this type of malignant disease, which has become widely spread nowadays.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant disease of the hematopoiesis system, characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of immature lymphoid cells (lymphoblasts). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common malignant disease in childhood and adolescence. The peak incidence is at the age of 1 to 6. The disease occurs with damage to the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and other organs. The defeat of the central nervous system is more typical after chemotherapy.

The risk factor of the disease.

There are some environmental factors that are associated with the development of acute leukemia. For example, exposure to high doses of radiation increases the risk of ALL. Besides a small number of people suffering from very rare diseases or the HTLV-1 virus, has a high risk of acute leukemia. However, according to the statistics the majority of people with leukemia has revealed no risk factors. The cause of their disease remains unknown until now.

Possible reasons of ALL are the following:

Ionizing radiation – ionizing radiation was identified as the cause of different types of leukemia. X-ray pelvimetry during pregnancy slightly increases the risk of developing ALL in a child, while the risk increases in proportion to the number of procedures. Some researchers suggest that natural radiation and cosmic radiation may be the causes of ALL, but this point of view is controversial.

Infections as the causative agents of child ALL have not yet been detected. There are several hypotheses about this, but they agree that the development of leukemia is the result of an abnormal immune response to the presence of an infectious agent. According to the Kinlen hypothesis, the cause of child ALL is the unknown pathogen, most likely a virus to which most children


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