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Задание 5. Образуйте существительные от следующих слов: special, transmit, provide, operate, combine, employ, differ, vагу, shift, utilize, move, assist, use, link, act.

Задание 6. Найдите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.

1.What is the purpose of synchromesh devices?


2.What is an electromagnetic solenoid?

3.What is a vacuum booster intended for?

4.What are semiautomatic and fully automatic gear-shifting devices? 5.Where is the gearshift lever mounted in modern cars with standard


6.What does the movement of the lever cause?

Задан е 7. Передайте содержание текста на английском языке, используя вопросы задан я 6 в качестве плана пересказа.

При ответе спользуйте следующие выражения: The text is about… .

The text deals with the problem of… . The main subject of the text is... .

It is known, that… . It should be noted... .

Задание 8. Просмотрите видео «How transmission – gear box works»

необходимое вам количество раз. Расскажите о работе трансмиссии.

Текст 24

Задание 1. Слушайте повторяйте:



жидкий, текучий



сцепление, муфта






синхронизирующее устройство






сцепление, муфта







ликвидировать, уничтожать







power train


силовая передача



деформация, натяжение



смягчать, заглушать


Задание 2. Найдите соответствующий вариант перевода каждого английского словосочетания:

A) Fluid coupling; gear shifting; synchronizing devices; to interrupt the flow of power; to move a lever; gear-ratio-changing device; power train components; to be subjected to shock strain; to cause failure; the driv-

en member; the driving member.


СибАДИB) Вeдомый элемент; компоненты силовой передачи; гидравлическая муфта; вызывать повреждение; ведущий элемент; переключение передач осевым перемещением; прерывать поток энергии; подвергаться деформац от удара; синхронизирующее устройство; передвигать рычаг; устройство для изменения передаточного числа.


For many years, engineers and inventors have searched for means of making gear shifting easier. The introduction of synchronizing devices such as the synchromesh was one result of their efforts; this mechanism makes it virtually impossible to clash gears when shifting into second or high. However, it was still necessary to operate a clutch to interrupt the flow of power and move a lever to shift the gears from one to another meshing position. In recent years, automatic devices have been brought out which eliminate this job. That is, the gear ratio through the transmission is changed semiautomatically or automatically in accordance with car and engine speed and the driver’s wishes.

With this type of gear-ratio-changing device, the power flow through the transmission must: still be interrupted even though momentarily, so the gear-ratio change can be achieved. Thus, there is the problem of making this power flow interruption and reapplication smoothly. If it is done too abruptly, the occupants of the car will be jarred. Worse, the power train components and engine will be subjected to shock strains that sooner or later might cause failure of some part. It is necessary to absorb the shock of any sudden change and cushions the engine and power train from the shock.

The fluid coupling is a hydraulic coupling. It is always “engaged” but since the coupling is produced by a fluid, the driven member can slip, or twin slower than the driving member.


Задание 3. Закончите следующие предложения, используя текст

“Transmissions with Fluid Couplings”.

1.The introduction of synchronizing devices such as the synchromesh was... .

2.However, it was still necessary to operate a clutch… .

3.To eliminate this sort of sudden jarring change in the power - flow


pattern... .

4.The fluid coupling couples... .

5.The fluid coupling is... .

Задан е 4. Найд те ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.

1.What purpose does the fluid coupling serve?

2.What can make gear shifting easier?

3.What problem did fluid couplings help to solve?

4.How do the fluid couplings operate?

Задан е 5. Передайте содержание текста на английском языке, используя вопросы задан я 4 как план пересказа.

При ответе используйте следующие выражения: the text is about... ; the main subject of the text is...; I know that...; as for the problem of... ; it should bе noted that...; it is worth mentioning...; the key problem of the text is... .



Текст 25

Задание 1. Слушайте повторяйте:



вращающий момент



уменьшать, сокращать



тогда, как



рабочее колесо, импеллер (крыльчат-






ротор, рабочее колесо













соединение, стык, шов



пружина, рессора



соединять, спаривать, сцеплять



оставлять незащищенным



чулок (заднего моста), картер, коробка


Задание 2. Найдите соответствующий вариант перевода каждого английского словосочетания:

A) Torque converter; fluid flywheel; driving element; driven element; propeller shaft; fixed element; output shaft; drive line; rear wheels; universal joint; slip joint; driving shaft; car frame; angle drive; solid shaft; hollow shaft.

С79 B)ибАПолый вал; задние колеса; ведущийДИэлемент; преобразователь крутящего момента; г дромуфта; карданный вал; сплошной (массивный) вал; ведомый элемент; неподвижный (стационарный) элемент; коренной (ведущ й вал); выходной вал; передача под углом; универсальный шарн р; рама автомобиля; скользящее (подвижное) соединение; л н я передачи.

Задан е 3. Прочт те текст “Torque Converters” , выделив смысловые части, озаглавьте каждую из них.


A torque converter is a device which performs a function similar to that of a gear box, namely, to increase the torque, while reducing the speed, but whereas a gear box provides only a small number of fixed ratios, the torque converter provides a continuous variation of ratio from the lowest to the highest.

Constructionally a torque converter is somewhat similar to a fluid flywheel from which it differs in one important aspect, namely, in having three principal components instead of only two. Torque converters all consist of the driving element or impeller which is connected to the engine, the driven element or rotor which is connected to the propeller shaft, and the fixed element or reaction member which is fixed to the frame. It is the last element which makes it possible to obtain a change of torque between input and output shafts and, fluid flywheel, which does not have any fixed member, cannot produce any change of torque.

Drive lines. Drive lines, in automobiles, consist of the driving connection between the transmission and the driving mechanism at the rear wheels (the differential). The purpose of the drive line is to carry the driving power from the transmission to the rear wheels. It consists of the propeller shaft, a universal joint (or joints) and a slip joint.

Function of propeller shaft. The propeller shaft is a driving shaft that connects the transmission main or output shaft to the differential at the rear axles. Rotary motion of the transmission main or output shaft carries


through the propeller shaft causing the rear wheels to rotate. The propeller shaft design must take into consideration two facts: first, the engine and transmission are more or less rigidly attached to the car frame; second, the rear-axle housing (with wheels and differential) is attached to the frame by spring. As the rear wheels encounter irregularities in the road, the springs compress or expand. This changes the angle of the drive between the pro-

СибАДИ80 peller and transmission shafts. It also changes the distance between the transmission and the differential. If the propeller shaft may take care of these two changes, it must incorporate two separate types of device. There must be one or more universal joints to permit variations in the angle of drive. There must also be a slip joint that permits the effective length of the propeller shaft to change.

The propeller shaft may be solid or hollow, protected by an outer tube or exposed. Some applications include bearings at or near the propel- ler-shaft center to support the shaft. On some applications the propeller shaft is in two or more sections often supported by bearings and coupled together by universal joints.

Задание 4. Закончите следующие предложения, используя текст

“Torque Converters”.

1.A torque converter is... .

2.Constructionally a torque converter is... .

3.Torque converter consists of... .

4.Drive lines consist of... .

5.The purpose of the drive line is... .

6.The propeller shaft is… .

7.The propeller shaft design must take into consideration two facts:… .

Задание 5. Найдите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.

1. What function does a torque converter perform?

2. What kinds of ratios does a torque converter provide? 3. To what is a torque converter similar constructionally? 4. Of what does a torque converter consist?

5.What is the purpose of the drive line?

6.What is the function of a propeller shaft?


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