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Рекомендации по подготовке и выполнению заданий рубежного тестирования 5 семестр

1. Тестирование проводится по следующим разделам и темам:

Meaning and context

Different approaches to the study of meaning


Meaning and notion; combinability

Semantic structure of the word. Polysemy

Semantic structure of the word. Types of semantic components

Causes of development and change of meaning

Metaphor and metonymy

Specialization and generalization of meaning

Elevation and degradation of meaning

Hyperbole, litotes and irony


Synonyms: definition and features

Synonyms : criteria for synonymy

Synonyms: their sources and classifications

Lexical variants and paronyms

Synonymic dominant

Euphemisms and dysphemisms

Antonyms: contrary and contradictory notions

Antonyms: types of classifications

Phraseological units: problem of definition

Phraseological units, semi-fixed combinations and free phrases

Criteria for phraseological units

Polysemy and synonymy of phraseological units

Sources of phraseological units

Proverbs and phraseological units (common and distinguishing features)

2. Необходимо помнить, что некоторые вопросы предусматривают как один, так и два ответа.

3. Некоторые вопросы по темам Degradation and elevation of meaning были неоднозначны и спорны. Поэтому, на них рекомендуется отвечать следующим образом:

Choose the right ending(s):

Elevation of meaning is a process of changing the meaning when:

the original meaning of the word has negative evaluative connotation and the new meaning has not.

Choose the right ending(s):

Degradation of meaning is the process:

when social evaluation of the notion or object denoted by the word becomes “worse”.

Choose the right ending(s):

Elevation of meaning is the process of:

change of meaning.

4. Примерные формулировки вопросов и вариантов ответов:

Choose the right ending(s):


А can be described as a component of the word through which a concept is communicated.

Б allows the word to denote real objects, qualities, actions and abstract notions.

В is a notion that fully defines both morphological and sound structure of the word.

Choose the right ending(s):

Referential approach to the study of meaning:

А was supported by F. de Saussure and his disciples.

Б states the relationships between referent, concept and symbol.

В describes meaning as the abstract category that can’t be defined only by semantic analysis.

Choose the right ending(s):


А denotes the relationship existing between the phonetic or morphemic composition of the word and its meaning.

Б shows why a word got that very name.

В explains the meaning of the word.

Choose the right ending(s):

Graphical motivation

А has come to existence recently.

Б is observed when there is a clear relationship between graphical and semantic structure of the word.

В never exists.

Choose the right variant:

Words can be non-motivated.

А Yes, some of them are.

Б Yes, all words are non-motivated.

В No, every word is motivated either semantically or phonetically or morphologically.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words hiss, whistle, gurgle are motivated:

А phonetically.

Б both phonetically and morphologically.

В semantically.

Choose the right ending(s):


А is a unit of thinking.

Б can’t exist without a word expressing it.

В is the realization of concept or emotion by means of a definite language system.

Choose the right variant:

Are there words that do not express any notion?

А Yes, there are some.

Б No, there are not.

В Yes, all words do not express any notion.

Choose the right variant:

Words which do not express any notion don’t possess lexical meaning.

А No, every word possesses lexical meaning.

Б No, some of them possess.

В Yes, some of them don’t possess.

Choose the right ending(s):

All words have both denotative and connotative component.

А No, only some of them.

Б Yes, all words do.

В No, some of the words have only denotative components and others possess only connotative components.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words tide, beast, harvest are examples of the process of development of meaning due to:

А extra-linguistic causes.

Б linguistic causes.

В discrimination of synonyms.

Choose the right ending(s):

Metaphor is:

А gradual process when a word passes from a general sphere to some special sphere.

Б transference of a word as a name from one object onto another on the basis of similarity of both objects.

В one of the kinds of transference of the meaning.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the sources of homonyms is

А euphemisms.

Б split polysemy.

В borrowings.

Choose the right ending(s):

Unchanged patterned homonyms (according to I.V. Arnold) are unchangeable words (prepositions, adverbs) which have identical basic form, different grammatical meaning and:

А can either have a common component in their lexical meanings or not.

Б always have a common component in their lexical meanings.

В never have a common component in their lexical meanings.

Choose the right ending(s):

Full lexical homonyms are those that:

А belong to the same category of parts of speech, their initial form isn’t the same but they have one identical form.

Б belong to different categories of parts of speech and have one identical form.

В represent the same category of part of speech and have the same paradigm.

Choose the right ending(s):

Complex partial lexico-grammatical homonyms are those that:

А belong to the same category of parts of speech, their initial form isn’t the same but they have one identical form.

Б belong to different categories of parts of speech and have one identical form.

В represent the same category of part of speech and have the same paradigm.

Choose the right ending(s):

Simple partial lexico-grammatical homonyms are those that:

А belong to the same category of parts of speech, their initial form isn’t the same but they have one identical form.

Б belong to different categories of parts of speech and have one identical form.

В represent the same category of part of speech and have the same paradigm.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words lie (lied) and lie (lay) are:

А simple partial lexico-grammatical homonyms.

Б partial lexical homonyms.

В full lexical homonyms.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words lie (lay) and lay (laid) are:

А simple partial lexico-grammatical homonyms.

Б complex partial lexico-grammatical homonyms.

В partial lexical homonyms.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words maid and made (make) are:

А simple partial lexico-grammatical homonyms.

Б are not homonyms.

В complex partial lexico-grammatical homonyms.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words rain and reign are:

А homonyms proper.

Б homophones.

В homographs.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words row (ряд) and row (ссора) are:

А homographs.

Б homonyms proper.

В homophones.

Choose the right ending(s):

The words bow (лук) and bow (кланяться) are:

А homophones.

Б homographs.

В homonyms proper.

Choose the right ending(s):

Synonyms are words:

А expressing one and the same notion.

Б characterized by their own combinability.

В coinciding in sound form and meaning.

Choose the right ending(s):


А differ either in shades of meaning or in stylistic characteristics.

Б are characterized by the same combinability and shades of meaning.

В are words with their principal function of representing the same phenomenon in different aspects, shades and variations.

Choose the right ending(s):


А are words of the same meaning.

Б are characterized by the same combinability and shades of meaning.

В express one and the same notion.

Choose the right ending(s):

To glance – to stare – to gaze – to peep – to peer are examples of:

А absolute synonyms.

Б morphological synonyms.

В ideographic synonyms.

Choose the right ending(s):

Synonymic dominant:

А is the same notion as denotative component which is characterized by broad meaning and lack of any additional information.

Б represents a kind of a centre of a group of synonyms and holds them together.

В consists only of denotative component and has no connotations.

Choose the right ending(s):

Creation of euphemisms is explained:

А by existing social and superstitious taboos.

Б by the fact that some words evoke unpleasant associations or deep subconscious fear.

В by several linguistic factors such as for example discrimination of synonyms.

Choose the right ending(s):

Contrary notions are:

А mutually opposed but they are graded (e.g. beautiful – ugly, old – young, love – hate).

Б mutually opposed and denying one another (e.g. alive – dead, patient – impatient).

В always in opposition to each other and are made up of derivatives (e.g. careless – careful).

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the additional criteria for antonyms suggested by V.N. Komissarov states that:

А two or more words shall be considered antonymous if they are regularly contrasted in actual speech.

Б there is a possibility of substitution and identical lexical valency of antonyms.

В antonyms shouldn’t differ either in style, emotional coloring or distribution.

Choose the right ending(s):

Semi-fixed combination permits:

А substitution of any of its elements without semantic change in the other element or elements.

Б limited number of substitutions, fixing their boundaries by stating the semantic properties of words that can be used for substitution.

В only pronominal substitution or the one which is restricted to a few synonyms for one of the members of the word group or permits no substitution.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the facts on which the semantic criterion for phraseological units is based on is:

А phraseological units are restricted in substitution.

Б phraseological unit is characterized by semantic unity: it conveys a single concept.

В phraseological units can be grammatically variable though there are a few exceptions.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the restrictions to structural criterion for phraseological units states that:

А the semantic shift affecting phraseological unit consists not only of a mere change of meanings of each separate constituent of the unit. The meanings of the constituents merge to produce an entirely new meaning.

Б phraseological units are used as ready-made units with fixed and constant structures and their meaning is partially or completely transferred.

В phraseological units are restricted in substitution, i.e. any meaningful component of phraseological unit can’t be substituted by another one without destroying its sense.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the sources of phraseological units is:

А the pointing to the historical situation, a forgotten custom.

Б proverbs and sayings.

В translation loans.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the features distinguishing proverbs and phraseological units is:

А difference in meaning.

Б difference in structure.

В the fact that phraseological units always stand for a single concept while proverbs sum up the collective experience of community.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the common features of proverbs and phraseological units is that:

А they both are characterized by stability of structure and transferred meaning.

Б proverbs rather frequently originate from phraseological units and some proverbs are easily transformed into phraseological units.

В they are similar in structure.

Choose the right ending(s):

One of the common features of proverbs and phraseological units is that:

А they both convey one concept.

Б their structure is not stable.

В they both are characterized by stability of structure and transferred meaning.

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