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Unit 3. Series and Parallel Circuits. Active vocabulary

1. Appliance [ə'plaɪəns] електроприлад

2. (To) arrange [ə'reɪnʤ] розташовувати, встановлювати

3. Arrangement [ə'reɪnʤmənt] розташування

4. Be connected in parallel бути з'єднаним паралельно

5. Be connected in series бути з'єднаним послідовно

6. Branch [brɑːnʧ] гілка, розгалуження

7. (To) bypass ['baɪpɑːs] обходити, пропускати

8. Circuit breaker [ 'sɜːkɪt'breɪkə] автоматичний вимикач

9. Closed circuit ['kləuzdˌsɜːkɪt] замкнуте (електричне) коло

10. Complete circuit [kəm'pliːtˌsɜːkɪt] замкнуте (електричне) коло

11. Conductive [kən'dʌktɪv] провідний (що має властивість проводити струм)

12. (To) drop [drɒp] падати, знижувати

13. (To) earth (BrE) [ɜːθ] заземляти

14. Electric circuit [ɪ'lektrɪk'sɜːkɪt] електричне коло

15. (To) ground (AmE) [graund] заземляти

16. Insulation [ˌɪnsjə'leɪʃ(ə)n] ізоляція

17. (To) isolate ['aɪsəleɪt] ізолювати

18. Live (BrE) [laɪv] під напругою

19. Live conductor ['laɪv kən'dʌktə] провідник під напругою

20. Load [ləud] навантаження

21. Neutral conductor ['njuːtrəl kən'dʌktə] нульовий /нейтральний провідник

22. Parallel circuit ['pærəlel'sɜːkɪt] паралельне коло

23. Parallel connection ['pærəlel kə'nekʃn] паралельне з’єднання

24. (To) pass [pɑːs] проходити, протікати

25. Phase conductor (AmE) [feɪz kən'dʌktə] фазовий провідник

26. Plug [plʌg] штепсельна вилка

27. Power circuit ['pauəˌsɜːkɪt] енергетична мережа

28. Series circuit ['sɪəriːz'sɜːkɪt] послідовне коло

29. Series connection ['sɪəriːz kə'nekʃn] послідовне з’єднання

30. Short circuit [ˌʃɔːt'sɜːkɪt] коротке замикання

31. Switch [swɪʧ] вимикач, перемикач

32. Switchboard ['swɪʧbɔːd] розподільний щит, комутатор

Pre-reading task (discussion)

Exercise 32. Electrical circuits are found everywhere in today’s society. In pairs, make a list of everyday items that rely on electricity and electric circuits to do useful work. Present the list to other students of your group.


Exercise 33. Read, translate the text and make word combinations with ‘circuit’ using the words from the text below. Then match the combinations with the descriptions (1–5) below.




. _____________

c. _____________

d. _____________

e. _____________

1. __ a complete electrical circuit through which current can flow when a voltage is applied.

2. __ a low-resistance connection established by accident or intention between two points in an electric circuit. The current tends to flow through the area of low resistance, bypassing the rest of the circuit.

3. __ a circuit which allows different components to be controlled independently by separate switches.

4. __ a circuit in which the components are placed one after the other along the same conductor, and the same current passes through each in turn.

5. __ an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows.

Basic types of circuits

An electric circuit is a path, or an interconnected group of paths (at least one of which is closed), capable of carrying an electric current. Electric circuits are made of three connected parts:

1. An energy source, such as a battery;

2. A conductive path for the electric energy to follow or flow through, such as a wire;

3. Devices that control the flow of electricity, such as a switch, or loads that use electricity to do work, such as a lamp.

Two things are important for a circuit to work:

1. There must be a complete, or closed, circuit. No charge can flow if the circuit is broken, for example, when a switch is open (open circuit).

2. There must be no short circuits.

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