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Вариант 4

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый "ir", отличается от ос-тальных?

1) first, 2) fire, 3) birth, 4) girl, 5) bird, 6) shirt, 7) skirt.

2. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол стоит в Past Perfect:

a) She has bought a new pair of shoes.

b) She has a lot of different shoes at home.

c) She had bought a pair of new shoes for yesterday's party.

d) She is going to buy a pair of new shoes for the party.

e) She had new shoes on at the party.

3. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) The rain... before we reached home.

a) stopped

b) had stopped

2) The taxi... by 5 o'clock.

a) arrived

b) had arrived

4. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I... not... your book today.

a) have brought

b) had brought

2)... you ... the dinner by the time the guests came?

a) have cooked

b) had cooked

5. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1) ... the delegation visit your school?

a) did

b) has

c) had

2) … I help you?

a) has

b) have

c) shall

3) I … not seen you for ages.

a) has

b) have

c) shall

6.Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The sky is dark. It…rain soon.



c)has to

2) The lights are on. They…be at home.



c)are to

3) You…to come here again.

a) must

b) should


7. Укажите предложения, в которых "have" является вспомогательным гла-голом:

1) Have you worked all day?

2) Have a good time!

3) They have never met before.

4) She has a lot of animals at home.

8. Соедините правильно две половины в одно предложение:

1) She plays tennis...

2) She is playing tennis...

3) She has played tennis...

4) She played tennis...

5) She will play tennis... 1) ... at this moment.

2) ... an hour ago.

3) ... every Monday.

4) ... next Monday.

5) ... for two hours.

9. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову?

Mary loves Nick, her neighbour.

a) Who loves Nick?

b) Whom does Mary love?

c) What is Nick?

d) Why does Mary love Nick?

10. Соотнесите предложения с русским вариантом:


a) I read this book easily without a dictionary.

b) The book is easily read without a dictionary.

a) Книга легко читается без словаре

b) Я легко читаю эту книгу без словаря.


a) A lot of new houses are built in our district every year.

b) They build a lot of new houses every year.

a) В нашем районе каждый год строится много домов.

b) Они строят в нашем районе каждый год много домов.

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:


Few shapes symbolize the spirit of the American city better than the skyscraper. Made possible by new building techniques and the invention of the elevator, the first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1884. Its designer was William Le Baron Jenny (1832-1907). Jenny devised the steel skeleton which provided interior support, meaning that exterior walls no longer had to carry the weight of many floors. As land values rose in city after city, so did taller and taller buildings.

Many of the most graceful early towers were designed by Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), America’s first great modern architect. “Form ever follows function”, Sullivan preached, meaning that a building’s purpose should determine its design. That idea had been one of modern architecture’s guiding principles.

Sullivan’s most talented student was Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959). Now consid-ered the nation’s most original and influential modern architect, but ignored for major commissions during much of his life, Wright spent much of his career designing private homes that stressed open space and the inventive use of materials. One of his best-known buildings in the cylindrical design for the Guggengeim Museum (1959) is in New York City.

The ideas of Sullivan and Wright – though very different – came to dominate Ameri-can architecture. Some were adapted by a group of Europeans who emigrated to the United States before World War II and who later shaped another dominant movement in architecture. Among them were Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe (1886-1969) and Walter Gropius (1883-1869) , both past directors of Germany’s famous design school, the Bau-haus. Their work, called the International Style stressed machine technology, geometric form and materials. Some critics have called buildings based on their ideas “glass boxes”, but other consider these structures monuments to American corporate life.

A radically different approach to design was developed by R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1984). Fuller used mathematical principles in creating a form he called a geo-desic dome, in which the structure of the roof supports its own weight.

Today’s leading architects include Philip Johnson, usually considered a “post-modernist”, and I.M. Pei. Many younger architects have turned away from the glass boxes. One leader of this movement is Michael Graves whose work is rich in detail and decoration.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

When was the first skyscraper built? Who was the designer?

What is one of the modern architecture’s guiding principles?

What is Frank Lloyd Wright famous for?

Name the representatives of Germany’s design school.

What mathematical principles did R.Buckminster Fuller use?

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