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Colours in your home

If you know what colour makes you feel happy, if you can select a dress that complements your natural colouring, then you will have no difficulty in selecting the key colour for the interior of your home. Choose a colour that you selecting the key for the interior of your home. Choose a colour that you want to live with, for you will use this key colour throughout your home. It carries the theme. This is what interior designers call colour continuity. In a single room or a whole house, this repeating of a colour brings unity. Colour continuity is important. When one room opens into another, the colours may change places in the second room but colour continuity must be preserved. For instance, the blue of the wall in one room may drop to the floor or to the ceiling in the other room. But, except in rare cases where there is a reason to break the sequence, the major colour scheme should be carried through to the adjacent room. Colour is a wonderful tool in interior design. It can camouflage bad architectural detail; it can emphasize the beauty of good architectural detail. Colour can make a room appear smaller. By the same token you can’t use a colour high on the wall without bringing it down into the room. Remember this when you are contemplating a contrasting valance at your window. The valance will turn out to be an eye- catching, objectionable room feature if you do not make it a part of the room by covering some pieces of furniture, not necessarily in the same fabric, but in the same colour. And this brings us to say that colour used intelligently can do more to make a room comfortable and beautiful than any other factor, almost as much as all other factors used in its design.










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English idioms relating to COLOURS

Black mood

To be in a black mood means to be irritable, angry or even depressed. Also : to be in a bad mood.

In the black

To say that a person or organization is in the black means that they are financially sound, have a positive balance on their account and that they owe no money.

Black and white

To say that something is in black and white means that there is written proof of it. "It's an obligation. It's written in black and white in your contract."

Black market

The black market refers to the illegal buying and selling of goods or currencies.

Black sheep

The black sheep of the family is one who is very different from the others, and least respected by the other members of the family.

Black gold

Black gold refers to the black colour and high value of oil.

Black tie event

This expression refers to a formal event at which men are required to wear a dinner jacket, or tuxedo, and a black bow tie. "I need to know if it's going to be a casual get-together or a black tie event."

Blue around the gills

(also green or pale around the gills) If a person looks blue around the gills, they look unwell or sick. "You should sit down. You look a bit blue around the gills."

Blue chip company

This term refers to a company with a solid reputation for the quality of its products and the stability of its growth and earnings.

"It's usually safe to invest in a blue-chip company.

Blue in the face

If you do something until you're blue in the face, you try unsuccessfully to do something for a very long time. "I explained the situation until I was blue in the face but she wouldn't change her mind."

Blue-eyed boy

A blue-eyed boy is somebody's favourite. "He's the director's blue-eyed boy!

Out of the blue

If something happens out of the blue, it happens unexpectedly. "I had nearly given up hope when out of the blue I was offered a job."

Brown as a berry

To say that someone is brown as a berry means that they are very tanned.

Browned off

To be browned off means to be bored, fed up or disheartened e.g. Tom is browned off with his job.

Show one's true colours

When a person shows their true colours, their behaviour reveals their real nature and shows their qualities and/or weaknesses. "In times of crisis people show their true colours."

Golden handcuffs

The term golden handcuffs refers to a large sum of money or a generous financial arrangement granted to an executive as an incentive to stay in their job, or to ensure long-term cooperation after their departure.

Golden handshake

A golden handshake is a generous sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or retire (sometimes given to encourage early retirement).

Golden opportunity

A golden opportunity is a favourable time or excellent occasion which should not be missed.

Golden rule

The most important rule or principle to be remembered when doing something is called the golden rule. "When travelling abroad, the golden rule is to respect the local customs."

Green fingers

To have green fingers means to be good at gardening.

Green light

If you give or get the green light, you give or get a signal or permission to do something. "We're ready to launch the campaign as soon as we get the green light."


If a person is caught red-handed, they are caught while they are doing something wrong or illegal. "The boy was caught red-handed stealing chocolate in the supermarket."