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Functions of mastication

A function of mastication is a difficult conditionally-reflex process, resulting in recognition of food (reception), determination of her hardness and consistency, secretory phase (salivary and other digestive glands), to the mechanical breaking up, growing of food in the cavity of mouth shallow. Tooling of food consists of nibble, growing and milling of food shallow. Tooling of food in the cavity of mouth comes true by teeth, that do the difficult cycle of motions together with a bottom jaw.

At presence of continuous dental row of nibble of food comes true by foreteeth at closing of jaws (sagittal motion). Premolars and molars does not function at this time.

Quality, consistency, taste descriptions of food are controlled by the receptors of language and mucosal shell of front third of hard palate.

bitten off food by means of lips and proglossis, moved to the occlusal surface of the first molar of bottom jaw. Mastication, as a rule, takes place on one side, on the right or on the left. After it mesial roller of cheek muscles, is the bunch of muscular fibres into a large cheek muscles, cuddles to the teeth, forming a wall a cheek pocket. Role of mesial roller cheek muscles consists not only in education a lateral cheek pocket but also in the return of food on teeth, if she gets in a cheek pocket.

Then a bottom jaw accomplishes transversal motion, a mouth is closed, and food is exposed to growing shallow. The ground up food passes to the cheek pockets in the п cavity of mouth and returns due to reduction of lip and cheek musculature on dental rows. The transmission of food from one side on other takes place by means of language, lip and cheek muscles.

Simultaneously with breaking up of food there is moistening her saliva. A mucin assists education slippery food lump which it easily to swallow. The degree of growing of food shallow is regulated by the receptors stopped up in the mucous membrane of cavity of mouth. Due to it there is as though sorting of particles of food : the ground up particles of food a less than 2,4 mm going to food lump, large particles act on masticatory teeth for a mechanical aftertreatment, and unfood stakes are pushed by a language from the cavity of mouth.

In masticatory motions of bottom jaw distinguish basic and auxiliary motions. To basic take motions direct-coupled with growing of food shallow. Such which take place for a capture and moving of food from one side on other behave to auxiliary motions. Character of masticatory motions of bottom jaw depends on food, her consistency, hardness, temperature and т.д... To reproduce motions of bottom jaw, it is possible using bitelock or articulator.

4. Plan and organizational structure of lesson on discipline.


Stages of employment

Distribution of time

Types of control

Facilities of educating


Preparatory stage

15 min


Organizational questions.

2 min

Magazine of visited and progress of students.

Methodical recommendations.


Forming of motivation.

3 min



initial level of preparation (standartized controls).

10 min

Verbal questioning.

Writing testing.

Album for independent preparation of students.

Methodical pointing.

Test tasks.


Basic stage:

- to explain and define on charts conformities to law of vertical motions of bottom jaw, function of muscles, change in ВНЧС;

- to explain and define the laws of transversal motions of bottom jaw on charts;

- to explain and define the laws of sagittal motions of bottom jaw on charts.

60 min

Professional training.

Textbooks. Manuals.

An atlas is «Anatomy and biomechanics of masticatory vehicle».

Plaster casts.


Final stage

15 min


Control of eventual level of preparation.

10 min

Verbal questioning on by the standardized lists of questions.

Writing testing.

Estimation on a capture by skills.

Methodical recommendations.

Test tasks.


General estimation of educational activity of student.

3 min

Magazine of visited and progress of students.


Informing of students of theme of next employment.

2 min

Album for independent preparation of students.

Methodical pointing.

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