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Lesson 1 environmental pollution

Words to master:

Contaminantтой, що забруднює

Benign - милостивий, добрий, великодушний

To precipitate - скидати, валити; кидати

Sufficient - достатній

Hazard - ризик; небезпека

Dilution - розбавлення, розчинення

Awareness - усвідомлення, усвідомленість

Background - передумова, підґрунтя

Impact - вплив, дія

Dump - смітник

Severe - суворий; строгий

Lead - свинець

Amendment - виправлення

Emission - випускання; виділення

Read and translate the text:

Environmental Pollution

Pollution is the release of harmful environmental contaminants, or the substances so released. Generally the process needs to result from human activity to be regarded as pollution. Even relatively benign products of human activity are liable to be regarded as pollution, if they precipitate negative effects later on. The nitrogen oxides produced by industry are often referred to as pollution, for example, although the substances themselves are not harmful. In fact, it is solar energy (sunlight) that converts these compounds to smog. Pollution can take two major forms: local pollution and global pollution. In the past, only local pollution was thought to be a problem. For example, coal burning produces smoke, which in sufficient concentrations can be a health hazard. One slogan, taught in schools, was "The solution to pollution is dilution." The theory was that sufficiently diluted pollution could cause no damage. In recent decades, awareness has been rising that some forms of pollution pose a global problem. For example, human activity (primarily nuclear testing) has significantly raised the levels of background radiation, which may lead to human health problems, all over the world. Awareness of both kinds of pollution, among other things, has led to the environmentalism movement, which seeks to limit the human impact on the environment.

Traditional forms of pollution include air pollution, water pollution, and

radioactive contamination while a broader interpretation of the word has led to the ideas of ship pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution. Serious pollution sources include chemical plants, oil refineries, nuclear waste dumps, regular garbage dumps.

Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

  1. release of harmful environmental contaminants,

  2. human activity

  3. two major forms

  4. was thought to be a problem

  5. awareness of both kinds of pollution

  6. light pollution

  7. noise pollution

Answer the questions:

1. What is pollution?

2. What are two major forms of pollution?

3. What kinds of pollution have you learned?

4. What influences the environment?

Lesson 2 disaster

Read and translate the text:


A disaster (from Greek meaning, "bad star") is a natural or man-made event that negatively affects life.

Disasters manifest as hazards exacerbating vulnerable conditions and exceeding individuals' and communities' means to survive and thrive. The Latin pejorative dis and astro, star (L. aster), creating the Italian disastro, which came in to the English language in the 16th century (OED 1590) through the French desastre.

Natural disasters

A Natural phenomenon can easily turn into a natural disaster. A natural disaster may become more severe because of human actions prior, during or after the disaster itself. Natural disasters are: avalanche, cold, disease, drought, earthquake, famine, fire, flood, hail, heat, hurricane, impact event, limnic eruption, landslide, mudslide, sink hole, solar flare, storm surge, thunderstorm, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, waterspout, winter storm.

Man-made disasters

Disasters having an element of human intent, negligence, error or involving a failure of a system are called man-made disasters. Man-made disasters are arson, CBRNs, civil disorder, power outage, public relations crisis, radiation contamination, telecommunication outage, terrorism, war, surviving a disaster.

Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Катастрофа/стихійне лихо/катаклізм, оточуюче середовище,

(нещасний) випадок, посилювати, процвітати, викликати, пожежа,

землетрус, зсув, лавина, посуха, голод, повінь, град, ураган, спалахи на

сонці, гроза, торнадо, цунамі, виверження вулкану, злива, недбале

ставлення, аварія.

Answer the questions:

1. What does the word “disaster” mean?

2. What two types of disasters do you know?

3. What are natural disasters?

4. What are man-made disasters?