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Text 5. Read the following text and do the tasks after it.

Peter: I entered my profession without any qualifications, and without any real job prospects. But then I started doing evening classes at the local further education college. And now I’m a mechanic, and delighted with my job!

Additional Vocabulary

by training


degree in



hall of residence /hostel

postgraduate course

  • Do you think university or college graduates have enough knowledge to start working at once? Are you going to attend any courses or get the second higher education? If yes, when? Why? Do you think you’ll face some problems when looking for a job?

  • Discuss in a dialogue things that you don’t like at the university and complain to your partner about them.

Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

  1. Он выпускник Оксфорда. 2. В каком году Вы поступили в университет? 3. Фил хорошо владеет итальянским языком. 4. Я считаю, у тебя нет никаких перспектив на этой работе. 5. Во время сдачи вступительных экзаменов иногородние абитуриенты живут в общежитии. 6. Кто твой муж по образованию? 7. Она дипломированный юрист. 8. Я хочу написать диссертацию, посвященную проблемам безработицы.

Text 6. Read the following text and do the tasks after it.

Joan: When I was 23, I decided I wanted to go back into education, as I was getting more and more interested in English literature. One option was to become a mature student at a university, but I couldn’t afford this full-time commitment. So in the end I signed up for a correspondence course, or ‘distance learning’, as it’s called. I sent my essays and assignments to a tutor by post and also communicated with her by e-mail.

Additional Vocabulary


department (full-time (day) /part-time (evening))


synopsis (pl. synopses)

to major in

tuition fee

  • What do you think about correspondence courses? What are their advantages and disadvantages in comparison with standard education, in your opinion? Do you think that certificates given at the end of the course are equal to those given after graduating from the University? Why? Would you like to take such a course?

  • Is it better to specialize or to have a broad education? What should be the balance between a theoretical, academic approach and a more practical, vocational education?

  • Enumerate all types of written papers students write while studying. Speak about their difference.

  • Imagine that you’d like to sign up for a correspondence course in new computer technologies. Make a telephone call and ask the clerk all the needed information. Make a decision whether to sign up for the course or not.

Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

  1. Студенты вечернего отделения более серьезно относятся к занятиям, чем студенты дневного отделения. 2. Моя младшая сестра училась на курсах бухгалтеров. 3. Алексей поступил в аспирантуру, потому что не хотел идти в армию. 4. Я все больше интересуюсь современным искусством. 5. Я считаю, что в твоем случае лучший вариант – это курсы дистанционного обучения. 6. Я не готова платить столько денег за обучение в этом институте. Это очень дорого для меня. 7. Я не смог справиться с заданием, которое дал мне репетитор. 8. Ты хоть что-нибудь понимаешь в своих конспектах? 9. У тебя слишком много обязательств.

Text 7. Read the following text and do the tasks after it.

Garry: Our school is known as the worst one in our town. Parents try not to send their children to our school if they have a chance to go to another one. Pupils constantly disrupt classes, and yesterday one mischievous pupil was given a three-week suspension for punching a teacher in the face. Pupils are always running riot, throwing stones at passers-by and can verbally abuse a teacher.

Additional Vocabulary

to have an excuse for

to maintain discipline

to manage smb

to misbehave

to miss classes

to shout at the top of one’s voice

  • Have you ever witnessed a situation when a teacher couldn’t maintain discipline in class? Who is to blame in such a situation: pupils or teachers? What can you say about the behaviour of pupils in our schools? Why do some pupils disrupt classes, in your opinion?

  • Have you ever been punished for misbehaving at school? If yes, for what and how?

  • How do you think teachers can manage their students better so as to encourage better learning and avoid discipline problems? Make a list of possible ways and discuss them with your partner.

  • Do you usually have good excuses for missing classes?

  • How do you think disobedient and disruptive schoolchildren should be disciplined? In groups, discuss the following methods and decide on the most effective one: corporal punishment, lines, discussion, expulsion, detention, young offender institution, privileges, child psychologist.

  • In groups, tell each other about something bad that you did at school. What was the punishment?

  • Was there anybody at school who was particularly disruptive or delinquent? Do you know what happened to him /her in later life?

  • Write some advice to a teacher who finds it difficult to manage his / her students.

Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Я бы не рискнула пропускать уроки по практике речи. 2. Это неуважительная причина для пропуска уроков. 3. Ты опять меня оскорбил! 4. Нападавший ударил его кулаком в живот. 5. Учитель вызвал родителей близнецов в школу, так как они постоянно срывали уроки. 6. Няня хотела уволиться, так как дети ее не слушались, а носились как угорелые. 7. Этими людьми невозможно управлять, они не хотят подчиняться. 8. Я бы хотела поступить на заочное отделение. 9. Чем тебе так нравится эта машина? Она все время ломается. 10. Твой племянник постоянно себя плохо ведет, мне приходится на него орать.

Exercise 1. Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. My daughter was a dilligent student at the university. 2. My mother is an accountant on training. 3. What course did you sign up? 4. The assigment given by the tutor was very interesting. 5. Before the exam I always repeat all the information on the subject. 6. After school I want to go to a college. 7. When he graduated from school he went to France to have a rest. 8. I’m sure that my brother is a naughty, mischivous boy. 9. If he will catch up with the group he’ll have no problems at the exams. 10. She was used to be the best student at school. 11. He turned from a well-known scientist to a beggar. 12. What course you took? 13. He said he coped with all the problems already. 14. What are you delighted at? 15. Will you give me this synopses, it’ll help me get ready for the exam. 16. Being a disruptive pupil, Jack always took a suspension. 17. How long does it take you to read up to exams? 18. He never pays attention on such unimportant things. 19. I don’t like to visit classes of this professor, they are very boring. 20. Mike was put for detention after school again. 21. Did he keep pace with the programme, didn’t he? 22. I’ll never forget this fasinating trip.

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences using your Active Vocabulary.

  1. The programme of studies at the university is very difficult. 2. Mike always prevents our teachers from conducting lessons. 3. Helen is a hardworking and careful student. 4. The head of our group always attends different meetings. 5. Thanks to your help I began to understand Maths. 6. At exams I always use papers containing some information on the subject. 7. He made an official request for a place in a university yesterday. 8. The head of our faculty is a nice man with a good sense of humour. 9. He’s missed so many classes because of his illness that now he has to reach the same level of knowledge as his group mates. 10. I always attend all meetings given by our tutor to a small group of students to discuss some problems I have. 11. Peter comes from a small town so he has to live in a block of flats with many other students. 12. I always use my writings taken at lectures or when getting ready for seminars in order to pass exams well. 13. Every year students of the 4-th course have to write a paper on a particular topic. 14. My cousin has to pay money to study at the university. 15. Mr. Brown had to find a private teacher for his son to help him get ready for exams. 16. At the end of the 5-th course all students must take their last exams.17. It takes much time and effort to get ready for exams. 18. I can’t say he knows English well, he’s just learned some phrases, in fact, he knows nothing. 19. He was punished by his teacher for his bad behaviour and removed from school for a short time. 20. He was often left at school after his classmates had gone home.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks using the following words: qualifications, hall of residence, course, results, scholarship, composition, distractions, cribs, tutorial, library card, certificate, junior.

  1. I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded a … . 2. The exam … come out today and I’m really nervous. 3. I would prefer to go to university and do a … in astronomy. 4. My … include a degree and an MA in chemistry. 5. I passed the exam, but I’m still waiting to get my … . 6. … students were handed student membership cards and record books. 7. I couldn’t get a book in the library as I had lost my … . 8. I always attend all the … given by this teacher as he always explains everything very well. 9. He had to share a room with 3 other boys in the … . 10. He was thrown away from the exam for using … . 11. He had to write a … about his summer holidays. 12. Mike has to deal with a problem of … as he can’t concentrate on his studies.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English using your Active Vocabulary.

  1. Вы должны догнать группу, как бы много не пришлось Вам заниматься. 2. Я говорила тебе сто раз, если хочешь сдать экзамен хорошо, ты должен готовиться к нему, а не рассчитывать на шпаргалки. 3. Все студенты знают, когда начнется сессия. 4. В каком предмете ты специализируешься? 5. Он записался на курсы изучения новых компьютерных технологий. 6. Майк был отстранен от занятий на 10 дней, так как оскорбил учителя. 7. Ты уже подготовился к экзаменам? 8. Кто подготовил тебя к вступительным экзаменам в университет? 9. Он с ужасом ждал выпускных экзаменов. 10. Ваше сочинение оставляет желать лучшего. 11. Нагрузка на работе огромная, я с трудом добираюсь до дома и сразу ложусь спать. 12. Ника часто оставляли после уроков в школе, так как он постоянно срывал уроки математики. 13. Почему его все еще не исключили из университета? 14. Джон заплатил за свою машину баснословные деньги. 15. Посмотри на себя! В кого ты превратился! 16. Этот молодой человек всегда выделяется на фоне своих одногрупников умом и сообразительностью. 17. Учитель опять оставит тебя в школе после занятий. 18. Во многих школах ученики носят форму. 19. Почему ты меня всегда оскорбляешь? 20. Боюсь, что вы не сможете догнать группу, потому что пропустили слишком много занятий. 21. Я не хочу подавать документы на исторический факультет. 22. Джек часто пропускает занятия без уважительной причины. 23. Не обращай внимания на его замечания. 24. Ни один из моих друзей не поступил в университет в этом году. Все провалились на вступительных экзаменах. 25. Если ты будешь заниматься урывками, это не принесет тебе никакой пользы. 26. У нее очаровательная улыбка, не так ли? 27. Его лекция о вреде курения была отвратительно скучной. 28. Его зачислили на факультет иностранных языков. 29. Мне кажется, это задание рассчитано на гениев. 30. Включите консультацию в расписание. 31. Он подал заявление на актерское отделение. 32. У него ученая степень по филологии. 33. Учитель попросил нас написать сочинение о нашей будущей профессии. 34. Лучше не пропускать занятия, иначе Вы не сможете догнать группу. 35. Все студенты в нашей группе получили зачет по языкознанию. 36. Готовясь к экзамену, он не сомкнул глаз. 37. Он очень страдает от своей привычки откладывать все на последний момент. 38. Ты должен сконцентрироваться на этом задании! 39. Учитель высоко оценил ее сочинение, и она была гордилась своими результатами. 40. Твои родители в курсе, что ты провалил экзамен?

Chapter 4. The Journey.

1. Give a good Russian translation of the following words and word combinations and recall the situations with them: tiled floor, furious, bruise, chart, to purchase, to be fussy about, preliminary, boot (about a car), service area, lay-by, driving licence, to zip, junction.

2. Complete the following sentences choosing the best answer.

  1. Colin was going to Manchester …

    1. in two weeks’ time.

    2. on the 4th week of January.

    3. at the beginning of January.

  2. Linda had to …

    1. talk Colin into taking part in the affair.

    2. persuade her husband to take part in the affair.

    3. talk John out of the second meeting with Colin.

  3. John was angry because …

    1. he smashed a plate against the tiled floor.

    2. he didn’t need the alibi.

    3. Linda had gone to the pub.

  4. John agreed because …

    1. Linda hit him against the wall.

    2. he loved Linda.

    3. he knew Frankie Simpson would help him.

  5. Colin was going to become a criminal because …

    1. he liked Linda.

    2. he was a gambler.

    3. he nearly went broke.

  6. During Christmas celebration no one noticed that Colin …

    1. was quieter than others.

    2. was unusually silent.

    3. was quite unusual.

7. Julie was going to Manchester because …

a) she suspected something could go wrong.

b) she didn’t trust Colin.

c) Slater was fussy about details.

8. Colin was wearing casual clothes that time because …

a) he wanted to bear resemblance to somebody else.

b) they were more comfortable for the affair.

c) he didn’t want to look like a businessman.

9. Colin made his way to the M4 …

a) as it was the quickest way.

b) as he was hungry.

c) to meet the Bentleys.

10. Linda took Colin’s driving license …

a) to be on the safe side.

b) to show it to the police.

c) to book a hotel room.

3. Ask 10 key-questions to cover the contents of the chapter.

4. Discuss the following points: 1. The stupid mistake Colin committed. 2. Linda’s behaviour.

5. Divide the chapter into several parts and think of good headings to them. Retell the chapter according to your plan.

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