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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

ГОУ ВПО «Магнитогорский государственный университет»

А. Ю. Черняева А. В. Бутова

Apple pie

Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых факультетов

Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Челябинской области

Магнитогорск 2009

УДК 43(075.8) ББК Ш143.21–91

Рецензенты: Доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков №2 Магнитогорского технического университета С.А. ПесинаКандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Магнитогорского государственного университетаА.Л. Солдатченко

Черняева А.Ю., Бутова А.В.

Apple Pie : учеб.-метод. пособие по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых факультетов / под общ. ред. А.Ю. Черняевой. – Магнитогорск : МаГУ, 2009. – 124 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов первого курса неязыковых факультетов и отвечает требованиям программы Министерства Высшего Образования РФ.

Целью учебно-методического пособия является развитие лексических, грамматических навыков, обеспечивающих эффективную коммуникацию при письменном и устном общении; совершенствование навыков устной речи; подготовка студентов к интернет-тестированию. Материалы пособия предназначены для аудиторных занятий и самостоятельной работы учащихся. Курс расширяет кругозор студентов, углубляет их социокультурные знания о странах изучаемого языка.

Составители: канд. пед. наук, А.Ю. Черняеваст. преп.,А.В. Бутова

Художник Т.C. Давыдова

УДК 43(075.8) ББК Ш143.21–91

© Черняева А.Ю., Бутова А.В., 2009 © Магнитогорский государственный университет, 2009


Учебно-методическое пособие «Apple Pie» составлено с учетом специфики работы на неязыковых факультетах, а также требований государственного стандарта, предъявляемых к содержанию обучения английскому языку на неязыковых факультетах.

Работа по данному пособию развивает у студентов следующие навыки:

1) чтение и понимание текстов разговорно-бытового характера; 2) восприятие диалогической и монологической речи в сфере бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации; 3) выстраивание диалога с использованием наиболее употребляемых и относительно простых лексико-грамматических средств в основных коммуникативных ситуациях неофициального и официального общения; 4) оформление конверта, личного письма, письма-запроса, письма-жалобы, составление резюме. Кроме этого, данное пособие знакомит студентов с основными грамматическими явлениями английской речи, обеспечивающими коммуникацию общего характера без искажения смысла при письменном и устном общении.

В учебный материал также включены тексты страноведческого характера, с целью расширения кругозора студентов, углубления их знаний о культуре, традициях страны изучаемого языка и правилах речевого этикета.

Учебно-методическое пособие содержит шесть уроков, каждый из которых строится по единой схеме и имеет следующие разделы:

  1. Активный словарь (Vocabulary) - введение наиболее часто употребляемой лексики по теме урока;

  2. Активная грамматика (Grammar Focus) - знакомит студентов с новыми грамматическими явлениями и развивает грамматические навыки, необходимые для организации эффективной коммуникации в предложенной ситуации общения;

  3. Чтение (Reading) – содержит текст для чтения и упражнения, направленные на понимание прочитанного, развивающие поисковое, изучающее чтение и обеспечивающие дальнейшую работу по углублению понимания, информационную переработку текста и обсуждения поставленной в нем проблемы;

  4. Письмо (Writing) - правила оформления писем, конвертов, приглашений, составления резюме, заполнения анкет и т.д.;

  5. Устная практика (Speaking) - развивает навыки говорения по теме урока; включает ролевые игры, дискуссии, мини-конференции и т.д.;

  6. Обобщающий раздел (Review) – направлен на закрепление лексико-грамматических явлений представленных в данном уроке;

  7. Страноведческий раздел «Читаем с удовольствием» (Reading for Pleasure) – расширяет социокультурные знания студентов.

В пособие также включены: краткий грамматический справочник (Grammar Summary), призванный помочь студентам при выполнении грамматических упражнений; справочная информация об оформлении основных видов письменных работ (Writing Help), а также комплексный тест (Check Your Knowledge), позволяющий проконтролировать усвоение содержания лексико-грамматического материала, представленного в пособии и оценить степень овладения навыками чтения, говорения и письма.

Предлагаемое пособие может быть использовано для аудиторной работы, самостоятельных занятий и подготовки студентов к интернет тестированию.

1. a) Do you know the alphabet? Write the missing letters.

A, B, C, …., ……, E, F, ……, H, ….., ……, K, L, M, N, O, P, ……, ……,

S, T, ……, W, X, …., Z.

How many vowels are there?

b) Write the letters in the correct place.

sounds letters

/ei/ a, …., …., ….

/i:/ b, …., …., …, …., …., …, …..

/ai/ …., …..

/u:/ q, …., …..

/a:/ ….

2. Which words go with a? Which words go with an? See p. 109

  1. ……apple

  2. ……boy

  3. ……city

  4. ……envelope

  5. ……ice cream

  6. ……egg

  7. ……cat

3. Plural nouns. See p. 108.

Write the plurals of these words.

1) a box - ………

2) a fox - ………..

3) an orange - …….

4) a kiss - …………

5) a family - ……….

6) a city - ………….

7) a church - ………

8) a child - ……….

9) a woman - ……..

4. What’re the answers to the sums? Practice saying them.

1) 7+10 =

2) 100- 37 =

3) 99 + 19=

4) 80 + 43 =

5) 1564 – 463=

6) 5 + 15=

5. Complete the sentences with one of the words in brackets.

1) …..is Melanie. She is from London. (This/These)

2) ….’s my house over there. (This/That/ These/ Those)

3) Look at…….pictures here. They are beautiful. (This/That/ These/ Those)

4) Are …..my students? (This/That/ Those)

5) …..ticket is for you. (This/These/ Those)

7) Who are ….people? (This/That/ Those)

6. Possessive pronouns.

Complete the dialogues with possessive pronouns. See p. 109

1) A: .., name is Sally. What is…... name?

B:….., name is Tom.

2) A: Is this John’s car?

B: Yes, it is … car.

3) A: Where are the girls’ books?

B: ….books are on the shelf.

4) A: Whose mobile phone is it?

B: it is Ann’s.

A: No, it is not …..

B: Then, it is Mary’s.

5) A: Is this phone yours?

B: No, it is not …...

6) A: Whose bags are those? Are they yours?

B: No, they aren’t …….

7. The possessive with ‘s. See p.108

Write sentences. Use the words in brackets to replace the underlined words.

  1. This is her car. (Ann) This is Ann’s car.

  2. Her postcards are beautiful. (Jane).

  3. Their suitcases are in the hotel. (Sarah and John).

  4. Where are your badges? (the policemen).

  5. These are their tea-trays. (the waiters).

  6. Is this her dictionary? (the teacher)

8. Do you know how to ask teachers or classmates? Match the questions to the situations. Check your answers on p. 119. Learn some more useful classroom words on p. 100

  1. Could you explain it once more please?

  2. Sorry, could you repeat that, please?

  3. Could you step aside, please?

  4. Could you give me a hand, please?

  5. Could you translate that into Russian, please?

  6. Can I open the window, please?

  7. Can I answer this question, please?

  8. Can I sit here?

  9. Can I borrow your pencil, please?

  10. Can I give him a hand?

  11. I’m sorry. Can I come in?

  12. Excuse me, I’ve got a problem here.

  1. When you need help, you say number ..4. or number…...

  2. When you haven’t got a pen or a pencil, you say number …

  3. When you can’t see the blackboard, you say number …..or …

  4. When you want to help your friend, you say number …..

  5. When you want to speak, you say number …..

  6. When you don’t understand what the teacher says, you say number …., …., or …

  7. When you are late, you say number …..

  8. When it is stuffy in the room, you say number …..

In this unit you will…

  • Read about famous people

  • Talk about appearance

  • Write a personal letter

  • Learn about Present Simple and Comparisons


1. Look at the pictures.

Can you name these people? What are they famous for? What do you know about them (e.g. age, education etc.)? What colour are their eyes? How tall are they? What kind of hair do they have? What colour is it? What kind of character do you think they have? Use the key words from the box.

General description: beautiful, attractive, pretty, plain.

Height and build: tall, slim, medium height and build, very muscular, short, overweight.

Hair: blond, fair, brown, dark, black, straight, wavy, curly

Character: broad-minded /narrow-minded, hard-working/ lazy, optimistic/ pessimistic, (in)sensitive, (un)friendly, self-confident/shy, (in)flexible, ambitious.

Christina Aguilera Madonna Cameron Diaz

2. How much of the picture you can label with the words from the boxes?


























Find 14 words describing your character and appearance









































































( either across or down)

4. Complete these sentences in a suitable way. (More than one answer may be possible).

  1. He has muscular …………..

  2. He has straight ……………...

  3. She has long ………………..

  4. Her brother has broad ……….

  5. His daughter has blue ………

  6. They have both …………hair.

  7. I would say he is medium …..

  8. The girls are very …………..

  9. My parents are great and don’t mind what I wear. They are very …………

  10. She thinks difficult to meet people talk to someone she doesn’t know.

She is very……………………..

  1. You don’t do your homework. You are very ……………………………...

5. Match the words on the left to the meanings on the right.

1) narrow-minded

2) lazy

3) ambitious

4) inflexible

5) optimistic

6) easy-going

a) relaxed, calm

b) having a fixed way of thinking

c) unable to accept new ideas

d) having desire to be successful/get a better job

e) positive thinking

f) person who never does any work

Game “Suspects” Imagine that you and your friend are policemen, you have to catch criminals but you have different information about crime suspects. Cooperate to catch them. Policeman 1. You have a picture of criminals, but you don’t know their names. Listen to your partner’s description and write people’s names. Policeman p.103

Policeman 1. See p. 6

Policeman 2. See p.99

Ms Mr…… Mr…….

6. Read the description and then draw and colour (27). Then write about your friend.

7. Game «Snowball».

Sit in a circle. Choose one to start. The first student begins to speak about him/herself describing appearance, character and interests (monologues shouldn’t be very long). Then he stops the second one repeats as much as he/she could remember about the first students and then describes him/herself. The third students repeats all information about the 1st and 2nd students and adds some more about him/herself etc. The game continues until the 1st student reproduces the information about every one in the circle.

Grammar Focus

Presentation Present Simple

  1. Study the table bellow. Use the information from the table and complete the sentences.



She is



You work




She works


She is beautiful.

I work at school. She works at school.


I am


We are not



You do not




She does not

It work

They are not singers.

They do not work on Sunday. He does not sing.


Am I?

Is she/he/it ?

Are we/you/ they/?

Do you/ we/they work?

Does she/he/it work?

Is she an actress? Are you a student?

Do you work? Does she work?

See Grammar Summary, on p.111

  1. Madonna’s birthday is/am/are in August.

  2. Cameron’s birthday is/am/are not in September. It is/am/are in August too.

  3. Madonna is/am/are not very tall.

  4. Diaz is/am/are tall.

  5. Madonna and Diaz is/am/are slim.

  6. They have/has fair hair and blue eyes.

  7. Madonna write/writes songs.

  8. Diaz act/acts in films.

2. Complete the profiles using the pictures from ex.1.p.5 Make up your own sentences about the stars using the information from the profile.

Birth Name


Cameron Diaz

Christina Aguilera

Birth Date

August 16, 1958

August 30, 1972

December 18, 1980

Birth Place








Hair Colour

Eye Colour


3. Work in pairs. Student A: choose a star. Student B: ask questions and guess the person.

B: Is it a film star etc.?

Presentation Adjectives

4. Study the table below.





One syllable

Two syllables



longer (than)


the longest (of/in)

the happiest

More than two syllables


more beautiful (than)

the most beautiful (of/in)

Irregular forms



Much /many/ a lot






the best

the worst

the most

the least

Use the information from the table and match the underline structures (1-3) with the uses (a-b).

1) Madonna is the most high-paid female singer on earth.

2) Madonna is more successful than Diaz.

3) Diaz is older than Aguilera.

a) to say that people or things are not equal;

b) to say that somebody or something is unique.

See Grammar Summary on p. 115.

4. Madonna, Diaz and Aguilera are stars. What do we know about them? Use the table below to make sentences about them. Study the above table to make your sentences correct.










2. Hair









3. Age









4. Salary





  1. Aguilera is tall. Madonna is taller than Aguilera. Diaz is the tallest of all.

  2. Madonna…………………………………………………………………

  3. Aguilera………………………………………………………………….

  4. Madonna…………………………………………………………………

  5. Aguilera ………………………………………………………………...

  6. Aguilera ………………………………………………………………...

5. Interview your group-mates and complete the same table with the information about them. Prepare a short survey/report about your group. Who is the tallest, youngest etc…?




2. Hair



3. Age




1. Read the texts and write the name of the stars from the table.

1. Diaz 2. Madonna

Handshake –рукопожатие

Gaze – взгляд

Lid – веко

Skill – мастерство, умение

Successful – успешный

Worldwide – мировой, всемирный

Earn - зарабатывать

A. …………. has a swift, firm handshake and a straight, green gaze and a face that you know as well as your own. The sharp little chin, the heavy lidded eyes, the gap in the teeth: all familiar, but, also, all strange. She looks like Madonna but 300 times better-looking.

Her full name is …………….Louise Ciccone Ritchie. She is the third of eight children (Martin, Anthony, Christopher, Paula, Melanie, Mario & Jennifer). She is an American dance-pop singer-songwriter, record and film producer, dancer, actress, author and fashion icon. She is noted for her ambitious music videos and stage performances as well as using political, sexual, and religious themes in her work.

She is the highest-earning female singer on earth. The mother-of-two makes £26.6 million a year. Success of course is nothing new for her. She is already the most successful female chart act of all time in the US and UK, with successful worldwide album sales of more than 200 million since her first hit, Holiday, in January 1984. She is a legend and deserves all the recognition that the world can give her!

B………….is a classic beauty with acting skills, a killer body and a smile that can brighten up any room. She is a four-time Golden Globe nominated American actress and a former fashion model. She is well-known for her roles in blockbuster movies such as The Mask, My Best Friend's Wedding, Charlie's Angels, Shrek etc. She is the second of two actresses (the other being Julia Roberts) who joined "$20 Million Club" after receiving her salary for Charlie's Angels.

2. Match the comments of fans to one of the singers.

1) It was a surprise for me to know that she is the member of such a large family.

2) I like to watch movies with this actress. She is a very gifted nature.

3) She has two children and I know that she’s adopted one more child. So, I think she is a very good hearted person.

4) In spite of her age she looks half her age. Any woman can envy her beauty and energy.

5) She is a young and talented person. I think that she’ll display her talents. Success and glory are yet to come.

3. Read the text and answer the questions:

1) What is Madonna’s full name?

2) What is her nationality?

3) How many sisters or brothers has she got?

4) How many children has she got?

5) What does Madonna/Diaz do? What’s her occupation?

6) How much does Madonna earn?

7) Can you name Madonna’s first hit?

8) Who is the highest-earning female singer on earth?

9) Is Diaz a member of any clubs?

10) What is Diaz well-known for?

11) Can you name any films with Cameron Diaz in the main role?

4. Describe appearance of Madonna or Diaz to your penfriend from Tunis. (He does not know anything about them).

5. “Madonna is a legend and deserves all the recognition that the world can give her!” – do you agree with this statement? Give your reasons.

6. Do you think that life of famous people is easy and safe? Read the following statements and support or challenge them. See Language Support on p. 102.

  • Popularity brings much money.

  • Fans send lots of letters and presents to their idols.

  • Private life of famous people often becomes public.

  • Paparazzi always follow famous people.

Think about some other difficulties famous people meet (if there are any in your opinion)? Would you like to be as famous as Madonna or Diaz? Why? Give your reasons.

7. Some people want to become famous. What about you? What would you like to be famous for? Is there anything special about you? Make a list of extraordinary things you can do and share your ideas about ways you can gain popularity among your group-mates, in the university or your town etc.

8. Do you have many friends? Think what traits of their character you admire. Write a description of one of your group-mates and read it to the class. Let the others guess who it is.

9. Do you have any ideas about what your friends or group-mates think of you or your character? Look at yourself in a different light. Write a description of your character and appearance from your friends’ point of view. Read your descriptions to the class and check your guesses.

10. Do you admire any person? What is he/she famous for? Tell the class.


1. Read the advertisements and choose one you like.

Samantha De Laperriere

Phone Number: 212-717-6033

“I am Samantha. I am 23,sophisticated and very successful

Interested in meeting new people with whom I can share common interests.

Like to travel, eat at the finest restaurants, attend the theatre, admire

and acquire art. I also patronize many of the most worthy and visible

charities in the city. I’ve worked hard to succeed in my

profession and now I am ready to enjoy life and all it has to offer with that one person who is ready to do the same.”

Hi! i'm Natasha, a professional in research & development (agriculture and politics). I love people and making friends is my favourite hobby. I live in Ukraine but occasionally travel abroad now and then. I would love to make friends with all the 'happy' people of all races, color, and creed. I enjoy open-minded people as well as intellectually stimulating conversations. if this sounds like your good smelling cup of coffee then drop me a line at


I am a 19 year-old, athletic, 2 foot tall male. My name is Rick. My interests are Free Flying, eating salmon, and educating the public about helping birds in the wild. I am an American Bald Eagle who makes home at the American Eagle Foundation at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge. If I am a person for you call me 257-856-0127

David, 19. I'm a very shy person. Very patient, friendly, kind, and good hearted. Only problem I continue to struggle with my depression and loneliness. When you grow up in a military family, having to move all the time and not being able to keep any of your friends, it can be a painful thing. I would like to meet someone who desperately needs a friend as much as I do. Having a friend who has tons of friends doesn't work for me. I've tried that twice and I don't want a 3rd time "bad charm". In a way I have friends at work but they are more "people I talk to" rather then friends. I'm looking for someone I can grow a very close friendship bond with.


2. Write a short letter in reply. Say who you are and where you are from. Don’t forget to mention your job (studies), your age and your interests. The following stages help you.

1) Address. Write the address the letter comes from (street number and street name, name of city, postcode, date).

2) Form of address:

Dear John,

Dear Mr. Smith,

My darling,

  1. Introduction. Say who you are and how you know the person you are writing to.

  2. Information. Give information about yourself, your life and your interests.

  3. Reason to finish. Give a reason (or excuse!) to stop writing.

I don’t like to write here a long and maybe a boring text so I stop here with this short one, but I like to have good conversation with people about interesting things”.

6) Closing lines.

Hope to hear from you soon

Looking forward to seeing you

I’ll write again soon

7).Sign off.

Best regards,

All the best,



Flat 31,

5 Victory street


OX3 002

September 25th

Dear Samantha,

I’ve seen your ad at www.newfriends4u.com and liked it very much. So I decided to write you right away.

My name is John. I’m 24 years old. I am a German guy who likes sports and traveling all over the world.. At the moment I am in Britain. I like the nature here and I hope to see a lot of it this year...I also like any kind of sports... in Germany I play basketball and football.

I don’t like to write here a long and maybe a boring text so I stop here with this short one, but I like to have good conversation with people about interesting things. I am open for all kinds of people and I hope you answer me.

Please write to me here at my address in London. Hope to hear from you soon.


John Schwartzman








1. Read the dialogue ‘At a party’. Underline the words which express surprise.

A: Hi, I am Hoss.

B: Ah, hello, my name is Sally.

A: Please to meet you, Sally. I am from Germany.

B: Really? That’s interesting. I am from Transylvania.

A: Oh, I can’t believe it! That’s where my mum and dad are from.

B: They aren’t.

A: Yeah, they really are.

B: That’s great! And what do you do?... I am a milkmaid

A: Oh, it’s fantastic. I am a toreador.

B: You are joking of course.

A: No, it’s true.

B: And what are you interested in?

A: I like traveling and collecting statuettes of bulls. And you?

2. Organize a party.

Stage 1

Imaging you are going to a party. Invent an unusual character for yourself, make some notes about the person. Use the profile.

Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Age: …………………………………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………………………..

Job: ………………………………………………………………….

Interests: ………………………………………………………………

Stage 2

Work in groups and imagine that you are this unusual person and you are at a party:

  • introduce yourself to another person;

  • find out information about other people;

  • express your surprise about any unusual information the person gives you.

Stage 3

Tell the class about the most unusual person you met at a party.

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple)

Jennifer Lopez ….(be) not just an actress, she ….(be) a singer. Her films ……(reach) number one and so do her songs. She also ………(have) her own clothing label called J.Lo. Her film Enough is being released very soon. She …….(not have) many names as her ex-boyfriend, P. Diddy but she …. (use) more than one. Her proper name …..(be) Jennifer Lopez, her nickname ….(be) J.Lo. In her gym they ……..(call) her ‘La guitarra” (the guitar) because of the shape of her body. There ……..(be) a rumour that her bottom is insured for a million dollars. JLO …….(say) this is absolutely ridiculous (25)!

2. Read and write the words.

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