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2.3.5. Translate using the Past Indefinite, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я назвал свое имя.

  2. Никто не говорил ей, как тяжело она была больна до тех пор, пока она не выздоровела.

  3. Когда он пришел утром в офис, он с удовольствием заметил, что секретарь ничего не трогала на его столе.

  4. Едва эта женщина появилась в их доме, как жизнь изменилась к лучшему.

  5. Не успела я произнести и несколько слов, как все засмеялись.

  6. К тому времени, как я пришел, они обсуждали его доклад уже два часа.

  7. Все было готово к отъезду, но машина еще не пришла.

  8. Солнце еще не встало, когда они отправились в путь.

  9. Он спросил, что мы сделали с тех пор, как начали работать над этой проблемой.

  10. Вопрос оказался гораздо проще, чем мы думали.

  11. Поезд уже ушел к тому времени, когда они, наконец, добрались до станции.

  12. Когда я вернулся домой, гости уже разошлись, а мама уже час мыла посуду.

  13. К тому времени, когда директор пришел в свой кабинет, секретарь просматривала корреспонденцию с 9 часов.

  14. Я видел много репродукций этой картины до того, как увидел оригинал, и должен сказать, что я нашел в ней много такого, чего не замечал в репродукциях.

  15. Он вошел в комнату и сказал, что он только что узнал удивительную новость.

§3 Ways of Expressing the Future in English

There are several ways of expressing the future in English:

  1. the Present Indefinite (not very important use);

  2. the Present Continuous;

  3. be going to form;

  4. the Future Indefinite (shall/will + Infinitive);

  5. the Future Continuous;

  6. the Future Perfect.

Each is used in a slightly different way.

Compare: The train leaves at 6.15. (отправляется в значении 'отправится')

They are leaving tomorrow. (уезжают в значении 'уедут')

They are going to buy tickets in advance. (собираются купить, купят)

They will buy tickets in advance. (купят)

They will be flying to Italy at this time tomorrow. (будут лететь)

They will have left by the time you come. (уедут)

We have already compared the use of the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous for expressing the future (See Unit 6, § 1: 1.1).

3.1. The Future Indefinite (shall/will + Infinitive) – be going to form.

Entry test

1. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Continuous or Future Indefinite.

  1. He (1) (to leave) tomorrow at 7.25. And in 2 hours he (2) (to be) in Sofia. He (3) (to spend) there a week. As soon as he comes back we (4) (to meet).

  2. Last summer they were in Spain. They (5) (to plan) to go there again. – They (6) (to go) by plane or by train? – I think, by plane.

  3. On Monday I (7) (to have) my last exam. As soon as I pass it I (8) (to go) to the country to see my grandparents. I haven't visited them since autumn. They (9) (to wait) for me now.

  4. My aunt (10) (to come) to see us next Saturday. She (11) (to stay) with us for a fortnight. Then she (12) (to fly) to Brest to see her brother.

  5. Next year she (13) (to be) 20. – How she (14) (to celebrate) it? – I think, she (15) (to go) on a tour.

  6. What the children (16) (to do) now? – They (17) (to play) in the garden. And in an hour I (18) (to take) them to the Zoo.

  7. When we (19) (to have) supper? – In half an hour. Mother (20) (to cook) it still.

  8. She (21) (to phone) us soon and we (22) (to decide) where we (23) (to spend) our holidays.

  9. Jack (24) (to come) tomorrow. I (25) (to ask) him for help but I expect he (26) (to refuse).

  10. They (27) (to play) cards now. When they finish they (28) (to go) for a walk.

  11. The weather (29) (to be) fine if it isn't windy tomorrow.

  12. She asks me if I (30) (to join) them the day after tomorrow.

  13. When you (31) (to send) them a telegram? – Next Sunday.

  14. She always (32) (to find) fault with the boy. – Why she always (33) (to complain) to his parents about his bad behaviour?

  15. I'm sorry, but she cannot talk to you now. She (34) (to have) a shower.

  16. Why the girl (35) (to cry)? – She is afraid of the dog.

  17. Before he leaves he (36) (to sign) all the documents.

  18. What's up? Why you (37) (to sit) here alone? – I (38) (to wait) for Mother. I've left my key in the office.

  19. As soon as I get a letter from them I (39) (to let) you know about it.

  20. When he comes he (40) (to explain) to you why he has done it.