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Основные способы перевода слова one





переводится ранее упомянутым словом или не переводится

This story is more interesting than that one.

Эта история интереснее той (истории).



One plus one is two.

Один плюс один два.

Формальное подлежащее

неопределенно-личным предложением

one believes that..

one knows that..

one must expect that...

one can easily understand



Известно, что

Следует ожидать, что...

Легко можно понять, что

Формальное дополнение

не переводится

The evidence provided by the author makes one believe that his hypothesis rests on sound foundation.

Доказательства, представленные автором, позволяют верить в то, что эта гипотеза построена на проверенной теории.

      1. Слова-заместители глаголов-сказуемых

1. Doглагол, который заменяет сказуемое предшествующего предложения. При переводе следует повторить замененный глагол:

A wise man seldom changes his mind, a fool never does.

Умный человек редко меняет свое мнение, глупый никогда (не меняет).

Однако иногда можно сохранить значение “to do” как смыслового глагола — делать:

You will defend your diploma project as most students do at the end of the 5th course.

2. Для замены многочленного сказуемого используется первый вспомогательный глагол. При переводе на русский язык следует повторить смысловой глагол, ставя его в том времени, на которое указывает вспо­могательный глагол-заместитель, например:

As science has evolved so has its meaning.

По мере того как развивается наука, развивается и ее значение.

3. So— служебное слово, которое используется в том случае, когда повторяемое сказуемое является составным, смысловая часть которого выражена прилагательным или наречием. При переводе следует повторить смысловую часть сказуемого, например:

These data are very important for theory, and less so for practice.

Эти данные очень важны для теории и менее важны для практики.

Кроме того, можно использовать при переводе «соединяющее» слово также.

Exercise 1.

Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

  1. This is where we live.

  2. If you need a dictionary, take this.

  3. One full course of treatment costs as little as 5 pence.

  4. That's a different proposition.

  5. The full analysis produces one further surprise.

  6. I'd like to spend a little more time with her than that.

  7. Collisions between unlike molecules are the important ones.

  8. The result, like the one just described, is in no way surprising.

  9. One should take the precautions mentioned.

  10. One may well ask why the two sheets of paper fly apart.

  11. It takes one much time to make all the necessary calculations.

  12. The figures presented involve one in the problems of modern statistics.

  13. The messages thus transmitted were more precise than those.

  14. The range of data sets involved in applications of this kind are often more limited than those of previous applications fields.

  15. The computer allows one to make calculations in a short time.

  16. The theoretical basis of the project was therefore straightforward, but in

  17. practice it proved significantly less so.

  18. They expect that overdrafts would rise an average of about £15,500 upwards.

Exercise 2.

Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

  1. But, as Olga said in her letter to me, one weeps more often because one is not free.

  2. It is generally acknowledged that non-price factors such as the quality of design are at least as important as price factors.

  3. For one thing, the government may baulk at giving the financial guarantee. If that did not guarantee another five years at Westminster, nothing would.

  4. The procedure is straight-forward and is the one followed throughout the experiment.

  1. When books were hand copied they were very rare and valuable, and not much less so in the early days of printing.

  2. If businessmen are very pessimistic about the future, it is unlikely that even very low interest rates would induce them to increase their rate of investment.

  3. One believes that the procedure described above will simplify the experiment.

  4. The evidence provided by the author makes one believe that his hypothesis rests on sound foundation.

  5. One is to make a lot of experiments to make sure that his observation is adequate.

  6. When making experiments of this kind one is faced with still another difficulty.

  7. Impartiality can be irritating to viewers as well as to governments — though much less so to viewers.

  8. Although the number of new patents held by Nimslo is impressive the legal monopoly which they offer is much less so.

  9. The main aim of this project is to provide better models for assessing a country's creditworthiness and foreign debt-servicing problems than those currently available.

  10. If successful, such techniques could be applied across many countries rather than those few which possess occupational data.

  11. The Silicon Valley companies that store our personal data have a growing responsibility to protect it from government snooping.

  12. A billion browser-based phones also means that Google can display advertisements to that many more people around the world.

Exercise 3.

Translate the sentences from Russian into Russian.

  1. Этот фильм интереснее, чем тот, который мы смотрели на прошлой неделе.

  2. Сахар растворяется в воде. Поваренная соль тоже (растворяется в воде).

  3. Нужно думать перед тем, как что-либо делать.

  4. То, что эта теория верна еще нужно доказать.

  5. Наш дом гораздо больше, чем их дом.

  6. Атомный вес водорода больше (атомного веса) углерода.

  7. Я читал вашу статью и нашел ее очень интересной

  8. Этот метод общепринят (является общепринятым методом).

  9. Последний метод значительно отличается от того (метода), который упоминался (от упоминаемого) выше.

  10. Новый прибор позволяет (нам) более тщательно исследовать этот процесс.

  11. Нелегко убедить человека в реальности этих фактов.

  12. Новый роман более глубоко раскрывает тему одиночества, чем написанные ранее произведения.

  13. Это информация будет более полезной для него, чем для меня.

  14. Он действительно побил мировой рекорд по прыжкам в длину.

  15. Она в самом деле бросила институт и пошла работать нянечкой в больницу.

Exercise 4.

Traslate the texts.

Text 1

  1. Science learning easier when students actively recall information

Friday, January 21, 2011 — 11:06 in Psychology & Sociology

Put down those science text books and work at recalling information from memory. That's the message of new research from Purdue University that says practicing memory retrieval boosts science learning far better than elaborate study methods. Educators traditionally rely on learning activities that encourage elaborate study techniques focused on improving the encoding of information into memory. But, when students practice retrieval, they set aside the material they are trying to learn and instead practice calling it to mind.

The study, "Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning Than Elaborative Studying With Concept Mapping," tested both learning strategies alongside each other. "In prior research, we established that practicing retrieval is a powerful way to improve learning," said Karpicke. "Here we put retrieval practice to the test by comparing its effectiveness to an elaborative study method, specifically elaborative studying by creating concept maps."

Concept mapping requires students to construct a diagram--typically using nodes or bubbles--that shows relationships among ideas, characteristics or materials. These concepts are then written down as a way of encoding them in a person's memory.

In two studies, reported by Karpicke and his colleague, Purdue University psychology student Janell Blunt, a total of 200 students studied texts on topics from different science disciplines. One group engaged in elaborative study using concept maps while a second one practiced retrieval; they read the texts, then put them away and practiced freely recalling concepts from the text.

After an initial study period, both groups recalled about the same amount of information. But when the students returned to the lab a week later to assess their long-term learning, the group that studied by practicing retrieval showed a 50 percent improvement in long-term retention above the group that studied by creating concept maps. This, despite the students own predictions about how much they would actually remember.

Karpicke found that when students have the material right in front of them, they think they know it better than they actually do. "It may be surprising to realize that there is such a disconnect between what students think will afford good learning and what is actually best. We, as educators, need to keep this in mind as we create learning tools and evaluate educational practices," he said.

Text 2

How Language Shapes Thought

The languages that we speak affect our perceptions of the world

I am standing next to a five-year old girl from a small Aboriginal community on the western edge of Cape York in northern Australia. When I ask her to point north, she points precisely and without hesitation. My compass says she is right. Later, back in a lecture hall at Stanford University, I make the same request of an audience of distinguished scholars—winners of science medals and genius prizes. Some of them have come to this very room to hear lectures for more than 40 years. I ask them to close their eyes (so they don’t cheat) and point north. Many refuse; they do not know the answer. Those who do point take a while to think about it and then aim in all possible directions. I have repeated this at Harvard and Princeton and in Moscow, London and Beijing, always with the same results.

A five-year-old in one culture can do something with ease that eminent scientists in other cultures struggle with. This is a big difference in cognitive ability. What could explain it? The surprising answer, it turns out, may be language.