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Lecture 3 The basic ecological laws

As well as any science, ecology reveals laws of course of studied processes and formulates them in the form of the positions brief logic and checked up by practice - laws.

Geographical environment - a complex environment of the Earth, which образовывается in consequence of interosculation and interaction of substances of separate geospheres: litospheres, hydrosphere, atmospheres and biospheres. The geographical environment - the greatest natural complex is an environment of all alive and represents complex dynamic natural system which is characterized by presence of substances in three modular conditions: firm, rare and gaseous; in which development there are certain laws:

Integrity - all components of an environment represent a single whole, cooperate among themselves, and the substance, energy and the information are in constant кругообороте;

Rhythm - periodic recurrence of the similar natural phenomena which last times, year, a millenium (a cold snap and warming of a climate) or millions years.

Ash value - change of character and property of natural complexes and their component from equator to the poles, connected with non-uniform distribution of solar heat is dependent on geographical breadth:

Height (поястность) - change of a relief, a climate of waters, grounds, vegetative and fauna depending on absolute height of district, slopes of mountains and action of air weights.

The basic ecological laws

1. The law of indestructibility of matter (weight) and 2. The law of conservation of energy:

On the basis of first of them we should draw a basic conclusion: any physical, chemical or other changes do not lead to disappearance of substance or its reception from anything. Any converting activity of the person not in a condition neither to create, nor to destroy uniform atom of substance, and only allows to translate from one condition in another, but nothing disappears completely. From the point of view of wildlife management it is necessary to acquire, that any process will create waste which also are a part of converting natural substance.

Second of these laws establishes, that any transformations of energy do not allow to receive it more, than has been spent initially, that is any material object on the Earth at any physical, chemical or other changes can transform only energy from one kind into another, but not achieve its occurrence or disappearance.

3. The law of biogenic migration of atoms (or Vernadsky's law):

Migration of chemical elements on a terrestrial surface and in biosphere as a whole is carried out under surpassing influence of alive substance, organisms. So occured and in the geological past, millions years ago so occurs and in modern conditions. The alive substance or takes part in biochemical processes directly, or creates corresponding, sated oxygen, carbonic gas, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and other substances, environment. This law has the important practical and theoretical value. The understanding of all chemical processes which occur in geospheres, is impossible without taking into account action of biogenic factors, in particular - evolutionary. Presently people influence a condition of biosphere, changing its physical and a chemical compound, conditions of the biogenic migration of atoms balanced by centuries. It will serve in the future the reason of very negative changes which get ability to develop most and become global, uncontrollable (desertification, degradation of a ground, extinction of thousand kinds of organisms). By means of this law it is possible to prevent meaningly and actively development of such negative phenomena, to supervise over biogeochemical processes, using "soft" ecological methods.

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