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What are the social relations governing the agrarian law, which is the subject of his study? In the process of production and economic activity of agricultural producers have interlinked property, land, commercial, labor, organizational and administrative relations. They do not constitute an organic unity, but the specific activities in the agricultural sector necessitates their integration into one system. Thus, we can conclude that the agrarian law as a complex area to regulate agrarian relations of both traditional and special rules. The subject of agrarian law is a relationship based on private, state, municipal property and arising in the field of agriculture. To such conclusion the authors of the textbook "Agrarian Law of Ukraine". The authors of the textbook "Agrarian Law of Ukraine" have suggested that the agrarian law in a state of becoming as independent and integrated area of ​​national law which has its own subject, his own and partly integrated facilities, own subjects, methods, system. Agrarian law as a specialized branch of law designed to regulate the relations established between actors in the agricultural sector. The provisions of the Agricultural Law regulated range and content of these rights and responsibilities. Thus, the nature of industrial and economic and socio-economic activities, feature social conditions of existence of agricultural producers is determined by the uniqueness of the subject of agrarian law as a field of law. Agrarian Law of Ukraine as a branch of law that is under formation and the formation, regulates a complex of related industrial and commercial relations, which consist in the production and processing of agricultural products. Agrarian law as a system of rules governing a variety of complex social relations, which consist in the process of agricultural production. This coherent system of legal rules, blocks and elements are placed in hierarchical order. Agrarian law as a systematic branch regulates a group of complex social relations and is thus a comprehensive integrated area of ​​law. It is associated with economic, civil, administrative, labor, land and other areas of law. The term "agrarian law" covered interrelated but not identical concepts. Agrarian Law should rozhlyadyaty as a branch of law, the legal branch of science and academic discipline. Agrarian law as one of the branches of legal science - a system of scientific knowledge, legal ideas, theoretical views, concepts and knowledge about the laws of agrarian-legal regulation of social relations that are the subject of agrarian law. As a science agrarian law is a theoretical position about the subject, methods, sources, subjects and objects of agrarian law of agrarian legal on state regulation silskohohospodarskyh relations, organization, discipline and safety in agriculture and more. Agrarian law as an academic discipline is a system of scientific knowledge about the agrarian law - the branch of law and legislation designed to study the relevant institutions, particularly - legal.

ІV studying year, І term

Theme 3: text “Civil law”

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