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The first president of the usa

George Washington, known as the «Fa­ther of his Country», was the first president of the United States. He was born on Feb­ruary 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, then a British colony.

In March 1775, Washington was elect­ed to the Second Continental Congress. By the time he attended the Congress, the opening battles of American Revolution had already been fought in Massachusetts. In June, G. Washington was elected to be the commander-in-chief of the colonial army.

In 1787 Washington was elected to head the Virginia delegation at the Constitutional Convention. In the country, people linked his name directly to the new Constitution. Washington was elected the president in February 1789 with the largest possible number of votes. He was inaugurated in New York City, at that time the capital of the United States.

George Washington was 65 when he left the presidency, but he did not lose connections with public affairs. He also made trips to watch construction of the new city of Washington, D. C, which was then called the Federal City. At the time of his death, he had the rank of lieutenant general. In 1976, the U. S. Congress gave him the title of general of the armies of the United States.

Presidents of the us:

1. Washington, George 1789—97

2. Adams, John 1797-1801

3. Jefferson, Thomas 1801—09

4. Madison, James 1809—17

5. Monroe, James 1817—25

6. Adams, John Quincy 1925—29

7. Jackson, Andrew 1829—37

8. Van Buren, Martin 1837—41

9. Harrison, William Henry 1841

10. Tyler, John 1841-45

11. Polk, James Knox 1845-49

12. Taylor, Zachary 1849-50

13. Fillmore, Millard 1850-53

14. Pierce Franklin 1853-57

15. Buchanan, James 1857—61

16. Lincoln, Abraham 1861—65

17. Johnson, Andrew 1865—69

18. Grant, Ulysses Simpson 1869—77

19. Hayes. Rutherford Birchard 1877—81

20. Garfield, James Abram 1881

21. Arthur, Chester Alan 1881-85

22. Cleveland, Grover 1885—89

23. Harrison, Benjamin 1889-93

24. Cleveland, Grover 1893—97

25. McKinley, William 1897-1901

26. Roosevelt, Theodore 1901—09

27. Taft, William Howard 1909-13

28. Wilson, Woodrow 1913-21

29. Harding, Warren Gamaliel 1921—23

30. Coolidge, Calvin 1923-29

31. Hoover, Herbert Clark 1929-1933

32. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1933—45

33. Truman, Harry S. 1945-53

34. Eisenhower, Dwight David 1953—61

35. Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 1961—63

36. Johnson, Lyndon Baines 1963—69

37. Nixon, Richard Milhous 1969—74

38. Ford, Gerald Rudolph 1974-77

39. Carter, Jimmy 1977—81

40. Reagan, Ronald 1981—89

41. Bush, George 1989—93

42. Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson) 1993-2001

43. Bush, George 2001—

EXERCISE 12. Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

глава Содружества наций, в возрасте 25 лет, после смерти отца, родилась, стала наследницей, с раннего детства, королевские обя­занности, когда-нибудь, вышла замуж, раньше, Вестминстерское Аббатство, их первый сын, затем, наследник престола, другие близ­кие родственники, составляют, королевская семья, объявила, сре­ди многочисленных обязанностей, постоянные визиты, зарубеж­ные страны, особенно, происходит ежегодно, после общих выбо­ров, подготовленную для нее, более того, все еще, Королевская пре­рогатива, исключительное право, назначать, защитники монархии, подчеркивают, уникальный исторический характер, огромная попу­лярность, огромное значение, был избран, начинающиеся битвы уже велись, главнокомандующий, связывали его имя непосредственно с новой Конституцией, с максимально возможным количеством голосов, оставил президентский пост, не потерял связи, обществен­ные дела, совершал поездки, звание генерал-лейтенанта.

EXERCISE 13. a) Find in the texts the words, which have the similar meanings as the following words:

chief, a lot of, a number of, to stress, importance, to perform, strug­gle, to connect, the biggest, to name;

b) Find in the texts the words, which have the opposite meanings to the following words:

life, late, less, foreign, before, small, the last, now, old, this.

EXERCISE 14. Fill in gaps with the missing words in the following sentences; the first letter of each word has been given to help you:

1. Their child was c... in this church. 2. She was the h... of all that property. 3. She was going to a... the royal duties. 4. He was the member of the r... family. 5. He got a great number of v... at the election. 6. George

Washington was i... in New York City. 7. She made a lot of t.. to foreign countries. 8. He has read a book about different a... 9. She was t... of her job. 10. She r... his help.

EXERCISE 15. Find in the texts, translate, and analyze:

a) grammar forms with the ending -ing:

the State Opening of the Parliament

the opening battles

b) grammar forms with the ending -ed:

the United Kingdom the United States

was christened was elected

was trained people linked his name

Elizabeth married Philip he was inaugurated

Queen announced was called

is performed

prepared by the Prime Minister

c) grammar forms with the ending -s:


United States




a number of votes




public affairs

United Kingdom's royal family


the royal family's name

the armies



Queen Elizabeth's many duties

she makes

regular visits

EXERCISE 16. Complete the following sentences in a logical way:

1. Elizabeth II is the queen of the United Kingdom of ...

2. Elizabeth II is the head of...

3. She became the queen at the age of...

4. She was trained for the royal duties from ...

5. Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten in...

6. They had three sons and ...

7. Prince Charles became the heir to the throne when ...

8. The royal family is made up of...

9. The royal family's name is ...

10. But Queen Elizabeth announced that...

11. Queen Elizabeth has many ...

12. One of the most important official duties is ...

13. The Queen reads a speech prepared for her by ...

14. The Queen also appoints ...

15. The defenders of the monarchy emphasize ...

EXERCISE 17. Answer the following questions about Royal Family of the UK:

1. Which member of the Royal Family opened a building with the words: «I declare this thing open, whatever it is»?

2. What relation is Viscount Althorp to Princess Diana?

3. Which of the present Royals said: «There are lots of new stars to fill the centre stage. I'm in the back row of the chorus»?

4. Which regiment did Prince Edward join up with when he was 18?

5. In a TV interview, she was asked what she would like to be in an­other life, she answered: «A long distance lorry driver». Who said this?

6. Which member of the Royal Family said: «If men had to have babies, they would only have one»?

7. Who gave this unforgettable piece of gardening advice: «To get the best result, you must talk to your vegetables»?

8. What was original about the birth of Prince William?

9. Whose favorite dogs are corgis (порода декоративных собак)? 10. Who is the author of Budgie's children books?


1. Prince Philip; 2. He is her brother; 3. Princess Alexandra; 4. The Royal Marines; 5. The Princess Royal; 6. Princess Diana; 7. Prince Charles; 8. First heir to the throne to be born in a hospital than a palace; 9. Queen Elizabeth; 10. Duchess of York («Best»).

EXERCISE 18. Agree or disagree with the following statements; add some more information:

1. Prince Andrew became the heir to the throne. 2. Queen Elizabeth has many duties. 3. George Washington is known as the «Father of his Country». 4. G. Washington didn't take part in the battles of Revolution. 5. G. Washington lost connections with public affairs after leaving the presidency.

EXERCISE 19. a) Read and translate the following dialogue;

b) memorize and dramatize the dialogue;

c) act out a similar dialogue.

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