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UNIT 8.doc
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I. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why.

1. Greta used to be dreamy in her childhood.

2. She has always wanted to be a librarian.

3. Greta has been keen on books for almost fifteen years.

4. Frau Gunter advised Greta to seek a career in publishing.

5. Greta dreams of doing something to change the world for the better.

6. She is very keen to be successful.

7. One of Greta's friends has applied for a job in a publishing house.

8. At the interview the applicant for the job has to impress the interviewer as a well-qualified, experienced person with a wide range of interests.

9. Matilda has given Greta a letter of recommendation to help her at the interview.

10. It is two months since Greta has started looking for a worthwhile job.

11. Greta was overjoyed to hear the name of her favourite publishing company.

12. Heinemann Children's Readers were Greta's first books.

13. Greta has never been so happy before.

14. Greta was so excited that she couldn't find the list of recommendations Matilda had given her.

II. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1. _? — When you are young.

2. _? — No, she's never let her imagination go.

3. _? — To become a librarian.

4. _? — Since the time she learnt to read.

5. _? — Books (did).

6. _? — Frau Gunter.

7. _? — Yes, there was (a strong bond between them).

8. _? — To get a job in a publishing company.

9. _? — Inspiring and rewarding.

10. _? — To be successful.

11. _? — For the Harper Collins Publishers.

12. _? — In the candidate's qualifications and experience.

13. _? — Because he wants to be sure of the person he's going to employ.

14. _? — With a list of recommendations.

15. _? — Because it sums up Matilda's own experience.

16. _? — No, she hasn't found it yet.

17. _? — Dozens.

18. _? — In a local paper.

19. _? — Because the line was engaged.

20. _? — No, she's never been so happy before.

III. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations.

Завойовувати світ, почуватися як вдома серед книжкових полиць, кваліфікований професіонал, безмежна любов до книжок, отримати роботу у видавничій компанії, натхненна робота, робота, що приносить задоволення, бути амбіціозним, шлях до успіху, кандидат на посаду, претендувати на посаду, досвід роботи, рекомендації, кваліфікація, успішно пройти інтерв’ю, список порад, справляти сприятливе враження, оголошення про роботу, бути на межі відчаю, пропонувати роботу, набирати телефонний номер, зайнята (про телефонну лінію), додзвонитися, невідкладні речі.

IV. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.

To be fanatical about books, a strong bond, to broaden people’s mind, motto, employer, experience, to do well at the interview, to supply smb with smth, a job advertisement, on the verge of despair, to put smth aside, to get through, to be interrupted by, to go in a daze, to be blissfully happy.

V. Give a summary of the text.

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