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4. Do Not Scheme

Which brings me to my next advice on how to move up the corporate ladder. Do not scheme. Please, whatever you do and however tempting – do not scheme. The amount of time …(8)… plan your strategy is better used for generating ideas, working hard and improving yourself. Doing all these positive things has more long-term benefits than you know.

Now that is not to say you should not have a career plan. Yes, plan your career path. What you need to learn, skills to improve, maybe even places to be transferred to …(9)… to reach your goals. What I am referring to here is scheming when to do what, who to see, what important meeting to impress whom and plotting it all the way. When you plan to outsmart, impress and compare, you will run out of stamina. Such behavior is not sustainable without it …(10)… . When you scheme people will notice, higher ups will notice too. They will find it hard to trust someone like that at the top. Think about it. Is it worth it playing games?

When you do the right thing and do things right, the answer of how to move up the corporate ladder will come naturally. Work hard and deliver the results beyond the expected and you will soon be moving upwards.

A to give their best

B that way cannot sustain their position

C how much one wants to believe in it

D taking a toll on real performance

E or even as simple

F good or bad times in the office

G should be carried out in order

H it takes skills and knowledge

I you take to plot your moves and

J how to share credit is


For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

You will hear an interview with the head of employment agency, where she talks about expectations in today’s job market.

  1. How does Diane Webber view ‘jobs for life’?

    1. She regrets the fact that this situation is no longer the norm.

    2. She feels that many long-serving employees failed to make a useful contribution.

    3. She believes that people should have challenged their employers’ motives more.

    4. She wishes the workplace had been more secure in the past.

  1. According to Diane, younger workers in today’s workplace

    1. learn all the skills they need early on.

    2. accept lateral moves if they are attractive.

    3. expect to receive benefits right from the start.

    4. change jobs regularly to achieve a higher level.

  1. What does Diane say about continuity in companies?

    1. It is desirable in both junior and senior management.

    2. It is impossible to achieve in today’s more competitive environment.

    3. It is unimportant, due to the greater emphasis on teamwork.

    4. It is necessary, but only up to a point.

  1. According to Diane, what is the actual benefit of higher levels of personnel movement?

    1. higher levels of output

    2. better problem-solving

    3. more creativity

    4. greater efficiency

  1. Diane considers that nowadays, companies are at more risk from

    1. run-of-the-mill employees who play safe.

    2. successful high-fliers who quickly move on.

    3. unreliable staff who lack commitment.

    4. external advisors who have undue power

What do the following expressions mean?

  1. cut their teeth

  2. progress up the rungs

  3. a mixed blessing

  4. dog-eat-dog

  5. a quantum leap

  6. quick fixes

  7. keep their heads down

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