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Bachelors 1st year.doc
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3.18 Choose the English equivalents.

a) Я должен

1. I can

2. I have to

3. I am able to

b) Он может

1. He must

2. He has to

3. He may

c) Она должна была

1. She was able to…

2. She had to…

3. She was allowed to …

d) Мы могли

1. We had to…

2. We could…

3. We were to …

e) Они должны были

1. They are allowed…

2. They were able to…

3. They were to …

f) Я смогу, сумею

1. I will be able to…

2. I will be allowed to …

3. I will have to …

3.19 Translate the sentences.

1. The teacher is able to bring English speech into the classroom. 2. The student has to prepare carefully his homework. 3. Our University is to train many specialists for the shipbuilding industry. 4. At the last lesson I was able to tell a long story in English. 5. The students of all the faculties are allowed to work at the University or at any other office and plant. 6. My friend was to defend his diploma project in March but he fell ill. 7. I had to carry out experiments with electricity in the physics laboratory yesterday.

3.20 Complete the sentences with the proper modal verb.

a) Permission

1. Janet: Can I smoke in the house?

Mrs Jones: Well, you can smoke in your room but you can’t smoke in the kitchen.

2. Janet: … make a call?

Mrs Jones: Yes, you can, but you have to pay for the calls you make.

3. Janet: … keep a cat?

Mrs Jones: No, I’m sorry you can’t. I don’t want animals in the house.

b) Ability

1. George has traveled a lot. He can (is able to) speak four languages. 2. Tom … drive but he hasn’t got a car. 3. He can’t play tennis very well now but he … play quite well when he was younger. 4. She can’t run very fast now but when she was at school she … run faster than anyone else. 5. I looked very carefully and I … see a figure in the distance.

3.21 Obligation and advice.. Choose the best for these sentences.

1. It’s very early. We must / don’t have to leave now. 2. We can go to the cinema tonight. I must / don’t have to work. 3. You look tired. You should / mustn’t have a holiday. 4. That’s a great film. You don’t have to / should see it. 5. His leg is broken. We should / must phone the doctor. 6. These windows are dirty. You must / should clean them more often. 7. Peter drives too fast. He should / must drive more carefully. 8. He owes you a lot of money. You shouldn’t / mustn’t lend him any more. 9. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I should / had to work late. 10. Many children in Britain have to / should wear uniforms when they go to school.

3.22 Say what we must and mustn`t do at the table.

1.We …..speak with our mouth full. 2.We …..put the table napkin on our knees. 3.We …..reach across for the salt.4.We …..use the fork and knife properly. 5.We …..put our elbows on the table. 6.We …..wave the knife or the fork in the air. 7.We …..lift a soup bowl to our mouth. 8.We …..eat noiselessly.

3.23 Read the text and discuss why cultures of different countries are not the same. Think about the heading for the text.

There are many different traditions and customs in the world today. Most of them are as a rule connected with different countries' religion, history and culture. No doubt they play an important role in the lives of various nations. Being one of the most important links connecting the past, the present and future of many nations these customs and traditions help them to keep up their originality and bring up their children to love their motherland and respect their religion, history and culture.

The ways different nations celebrate various holidays and some important events in their lives reveal their national character, the way of their life, their customs and traditions. Almost all people in the world are proud of their national traditions and carefully keep them up.

Russia is a unique country with old and rich cultural traditions. Foreigners from all over the world who come to our country are interested in our history and culture, traditions and customs. For most of them Russia is a great and beautiful country. They are impressed by our people's broad character and hospitality. In their opinion our people are strong, brave and generous.

Russia is a multinational, multiconfessional and multicultural state. More than 150 different nations, ethnic groups and nationalities live on its enormous territory. They naturally differ from each other in many ways. But these differences cannot be an obstacle to their friendship with all the other nations and our country unity.

Notes:1. reveal [rɪ′vi:l] ­ раскрывать. 2. obstacle [′ɔbstǝkl] ­ препятствие

3.24 One important element of Russian life is the dacha. Read the text and say what dacha is for you.

Many Russian people have a plot of land out in the country called a "dacha". They often have a small house there where they can relax or grow fruit and vegetables in the garden.

Dachas are usually a few kilometers outside the city. So Friday evening and Saturday morning thousands of cars, buses and local trains carry millions of people to their dachas outside the city. People spend their weekends at their dachas during spring, summer and autumn. Many people grow vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and potatoes while others prefer to grow flowers. In the summer, families swim and fish in nearby lakes and rivers. They also pick fruit and berries which they use to make jam. Autumn is the most beautiful season. All of the trees, grass and plants are green, red and yellow and there are a lot of colourful flowers. During the long cold Russian winters people can't wait to return to their dachas. There they can relax and get away from the busy city life. Going to the dacha has become a tradition.

3.25 Choose the correct preposition.

1. Hurry up! Our bus leaves on/in an hour. 2. In the picture Jerry is sitting among/between Alex and Ted. 3. The postman is in/at the door. He’s got some letters for us. 4. Father goes to work in/by car every morning. 5. I’m meeting Peter for coffee on/at Tuesday. 6. Be careful as you walk across/along the street. 7. I go to the University on/by foot.

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