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2 U Marriage.doc
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2) Cohabitation

I would like to know if it is legal in Minnesota for 2 people to live together in a domicile as a couple, man and woman, while one of them is still married in another state to someone else. Is there a law profiting it in Minnesota?

3) Child after separation

My wife and I have been separated for 2 years. I live in Georgia, she lives in Illinois. Three months after I left Illinois, she got pregnant. We are still married. She says that I have to pay child support. There is no way that this child could be mine, since I was not in Illinois when she got pregnant. We have a five year-old together whom I am supporting. She says that because we are still married that I am responsible for this other child. Am I?

4) Disabled

I am a disabled woman in California who has been receiving support from her father for about two and a half years, and I had to sue him for this support, so he hasn't been a voluntarily generous father to say the least. Anyway, I have a boyfriend now who wants to marry me and I really need to know if getting married will give my father the legal right to "cancel" or repeal the court-ordered financial support that he's sending me. I'm sure that my father would use this as a reason to try to cancel the support if he believed that he had a legal leg to stand on*, so I really need to know. Thank you. *to have a leg to stand on - иметь поддержку

5) Messing around

My husband has been seeing someone for a wile now. I have known this for a fact but he always tells me to prove it or shut up about it. Well, the girl that he is seeing was at a store we were at and the store has surveillance cameras and she was making suggestions to him and I would like to know what I need to do to make him pay $$$ for destroying my life. It's on film that they know each other and I have other proof. He can't say I am making it up.

6) Law

If two people marry, are they LEGALLY considered a family even thought they do not have children?

7) Married but separated

A married couple is legally married but separated. They have a child. One of the spouses decided to take the child on a vacation for a week out of the state. He did not ask the other spouse for permission. Would that be called kidnapping? The child will be back in one week.


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