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Infinitive Constructions

1) The accusative with the Infinitive (Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction)

This complex consists of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and the Infinitive mostly Indefinite of Passive.

This complex is always an object in the sentence. It is mostly translated into Ukrainian by an object clause.

E.g. I saw the boy drop the cup. My friends want me to come and stay with them on Sunday.

A. to see

to hear

to feel

to watch

to notice

smb do smth

  1. to let

to make

to have

to cause

to force

smb do smth

  1. to order

to allow

to forbid

to permit

smb to do smth

smth to be done

  1. to like

to prefer

to want

to know

to expect

smb to do smth

Note 1. Any lexical equivalent of the verb may be used in Patterns A, C, D but not B.

Note 2. After the verb “to help” the accusative with the infinitive may be used with or without the particle to.

E.g. Help me to do it. / Help me do it.

Exercise 15. Find the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I heard him mention my name. 2. They believed him to be honoured by the invitation to the international congress. 3. They do not expect the President to cut taxes as he has promised. 4. We assume these truths to be self-evident. 5. The local authorities did not want their housing scheme to fail. 6. They found the experience of this conference to have been a remarkable one. 7. We want this collection of papers to interrelate theory and practice.

Exercise 16. Use the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction instead of subordinate clause.

Model: She watched how he went away. — She watched him go away.

1. She felt that her hands trembled. 2. I’ve never heard how he spoke about his life in India. 3.He saw that the secretary came in. 4. I don’t think that these people were very intelligent. 5. The two sides expect that negotiation will be long and difficult. 6. The people of the world consider that their leaders are able to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. 7. One can hardly expect that the true scientist will keep within the limits of some narrow field.

Exercise 17. Translate the sentence into English using the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction:

1. Ми б хотіли, щоб у вас була власна думка. 2. Ми хочемо, щоб він отримав хорошу освіту. 3. Вони сподівалися, що цей експеримент виявиться вдалим. 4. Вчений вважає, що це досить рідкісне явище. 5. Його політичний досвід дозволив йому об’єднати людей. 6. Я завжди вважав їх своїми друзям. 7. Ми знаємо, що Бернард Шоу був дуже дотепною людиною.

Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English using the following models:

Model A: Нехай люди вільно виражають свої думки.

Let people freely express their thoughts.

1. Нехай вони роблять нові кроки в цьому напрямку. 2. Нехай він визнає цей очевидний факт. 3. Нехай сторони обміняються думками. 4. Давайте пригадаємо (to recollect) минуле. 5. Дозвольте мені нагадати (to remind of…) вам про вашу обіцянку.

Model B: Ця заява примусила нас усвідомити наслідки їх відкриття.

This statement made us realize the consequences of their discovery.

1. Ці події примусили президента виступити з промовою. 2. Що змусило іспанців голосувати за соціалістів. 3. Ці міркування примусили нас змінити план дій. 4. Примусьте його випити ліки. 5. Вам прийдеться примусити їх пояснити свої дії.

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