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Text 7 Prefabricated building

Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

to be made up – виготовлений

cladding – зовнішня обшивка, личкування

plank – дошка

head – верхній брусок віконної, дверної коробки

stanchion casing –стійка опалубка

to fix – встановлювати, закріплювати

precast concrete – збірний бетон

pre – glazed – шліфований

lining panel – личкувальна панель

grill – решітка

skirting – плінтус

Read and translate the text:

Prefabricated building

The external walls are made up of brick cladding, wall planks, windows, doors, heads and sills, stanchion casing and inner lining panels. While the steel frame is being erected, the wall planks and floor units are fixed. At the same time, the stanchions are enclosed in casings which serve the function of resisting fire. The precast concrete floor units are capable of carrying a load of up to 5 kN/sq m. The wall planks are designed to be weatherproof and to support the outer cladding. The aluminium heads, sills and windows are then fixed from inside the building. After this, the 900 mm and 1800 mm wide external doors are installed. These doors are either aluminium framed and pre-glazed or hardwood framed and glazing is done on site. Finally, the internal sills and lining panels are installed. These form a cavity for the heating and electrical services. A grill underneath the sill, together with an air intake at skirting level enables air to circulate up past the finned heating element. The lining panels are capable of being removed to give access to the services.

Exercise 1

Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word – combinations:

floor units, after this, resisting fire, hardwood framed, heating services, the external walls, to 8 be capable of carrying, to be designed, external doors, finally, to be installed, together with, at skirting level, to give access, finned heating element, to be made up of, inside the building.

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences to match the idea in brackets:

  1. The external walls… (structure).

  2. The wall planks and floor units… (time).

  3. The stanchion casings… (function).

  4. The precast concrete floor units… (ability).

  5. The wall planks … (function).

  6. The external doors… (measurement).

  7. The glazing of the hardwood framed doors… (location).

  8. The internal sills and lining panels… (function).

  9. The grill… (location).

10. The grill and air intake… (function).

11. The lining panels… (ability).

Exercise 3

What’s the English for:

зовнішні стіни в той же час

підтримувати підвіконня

бетонна підлога опалення

цегла навантаження

рама, коробка підпідвіконня

повітрязбірник циркулювати

бути переміщеним будівельний майданчик

Exercise 4

Answer the questions:

  1. What are the external walls made up?

  2. When are the wall planks and floor units fixed?

  3. What serves the function of resisting fire?

  4. How are the wall planks designed?

  5. Why are the lining panels capable of being removed?