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1. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту.

Частина 1.

  1. Are there many mechanisms in the engine room?


  1. Is the main engine a diesel one?


  1. How many boilers are there in the engine room?


  1. Are they fire-tube?


  1. Are there diesel generators, auxiliary motors and pumps in the engine room?


  1. Where is the Central Control Station?


Частина 2.

  1. Have you got deck equipment on your ship?


  1. What deck equipment have you got on your ship?


  1. What mooring equipment have you got?


  1. What anchor handling equipment have you got?


2. Перефразуйте такі речення, використовуючи конструкцію there is\there are:

Зразок: Our ship has two cranes.

There are two cranes on our ship.

  1. Our ship has 5 holds.


  1. We have two lifeboats on the ship.


  1. We have one main engine in the engine room.


  1. Our ship has many cabins.


  1. The engine room has two boilers.


3. Складіть речення використовуючи конструкцію.

Зразок: 2 cranes \ ship

There are 2 cranes on the ship.

  1. heavy – lift derrick \ deck


  1. 4 winches \ ship


  1. 3 oil pumps \ tanker


  1. 2 windlasses \ ship


  1. 4 lifeboats \ boat deck


  1. 2 capstans \ ship


4. Дайте відповідь “Yes” або “No” на такі питання:

  1. Are there many auxiliary motors on your ship?


  1. Is there a water-tube in the engine room?


  1. Are there many pumps on your ship?


  1. Are there two diesel generators in the engine room?


  1. Is there the main switch board in the Central Control Station?


5. Дайте відповідь, поставивши іменник в дужках у присвійному відмінку:

Зразок: Whose (чий) cabin is this? – (Chief Engineer)

It is the Chief Engineer’s cabin.

  1. Whose hammer is this? – (bosun)


  1. Whose wife is this? – (master)


  1. What messroom is this? – (ratings)


  1. Whose life jacket is this? – (Chief Officer)


  1. Whose seaman’s book is this? – (cook)


6. Розкажіть про машинне обладнання на вашому судні.








7. Розкажіть про палубне обладнання на вашому судні.








Lesson 5

Watch keeping in the engine room.

Несіння вахти в машинному відділенні.

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