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7. Regulation of advertising. Do you believe that offensive advertisements should be withdrawn?

Indeed there are cases where advertisers and their agencies seem to deliberately flout the rules so they can benefit from the ensuing publicity. This problem had become so bad in poster advertising in 1998. Normally tobacco advertising is the only ad that has to go through the procedure of regulation. Sony Computer Entertainment was one of the first to have to abide by this new rule. It is difficult to decide the question about the whole notion what is and what is not offensive. For example for someone a cow talking about becoming a hamburger is fine, but nuns wearing jeans are offensive. The right decision is if the adviser takes reasonable steps to limit the appearance of offensive things.

What is acceptable varies from country to country. For example tobacco advertising is allowed in Greece but banned in France and Sweden.

8. Is it possible to grab public attention without hype and outdoor advertising?

We all desire attention everywhere – in class, in public life, in family and even when we are alone, we often look in the mirror to pay attention at some features, clothes or just smile at ourselves.

So this is a natural phenomenon that people, especially who are working with public life and people, try to grab as more attention as they can. Often they become obsessed with it and conceited (тщеславный)

In modern life these happenings are boost with media- politicians can’t work without media and all we know from public people comes from media. Media includes advertising and it all is called PR, when a person or personality is advertised in media.

To my mind, nowadays it’s very hard to grab attention without help of media. But of course it’s possible. Everything is possible. Cult leaders, good workers/professors/students often are supported by rumors, talks, and they don’t depend on advertising. But, if you want to achieve something in public life, you can not go without media. That’s a fact we should take into consideration every time we deal with social life.

9. Preparing your training environment.

Obviously, it’s necessary to create welcoming and comfortable training environment for a training session. The room can say how much time you took to get ready for the participants.

First of all, there are 4 main points that should be settled: when is the training (day,time,etc), where will it be (address, phone numbers…), what kind of training will it be and what will you need, who are the participants and who is the key planner?

Besides, you should think over room arrangements. The most important of them are:

  • Size: Remember that a room that is too large can be as bad as one that may be too small.

  • Accessible: Ensure that the room is accessible to all, including those who have limited mobility.

  • +Convenience: accessible restrooms, telephones, snacks, lunch accommodations.

  • Distractions: It’s better to select a room that is free of distractions and noise.

  • Seating: Select a location that provides comfortable, moveable chairs.

  • Furniture: Don't allow too much space between the table from which you will present and the front participant row. It closes the distance between you and the trainees both physically and emotionally. One more thing: Don't forget the wastebasket!

  • Lighting: Lighting should be adequate. Know where light switches are located (без этого не проживешь))

  • Workable walls: there shouldn’t be any annoying or too bright and inappropriate posters or pictures on the walls. They can be obstractions.

  • Climate control: Determine where the thermostat is located and whether you have any control over it.

  • Microphone: If you have a large room or a large group or the room has poor acoustics or you have a tiny voice, you may need a microphone. Check the room to ensure it is wired for a microphone.

BUT! You will never be able to please everyone in your session! It is very difficult to follow all of these points. Maybe, sometimes, there is no use of complicating everything. The most essential thing – is warm and friendly atmosphere, which can be created just by a smile or a good, relevant joke 

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