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6. How is advertising differentiated according to gender stratification?

The word gender describes the state of being male, female, or neither. Some languages have a system of grammatical gender (also known as noun classes). In social sciences, the word "gender" is sometimes used in contrast to biological sex, to emphasise a social, cultural or psychological dimension (измерение, объем). The discipline of gender studies investigates the nature of sex and gender in a social context.

The basic differences:




Adult males are more likely to be diagnosed with tuberculosis; more likely to suffer from cancer.

live longer, on average, than men; twice as likely to be blind

Overall rates of mental illness are similar for men and women


more inclined to risky behavior than females;

more physically aggressive

express their emotions more readily;

60-75% of women prefer feeling


On average men perform better on tests of mathematical ability

perform better on tests of verbal ability and memory.

Most studies show no significant difference in the average IQ for men and women


tend to talk more than women in public situations

Boys and men tend to jump from topic to topic

are more likely to listen silently

tend to talk more than men at home

inclined to face each other and make eye contact when talking; Are inclined to express agreement and support

In general both sexes communicate in similar ways


Men are happier with their family life

Overall, women are happier than men with their lives


More men than women work in the following industries: mining, construction, transportation and utilities, farming, computer and mathematical occupations, engineering, and architecture. Men are far more likely than women to be chief executives, firefighters, police and patrol officers, electricians, dentists, and surgeons

Women account for more than half of all workers in the following industries: financial activities, education services, healthcare, leisure and hospitality, and office and administrative support. Women are far more likely than men to be social workers, paralegals and legal assistants, teachers, nurses, etc.


Worldwide, men are more likely to be literate

Women made up 57% of all college students in the US


ales are much more likely to die by suicide than females

Females are more likely to attempt suicide

Internet use

Men are more likely to be broadband users

Women are more likely to e-mail friends and family about a variety of topics

Marriage and sexuality

Men are older, on average, when they marry

Women tend to marry at a younger age

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