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шпора по фонетике.doc
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1. Phonetics as a science. Its branches and methods.

the Greek word “ta fonetika”, meaning the science of the voice. it is a branch of linguistics like the other branches such as lexicology and grammar. It studies the spoken aspect of languages and its subject is a scientific analysis of the entire system of oral means of expressing thoughts and emotions of the speaker. Analysis – breaking words into phonemes, studying their allophones and then grammatically significant stress and sound changes.

The production, description and classification of speech sounds is called articulatory phonetics. Method of investigation is the method of direct observation and various instrumental techniques: observing the movements and positions of one’s organs of speech in pronouncing various speech sounds. objective methods: methods of photography, laryngoscopy, x-ray photography.

the acoustic aspect of speech sounds is called acoustic phonetics or experimental phonetics. laboratory equipment is used, such as a spectrograph, an oscillograph and intonograph.

functional branch. the study of the linguistic aspect of speech sounds. It is called functional because of the role speech sounds play in the functioning of language.

the functional aspect of speech sounds is called phonology. the analysis of the semantic functions of the phonemes, syllables, stress and intonation. the method of commutation: is a part of a more general method of distributional analysis. This method studies all the positions and combinations in which each speech sound

2. Phonetics as a science. Its Aspects.

the Greek word “ta fonetika”, meaning the science of the voice. it is a branch of linguistics like the other branches such as lexicology and grammar. It studies the spoken aspect of languages and its subject is a scientific analysis of the entire system of oral means of expressing thoughts and emotions of the speaker. Analysis – breaking words into phonemes, studying their allophones and then grammatically significant stress and sound changes.

There are 4 aspects:1) articulatory 2)auditory 3)acoustic 4) functional. Neither can be separated from the each other but each of them can be singled out for purposes of linguistic analyses & a separate object of investigation which leads to the division of phonetics as a science into several branches/ each of these br-s of phonetics has its own methods of investigation & its own terminology.

From the articulatory point of view every speech sound - complex of definite movement & position of speech organs. All necessary to pronounce a speech sound constitute its articulation.

Speech sound has 2nd aspect : a physical or acoustic one. a speech sound is a physical phenomena a kind of moving energy.

The 3rd auditory aspect of any sound is inseparable from its acoustic aspect & both may be considered together. Although the terms applied to these aspects should be components.

Functional aspect. Phonemes, syllables, stress and intonation are linguistic phenomena, meaningful units (morphemes, words, word-forms, utterances). Sounds of speech perform linguistic functions.