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Every country is special. What comes to your mind, when you think of the uk and its people?

Every country is special, but England (or Great Britain, or the United Kingdom, or just the UK) is especially unusual and interesting country. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the state which includes (consists of) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The different parts of Britain have their own emblems. The red rose is the national emblem of England. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. The daffodil and the leek are the emblems of Wales. And the shamrock is the national emblem of Ireland. When I imagine the UK, I think about London, the capital of England and the UK. .London is associated for me with its beautiful sights. I have never been to London, but I've read a lot about it. The main things that come to my mind about London, are such places as Buckingham Palace - the official residence of the Queen; Westminster Cathedral and Westminster Abby, where many kings and queens and also a lot of famous writers, poets, actors, musitions are berried; beautiful St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London, which has been a palace, a mint, a prison and now it is a museum. Imagine about London, I also think about its wonderful museums and art galleries, for example London National Picture Gallery or Madam Tussaud's museum of waxworks. Another famous place, which is always associated with England, is Stonehenge. Every year thousands of people go to Stonehenge to take part in summer Druid festival. The universities in Oxford and Cambridge are well known all over the world. They were founded in the 12-th and 13-th centuries. A lot of young people from Russia study there. The British nation is very interesting and unusual. English people are famous for their politeness, reserve, great love for animals and sports and their fine sense of humor. British people keep their old traditions carefully and are very proud of them. The traditional love of English people for tea is well-known. They have their five o'clock tea not only at home or in the office, but also in special tea-rooms or tea-shops which are in every town. Other traditional features of Great Britain are numerous clubs, pubs, beer halls, where Englishmen like to spend their time talking and discussing traditional matters: politics, sports, weather. Keeping the traditions for centuries, English people bring some stability into(their life) rapidly changing world. .It's my great dream to visit England and to see the country with my own eyes.

Books in our life.

Nowadays it’s almost impossible to imagine our life without books. Perhaps, there are more books on our planet than men alive. Long before the invention of printing people valued books as treasure troves of the human knowledge and experience. Hand-written manuscripts took months of writing and were collected by and kept in monasteries with utmost care. We can distinguish books between three classes of them. Firstly, books on different branches of knowledge, works by brilliant minds of mankind. Secondly, textbooks, reference books and numerous dictionaries. And at last, books of all kinds and genres to read at leisure.

Classics should be taken a little at a time. One’s understanding of books by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, Maupassant and Balzac depends on one’s age and experience. Serious books are to be read conscientiously and may be more than once. To a thinking reader they will provide new food for thought every time he rereads it. Many people indulge in reading science fiction, fantasy or detective stories. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of this kind of literature, often referred to as “easy reading”. As for me, good science fiction and fantasy develop imagination, logical thinking, broader one’s outlook. The same could be said in favour of detective stories. They reveal such minute details of everyday life in this or that particular country that are of greatest interest for a curious reader. The masterpieces of this genre by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and others, show the depths of psychological analysis, the insight into the human nature.

An old saying goes, man cannot live on bread alone. Books are the source of knowledge and the means of self-perfection. Sometimes it is difficult to solve some problems in life. I think that books can help us. Books must be our friends during all our life.


Everyone have spare time. The time when person can do everything he/she like or interested in. Some people prefer to spend their free time slipping at home, watching TV or listening radio; others like hiking, travelling, getting with friends, visiting galleries, and cinemas or gathering something. The things which people like to do in their spare time are called hobbies. Hobbies can be different. They divide in to 2 sorts. The first it is when person prefer doing something for example watching TV or travailing. The second hobby is gathering marks corns audio or video cassettes. As for me I like to gather DVD discs. I get a lot of pleasure Gathering discs with music which I like. I relax then I listen to music, not all certainly. Also it is interesting for me to go travel & walk with my friends often visited new places & it is very exiting. We like to visited converters, listen to our favourite music Also I interested with computers I like to play computers games making programmers but most of all I enjoy with Internet. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in Chats programmers in Internet where people from all over the world met and talk about news music, books and many other interesting things. Some times Hobby became a profession. For example I have a friend, he’s hobby is music and she wanted to be pianist .For all people hobby is something which relax and entertain them. They help people to have a rest. Without hobbies lives of many people will be dale and uniform